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The jurisprudence of Alms; its concept, legislation, conditions, the kinds of wealth which apply to alms, the relationship between alms, tax and ways of spending alms. The course also discusses the Jurisprudence of Hajj (pilgrimage): its concept, legislat
second year
The course tackles the historical background about establishing the rules of Fiqh in the Islamic cage of Fiqh. The importance of rules in understanding sub-rules. Explaining each rule with illustrative examples.        
Introduction to jurisprudence doctrines; their founders and their methods of deduction; definition of Fiqh; purity; ablution; washing; types of water; menses; prayers; prayer of  travelers, Friday prayer, prayers of feasts; prayer of the sick; funeral prayer. Jurisprudence of  Fasting; definition; pillars of  fasting; its time; I'tikaf,                                                          definition and conditions.
This course aims to discuss certain new issues in worship, which were not discussed before. It aims also to give the student the skills how to deal with these issues according to Jurists' manners in reasoning, and to see modern Scholars' manners in producing legislations for new issues in worship jurisprudence according to their rules which depend on texts and reasoning.
This course discusses the concept of jurisprudence theories, their history, development, and the main works on them. It aims also to discuss some of these theories, such as: Theory of right and the exceeding in using right, the theory of urgent circumstances, the theory of contract responsibility, the theory of contract and its effect, the theory of the intention in contracts and the bases of ruling in Islam.
Introduction to Islamic Fiqh; defining Islam; sources of  legislation; properties of Islamic legislation; relationships between Islam and other religions; features and history of Islamic Fiqh; schools of Fiqh; introduction to some Scholars.
Introduction to Fiqh; definition, topics of Fiqh, goals of Fiqh; development; methods of writing and its classified books; rules (judgments); sources of  rules (judgments); the Qur'an, the Sunna, and the Prophet's deeds.
This course aims to introduce the concepts, expressions and the sources of education, the relationship between Islam and education, the difference between Islamic education and other theories of education, particularly in the goals, characteristics and philosophy. It also discusses the styles and manners of Islamic education, and the qualities of the good teacher.
The jurisprudence of Alms; its concept, legislation, conditions, the kinds of wealth which apply to alms, the relationship between alms, tax and ways of spending alms. The course also discusses the Jurisprudence of Hajj (pilgrimage): its concept, legislation and rules. This covers its time, kinds of Hajj, to do hajj instead of others, and the rules of Omrah.
This course aims to give a general introduction to lawful and prohibition matters, the definitions, legislation and rules of Oaths, Vows atonements, sacrifice in Islam, hunting, banning, ‘Aqiqah and permitting.
This course aims to give the student an introduction to transaction (mu'amalat or mu'awadat) in Islam; selling and its regulations and conditions; choices and their conditions; illegal selling; profit making; usury and its conditions; renting; mortgage bails. It is also discusses companies and participations in Islam, kinds of companies, contracts of irrigation and agriculture.
This course explains the concept of state, its modern pillars, people who are liable to be consulted, loyalty, election, constitution reforming, loyal state, political liability, legislative policy, the supremacy of Islamic legislation, the styles of authority, the restrictions on the state, the constitutional punishment regarding those who rule the state.
This course includes the definition of personal status rules, the marriage contract (its concept, importance, effects), the methods of canceling the  marriage contract (divorce, khal', separating by judgment because of  apostasy or breast-feeding or disagreement between husbands... etc.  The course also includes the influences of 
                       canceling the marriage contract, such as: 'iddah, descent, breast- 
                        feeding, nursing and payment.
This course highlights the rules of Fiqh; the effects of the legal rules, the indications (their obvious or obscure words, the implicit and explicit indications, the text and the concept, the general and special indications).
This course includes the introduction to the foundations of jurisprudence, the legal evidences which scholars agreed or disagreed on them, the Islamic general rules, and the linguistic fundamental bases of jurists.
The course aims to discuss nearly (15) different rules which were mentioned in the Qur’an or Sunnah, such as abrogation, the rules connected to Opening Chapter, reciting the Qur’an behind the Imam, rules of respecting parents, giving Fatwa, pictures and statutes, rules of limiting sight, marriage of disbelievers and the people of the book, and some rules of jihad (struggle).
Money orders and their conditions; reconciliation and its regulations; waqf and its regulations; donations and their regulations; farming partnership.
Definition of Islamic economics; significance, objectives, sources, charactersitcs of Islamic economy, economic problem and how to be handled, economic doctrine in Islam, possession in islam (types, system), possession restriction, possession  duties, financial system and sources, protection of Islamic economy and protection of Islamic economy systems (hiba, weights and measures control judiciary and police).
The course tackles the history of the Jordanian civil law, its sources, aims and its general directions. It discusses also the personal rights and obligations; theory of general commitment; definition; naming, status in civil law; sources of commitment and their classification; voluntary and obligatory sources; contract and its effects; cancellation; illegal work; types of responsibility illegal wealth; the law and its relationship with the four sources.
This course shows the development of the political society from past to present, the schools of understanding international relations, the aims of war, the different jurist schools regarding how to deal with state authority, the division of the world into Islam home and call home or Islam home and war home, rules of killing and fighting, civilians’ rules and rights, war effects, withdraw rules and conditions, contracts in Islam and their kinds and influences.
The course discusses the rules of Wills: their conditions, cancellation, different Kinds; inheritance: its kinds and distribution according to Islamic legislation.
The course clarifies the general principles of punishment legislation in Islam, Kinds of penalties in Islam and conditions of  each: Hudud crimes, Qisas. Ta'zir; individual rights and public restriction.
The course discusses the perception of Islamic methodology in handling contemporary issues, knowledge of legal judgment of contemporary financial treatments forms such as insurance and profitability, linking the Juristic discretion with our contemporary economic issues, supporting the Islamic economic theory in face of others, characteristics of treatment system in Islam, Islamic methodology in treating new issues, study of certain contemporary problems in the financial treatments, i,e: moral rights such as: copyright and goodwill, commercial insurance and its Islamic alternative, profitability for purchasing commander, partnership ending possession, letters of deposits and financial papers (1. Bank notes: issue and alteration of value.  2. Shares, securities and cheques. 3. Drafts and goodwill. 
The course clarifies the definition of the Judiciary System in Islam; conditions and properties Of the judge; arbitration; judging by default; independence of the Judiciary system in Islam; witness; written documents.
The course tackles the definition of judgment as one of the Islamic systems, the relation between it and other foundations of state, its stages of Judicature from the Prophetic era till our new era.
This course tackles the meaning of scientific manner, its importance for academic research, the general manners and styles of research, the conditions of the research in jurisprudence and its foundations, the practical ways to achieve the research, the edition styles, the scope of research in jurisprudence, and the best authentication way in such research.
This course discusses the main bases of the system of judgment, the definition of the foundations of legislative judgment and its specializations, the form of courts in Jordan, conditions of appointing judges, bases of judgment in legislative courts, kinds of decisions and how to appeal against them.
The course deals with the introduction to comparative Jurisprudence; reasons of disagreement and agreement among Fiqh Scholars. Ijtihad (Rule Deduction or reasoning): definition, conditions, status. Imitation: definition, transfer from one doctrine to another. Ifta' (Passing Judgments): properties of Mufti.
This course includes these subjects to be discussed from the books of the foundations of jurisprudence: reasoning, imitation, contradiction and preference.
This course sheds light on the disagreement in the legal rulings and its reasons, a brief study to the most important maxims of usul al-Fiqh (i.e. principles of Islamic jurisprudence), the consequences of the disagreement in these maxims on causing disagreement in the legal rulings, the legal maxims which relate to the ways of the meaning of the expressions, the maxims which concern the meaning of the expressions in terms of being comprehensive and not, the maxims of command and forbid, the maxims which relate to the noble Qur'an and their impact on the legal rulings, the maxims which relate to the Sunnah and their impact on the legal rulings, the consensus and analogy and their effect on the legal rulings, and the sources of Islamic jurisprudence in which there is a disagreement between the scholars and the consequences of this agreement on the legal rulings.