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This Course has a multifaceted direction, in which the student is introduced to the concepts of health promotion, maintenance and health restoration of different age–group. Attention will be given to the implementation of the nursing process in the care for healthy children and their families as well as children with different health problem
2013/2014 first semester, 2013/2014 second semester, 2014/2015 first semester, 2014/2015 second semester, 2015/2016 first semester, 2015/2016 second semeter2016/2017 First semester:Second semester 2016-17, First Semester 2017-18, Second Semester 2017-18
This course focuses on providing the students with essential clinical training that enables them to provide holistic health and nursing care for children and adolescence with different age groups and their families.
2013/2014 first semester,  2013/2014 second semester, 2014/2015 first semester, 2014/2015 second semester, 2015/2016 first semester, 2015/2016 second semeter, 2016/2017 First semester:Second semester 2016-17, First Semester 2017-2018
This course introduces the student to the history, current issues and problems influencing nursing practice and education and possible approaches in dealing with them. Discussion of recent trends in nursing services and nursing education and their possible application to the nursing profession will be covered.
2015/2016 first semester, 2015/2016 second semeser
This course is designed to introduce the student to the main concepts that are related to growth and development of children, adolescents, adults and elderly. It focuses on the biological, psychosocial, cognitive and spiritual characteristics of each developmental stage. The course will introduce the student to the strategies that can be used to help the individuals of specific developments period to attain optimal health. The framework of the course will be based on the concept of health maintenance and promotion.
2015/2016 first semester, 2015/2016 second semeser, first and second semester 2016-17, first semester 2017-18
يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطلبة بالمهارات والمعارف الأساسية التي تساعدهم في التعرف على الإصابات والحوادث والتدخل وفقا لذلك في موقع الحادث. كما أنها تزود الطلبة بالمهارات اللازمة لتقييم الحوادث الطارئة وتنفيذ إجراءات الإسعافات الأولية التي من شأنها منع المزيد من المضاعفات باستخدام المصادر المتاحة حتى يتم نقل المصاب/المريض إلى المستشفى.
2013/2014 first semester, 2015/2016 first semester
This course introduces to child health issues, on global as well as regional and national levels. It presents child health related international treaties. It discusses child heath indicators and major services provided to children in different age groups. The course analyses the magnitude, character and trends in global child health problems with a special emphasis on low- and middle-income countries. The course will focus on priority setting in order to address these child health challenges
2014/2015 first semester
This course aims at providing clinical opportunity for the fourth year nursing student in the last year of study to reinforce and integrate clinical skills, attitudes and knowledge acquired during the course of study. The student will practice under the supervision of a preceptor in different clinical areas with the guidance and indirect supervision of a faculty member. In the final semester of the fourth year, the students will work on daily full shift practice in one of the health care institutions.
2014/2015 second semester,  2015/2015 second semester, second semester 2017-18
يهدف هذا المساق الى تزويد الطالب بالمعلومات والمهارات الاساسية لتعزيز مفهوم الصحة الشاملة والوقاية من الامراض المزمنة حيث انه يزود الطالب بمعلومات علمية حديثة عن العادات الصحية الايجابية في المجتمع لممارستها في حياة الفرد والاسرة والمجتمع والعادات الصحية السلبية للوقاية منها ومكافحتها، ويولي هذا المساق أهمية للمواضيع الصحية ذات الصلة والتي تهم الشباب من طلبة الجامعة مثل: التدخين، السمنة، السرطان، السكري، الصحة النفسية، تنظيم الاسرة، تغيرات المراهقة، الأمومة الآمنة، الاستعداد للزواج، والنوع الاجتماعي واضافة الى مواضيع اخرى تهتم بصحة الفرد والاسرة والمجتمع
Second semester 2017-18