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1.  Participation in the following courses:
1) Protected Horticulture, prof. Ferdinando Pimpini;
2) Industrial Olericulture, Prof. Giorgio Prosdocimi Gianquinto;
3) General Agronomy, Prof. Leuigi Giardini;
4) Statistical and Experimental Methods in Agriculture, prof. Giuseppe Zanin;
5) Integrated Biological Control, prof. Vincenzo Girolami;
6) Physiology of Cultivated Plants, prof. Giovanni Ferrari;
7) Agricultural Ecology, prof. Franco Viola;
8) Control of Agricultural Pollution, prof. Rossella Ghisi.
2.  Participation in all seminars, related to my study that held at the faculty of agriculture in Bologna, 1994 at in Padua, 1995 – 1998.
3. The following 4 seminars have been held:
1) 4/4/1996, At the Faculty of Agriculture in Padoua “Application of Agronomic Techniques on Horticultural species in Protective Plastic Houses. Some Quantitative and Qualitative aspects of production and reflect on the Environment".
2) 6/5/1997, in CNR of ROMAFurther results about influence of Nitrogen fertilizer and Irrigation levels on Prunus laurocerasus L.”.
3) 10/10/1997, At the Faculty of Agriculture in Padova “Ecophysiological aspects of nitrogen fertilization and other agronomic factors over   onion ( Allium cepa L.) and ornamental shrubs ( Prunus laurocerasus L.) cultivated under protective conditions”.  Presentation of the Work and the primer results of doctorate thesis.
4) 20/2/1998, At the Faculty of Agriculture in Padova “Ecophysiological  aspects  of  nitrogen fertilization  and other  agronomic factors  over   onion ( Allium cepa L.) and ornamental shrubs ( Prunus laurocerasus L.) cultivated under protective conditions”. Discussion of final results of doctorate thesis
a. Faculty Committees
1.   Social and University committee.
2.   Society committee.
3. University farm committee.
4. Committee for "the first Royal Agricultural Exhibition", 1985.
5. Organizing committee for the first national symposium on horti- culture in Jordan and the neighbouring countries, 1989.
6. Editing committee for the Agricultural Calender, 1989.
7. Equipments and materials committee.
8. Environment and safety committee.
9. Quality standards committee.
b. Depatment Committees
1.   Social and University committee.
2.   Society committee.
3. Equipments and materials committee.
4. Publications committee.
5. Study plan committee.
6. Seminars committee.
7. Environment and safety committee.
8. Development of courses description committee.
9. لجنة تقييم المادة التعليمية وآداء اعضاء الهيئة التدريسية
التعاون مع الاستاذ الدكتور محمد صوان
التعاون مع الأستاذ الدكتور بركات ابورميلة في تققيم
التعاون مع الأستاذ الدكتور بركات ابورميلة والأستاذ الدكتور فهمي شتات في تققيم
مع الأستاذ الدكتور بركات ابورميلة والدكتور مازن عكاوي
بالتعاون مع الدكتور جمال عياد والنشرات قيد الكتابة.
 داخل وخارج الجامعة للعام الحالي 2006/2007
 داخل وخارج الجامعة للعام الحالي 2006/2007