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Dr. Ibrahim Aljazy's Cv 2013
- (2011 – 2012)- Amman _Government of Jordan
Prime Ministry- ( Draft legal opinions for the Government of Jordan for any matter referred to my by the Prime Minister or Council of Ministers) .
-(2012)- Amman -Government of Jordan
Ministry of Justice
- (2011-2012)-Amman - Retired Army Officers Foundation-(Presiding over Board which runs a number of investments and factories for the retired officers and veterans. )
- (2011-2012)-Amman-Joint Procurements Department- (Main role of this foundation is to purchase medicine and medical supplies for Government of Jordan. )
- (2011) -Amman-University Of Jordan
Faculty of Law
-(2003-2011)-Amman - University of Jordan-(Drafting and examining all the legal work of the university such as agreements, tenders, by-laws and contracts.)
-July/2003 – Date:- Amman -( Aljazy & Co. – Advocates and Legal Consultants) - ( Our firm provides legal services in all areas of law including public and private law. The firm was involved in a number of international law oriented cases and currently we represent the World Conservation Union.  )
-Oct. /2002 – Date- Amman- University of Jordan Hospital-( Representing the Hospital in all cases before Jordanian courts and provide the hospital with legal advice. )
-July/02-May/03: - Amman -   University of Jordan-(Examining, studying and drafting the terms of tender documents. )      
-2002 – Dec 2010- Amman -University of Jordan-(Teaching and tutoring undergraduate and graduate students in both Arabic and English in international law subjects including the following courses: Environmental Law, Human Rights, Humanitarian Law, Democracy, Public International Law, Methods of Disputes Resolution, Diplomacy and American Foreign Policy.)
-June/01 –Oct/02:-Amman - Amman Private University,
Jordan- (Teaching and tutoring undergraduate students in Human Rights Law and Public International Law.)
-April/01 – Oct/02- Amman - Al-Jazy Shipping & Forwarding-(Responsible for communicating with international clients including prestigious entities such as the Crown Agents of UK.)
-Jan/95 - July/95- London- (North Africa Team)-(Examing and )translating all relevant complaints submitted to Amnesty International.
-Aug/93-Geneva-United Nations- (Assisting the Chairman of the Sub-Committee in research related to minorities.) .
-Apr/93 – Aug/95-Amman-Al-Jazy Shipping & Forwarding- (Responsible for communicating with international clients including prestigious entities such as the Crown Agents of UK.)