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تتناول هذه المادة مباحث الحكم الشرعي والحاكم والمحكوم عليه وعوارض الأهلية ، ومباحث الدلالات وأنواعها ومراتبها وكيفية الاستدلال بها في النصوص التشريعية .
الفصل الصيفي 2008, الفصل الأول و الفصل الثاني 2009-2010
تتناول هذه المادة علم أصول الفقه والتعريف به وبغاياته وعلاقته بعلوم الشريعة ، ومراحل تطوره التاريخية ، والمدارس الأصولية المتكونة ، وما تفرع عنها من اجاهات وسلاسل علمية ، مع التعريف بأهم مصادر العلم ، وقضاياه الأساسية ، ونماذج مختارة منها .
الفصل الاول و الفصل الثاني 2008-2009,الفصل الأول و الفصل الثاني 2009-2010
تتناول هذه المادة مباحث من علم أصول الفقه متمثلة بـ : تعريفه ونشأته ومراحل تدوينه ، ومن ثمة البحث في مصادر الأحكام : المتفق عليها ، والمختلف في حجيتها من حيث تعريفها وأقسام كل مصدر وشروطه ، وأهم المسائل الأصولية والتشريعية المتعلقة بمصادر الأحكام  
الفصل الثاني 2007-2008 , الفصل الاول و الفصل الثاني 2008-2009 , الفصل الاول 2009-2010
يتناول هذا المساق دراسة مجموعة من القضايا المستجدة في المعاملات المالية في المصارف الإسلامية و التأمين الإسلامي و الأسواق الإسلامية, من خلال عرض القضية المستجدة و تحليلها و عرض الإتجاهات العلمية فيها و بيان حكمها الشرعي.
الفصل الثاني 2007-2008, الفصل الاول و الفصل الثاني 2008-2009
تتناول هذه المادة التعريف بعلم الإقتصاد و اقسامه و المشكلة الإقتصادية و أهداف و مبادئ الإقتصاد الإسلامي و نظرية توزيع العوائد على عوامل الإنتاج في الإقتصاد الإسلامي. 
الفصل الثاني 2008-2009, الفصل الثاني 2009-2010
This Course discusses sales transactions in Islamic Jurisprudence (Faqih) terms, its meaning, foundations, conditions, methods of termination, liquidation, rules governing the obligations of the contract parties, contractual options and its banking applications, the most important formulas applied in Islamic banks represented by contracts: inaugural, Murabaha (financing), status, fabrication, cashing and receiving money regarding its bases, conditions, types as well as their banking applications. The course also deals with lease terms and conditions of its bases, types and applications of contemporary banking, besides conducting Wakala (Agency Contract) and magistrate with all their banking applications.
This course deals with definition of companies in Islamic Jurisprudence, its bases, conditions, types and description of Jurisprudence partnerships such as: Mudaraba (Speculation), unlimited financial dealings, agricultural companies like sharecropping, agricultural land investment and the most important applications of contemporary companies as company public shareholding, holding company and provisions of the liquidation of companies in addition to clarification of the most important manners of financing and investment partnership as dwindling participation, and financing outstanding capital.
Definition of the fundamentals of jurisprudence, the difference between jurisprudence and its origins, the origins of jurisprudence, sources of legislation: the Quran, the Sunnah, consensus, measurement, approval, custom, initiated by us, say companions, And its sections, positive judgment: definition and pillars, sections of the rule of law, sentenced, sentenced, Islamic banks and financial applications on the fundamentals of jurisprudence.
This course deals with Islamic banking marketing: general definition of Islamic banks and investment models, introduction to commercial marketing, definition of marketing in Islamic banks, marketing environment and analysis, structure of marketing units in Islamic banks, marketing mix, marketing relationship risk management, banking marketing tools and controls. Legitimacy, marketing strategies.
This course includes : "foreign Islamic banking operations": letters of guarantee, documentary credits, securities and commercial papers
This course Islamic Banks Approach such as: Reasons for their establishment, their characteristics, their objectives and the Islamic Banks bases, besides sources and utilization of the Islamic Banks in addition to types of deposits, executive procedures for operations of Islamic banks and financial products where the students learns about financing by Murabaha ( Increasing Profits), deferred sale, installment sale, Salam and equivalent sale ( payment for future contract), Istisnaa and its equivalent (Financing manufacturing commodity), financing by Musharaha (partnership), financing by Murabah (Increasing Profits), shares including their collection, mortgagee and deducting plus finance lease types and applications as will as paid agency's operations and real estate financing in which the student will learn about the applicable procedures and forms in each .
This course covers the theoretical framework of financial accounting in banks, the definition of accounting, its functions and fields, its branches, the objectives of financial accounting for Islamic banks, the objectives of financial reports and the qualitative characteristics of accounting information, the accounting system in banks, the elements of the banking accounting system and the features and objectives of the banking accounting system. Bank accounts and their types, and financial accounting in Islamic banks according to the standards of accounting, auditing and controls for Islamic financial institutions, and the definition of the Accounting and Auditing Authority and the Board of Accounting, Auditing and And accounting for the measurement and distribution of profits in Islamic banks in terms of the concept of profit in language and jurisprudence, economics and accounting, and the conditions and controls of profit and the basis of profits in Islamic banks, the rules of measurement and distribution of profits in Islamic banks and the calculation of the preparation and distribution of profits Between shareholders and investors.
This course includes : - Financial transactions: characteristics, types, sources. - Ownership: the truth, types, reasons for acquisition. - Contract in Islamic Jurisprudence: its definition, its rules, its types, its pillars (the contract, the shop, the formula). - Disadvantages of will: error, injustice, jealousy, fraud, coercion. - Options: Council, condition, defect, vision. - Raba: definition, rule, illness, types, origins. -Sharf: definition, rule, and conditions. - Selling in the Islamic jurisprudence: definition, Arkana, Cairo, sales of the Secretariat, sales interest, false sales, selling suspended and added, the sale of the detainee, sale of ribbons, sale of peace and Istisna. - Ijara: its rule, pillars, ribbons, types, extinction, and effects. - Aljala: definition, pillars, ribbons .
Scientific research, definition, types, tools, methods, how to write scientific research in Islamic finance.