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force systems , equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies, structres, distributed force , beams, friction , moment of inertia and virtual work
scalars and vector, force component , moments, resultants. rigid and deformable bodies, equilibrium , types of support , free body diagram, structure , trusses , beams, method of joints and method of section , shear and bending moment diagram , distributed forces , centroids. second moment of area
structural form, type of support, stabililty and determincy , reactions, determinate structure , plane trusses, mrthod of joint , method of section,space trusses, share and momet diagram for beam and frams.
properites of concrete and steel, working stress design, allowable stresses, cracked and uncracked section,strength design,stress block,singly and doubly Reinforced  sections, rectangular,T-section and other shape.
includes tests for a number of construction materials, especially concrete, concrete materials, aggregates in general, hollow blockes , bricks, asbestos, tiles, in addition to concrete mixes and casting concrete
introduction of Earthquake Engineering,origin and characteristics of Earthquake , introduction to structure dynamic , vibration characteristic of buliding, period and mode shapes, respone spectrum,Earthquake induced forces and displacements.
Mathematical preliminaries, Computer precision, loss of significance, error propagation, interpolating polynomials,numerical differentiation and integration, numerical soulation (ODF),initial and boundary values
Graduate Level
Graduate Level
Graduate Level
Design of Steel Structures by LRFD Method: Beams, Columns, Beam-Column Members, Joints and Connections
Graduate Level
Design of Solid and Ribbed Slabs, Slender Columns, Stairs, and Walls, Footings
Analysis of Indeterminate Structures due to Different Types of Loadings: Beams, Frames, and Trusses.
Graduate Level
Graduate Level
Graduate Level