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About Me

I have recently joined the department of Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacy. I have been awarded my PhD last summer in June 2013. I am currently an assistant professor in Clinical Pharmacy and Health economics. I finished my undergraduate degree in Pharmacy and master degree in clinical Pharmacy form the Faculty of Pharmacy, university of Jordan in 2007 and 2010. My master degree was a research based degree and my thesis was awarded the prize of the best thesis in health faculties for the year of 2010 by the faculty of post graduate studies, the university of Jordan. Over my master degree she acquired clinical, evidence based practice and pharmaceutical care skills. I have also practiced in community settings as a senior pharmacist over 18 months acquiring patient educating, counseling and dispensing skills. My research interest started with my master work in evaluating a pharmaceutical care intervention in a teaching setting through a controlled randomised design . My master thesis has contributed to two publications. My PhD work was a chance to extend my experience in UK clinical settings developing and evaluating health interventions aim to improve patient care and outcomes. I pursued to assess the cost effectiveness and cost implications of a pharmacy led intervention at hospital settings. This aimed to promote a health decision concerning with maximising patient health gains in an environment of health budget constrains. My PhD work contributed to one comprehensive NHS report, two full papers. The latter are under peer review. Her PhD work was presented in 5 UK and international conferences.