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This course aims at introducing students to the administrative concepts in public organization, their nature of work, and their effectiveness as a development tool. It also discusses problems facing managers and solutions, and skills needed for solving the problems of public organizations. In other words, the course aims to identify and understand the use of information technology in business in order to create and sustain competitive advantage; be more efficient in operations; make more effective decisions; and to transform the organization to remain viable in the marketplace.
First & Second Years
General concepts of the office and office management systems, designing and organizing the office works, a concentration on the general application of automation concepts to the modern workplace, automation and the office works modeling, the application of office automation tools and techniques in the computerized office, the communication and messaging systems, electronic meeting and managerial reporting systems, document and filling management systems, a practical use of the most available office automation applications, the important role of end user computing in commercial organizations.
Second & Third Years
The impact of Information Technology (IT) on organizations in general, and on new organization structures and control systems that are enabled by IT, IT role in managing the organization transformation process, inter-organizational systems and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), IT role in changing organization boundaries and market practice, management and strategic issues raised by the introduction of new Information Technologies (ITs), IT and managerial effectiveness, emerging Information Technologies (ITs) such as virtual reality and multimedia, assessing the potential strategic uses of IT, organization and leadership issues like the role of information officers, IT and global enterprises and future technologies, applications, and organizations.
Third & Fourth Years
This course aims at introducing students to the fundamentals of EC and some of its terminology, a discussion of electronic markets and their mechanisms and impacts, and special attention to virtual communities and social (Web 2.0) software tools. It also presents EC B2C applications such as e-tailing and electronic service industries, e-auctions and trading exchanges, e-government, e-learning, and collaborative commerce. Further, the course explores the developing applications in the world of wireless EC such as m-commerce, l-commerce, and pervasive computing. Also, market research and advertising are discussed besides the need to protect computer systems. It also describes various types of computer attacks including fraud, and then it discusses how to minimize these risks through appropriate security programs. In addition, the course describes a major EC support services such as e-payments, order fulfillment, supply chain improvements, the role of RFID, CPFR, and the use of intelligent agents. Moreover, the course discusses strategic issues in implementing and deploying EC. It also presents global EC and EC for SMEs. It deals with implementation issues, concentrating on justification and cost-benefit analysis, system acquisitions and developments, and impacts of EC. Further, the course deals with legal, ethical, and societal issues concentrating on regulatory issues, compliance, and green IT. Also, the course describes how to build an e-business from scratch, as well as how to build a webstore. It takes the student through all the necessary steps and provides guidelines for success.  
Third & Fourth Years
The graduation project embodies a process where students can select a system of interest and hone their focus on a specific topic to develop. The completed project should serve a variety of purposes for the student as he/she enters the workforce. Because much of the project is completed without the daily supervision of classroom teachers, it is essential that each student takes full ownership of the step by step process involved in the culminating project. Only when each student has independently worked on the project at hand, will he/she reap the benefits from completing the graduation project. Students must realize that all work presented for their projects will be assumed their own.
Final Year
KM is an increasingly important discipline that promotes the discovery, capture, sharing, and application of the firm’s knowledge. Further, although the benefits of knowledge management (KM) may be obvious, it may not necessarily be so obvious to know how to effectively manage this valuable resource. Therefore, this course is to provide a thorough and informative perspective on the emergent practices in knowledge management. Information technology has been, and will continue to be, an important catalyst of this innovative field. Web-based technologies including Web 2.0, artificial intelligence, expert systems, analytics, and collaborative technologies continue to support and transform the field of KM. However, these technologies would not be effective without the day-to-day social aspects of organizations such as water-cooler conversations, brainstorming retreats, and communities of practice. To further complicate matters, the current business environment renders new skills obsolete in years or even months. Thus, in order to manage knowledge effectively, this course assists students gain theoretical, managerial, technical, and non-technical foundations.
Third & Fourth Years
The chapters on scientific investigation, the broad problem area and defining the problem statement, measurement of variables, experimental designs, hypothesis development, data collection methods, sampling, and quantitative data analysis are covered.
Fourth Year
توفّر مادة مقدمة في التجارة الإلكترونيّة الفرصة للطالب ليتمكن من فهم كيف استطاعت التجارة الإلكترونيّة أن تغيّر الطرق التقليديّة للتجارة في عالم الأعمال وأن تغيّر كذلك في نمط حياة كثير من الناس حول العالم. هذه المادّة تغطّي كل الجوانب المتعلّقة بالتجارة عبر الإنترنت والتي تشمل تاريخ التجارة الإلكترونيّة، المصطلحات المستخدمة فيها، المفاهيم، منصّات العمل، وكذلك نماذج الأعمال المستخدمة ضمنها. مواضيع كنظم إدارة سلسلة التوريد، التجارة التشاركيّة، واقتصاديّات التجارة سوف يتم تقديمها ضمن هذه المادّة إلى جانب مجموعة مختارة بعناية لأمثلة و قضايا دراسيّة لمواقع تجارة إلكترونيّة عالميّة. بالإضافة إلى جانب الجزء النظري من هذه المادّة، سيحصل الطالب على الفرصة التدرّب والوصول عمليّاً ضمن مختبرات مخصّصة لعدد من مواقع التجارة الإلكترونيّة الشهيرة كـ و، كل ذلك يهدف للوصول إلى خلق تقدير ووعي حول الأهميّة الكبيرة للتجارة الإلكترونيّة في عصرنا الرقمي الذي نعيش فيه حالياً.
متطلب جامعة اختياري
This course focuses how to deal with the organization in a comprehensive manner to develop its strategies. It includes the recognition and analysis of the external and internal environment, in addition to its resources and capabilities in order chart its long term strategy. It also includes, comprehensive case analysis to train the student on strategic analysis and strategic decision making.
Final Year