| | | Al-Zoubi, M., Alrowwad, A., Masa'deh, R.
| VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems
| 50,1& 34-56 | Emerald Publishing
| 2020 |
| | | Masa'deh, R., Alkhawaldeh, R., Khwaldeh, S., Al-Hadid, I., Alrowwad.A,
| Tourism and Hospitality Research
| | SAGE | 2020 |
| | | Alrowwad,A.,R.Manasrah.,Alsawalmeh,A.,Mohammed Rasheed.,Maysoon Kteifan.,Ayman Soleiman.,Zeinab Arabeyyat.,Ahmad Al-Saad.,Samantha Barnett. | FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN
| | | 2020 |
| | | Alrowwad, A., Abualoush, S., Masa’deh, R.
| Journal of Management Development
| | Emerald Publishing, Scopus
| 2020 |
| | | ALManaseer, M., Maqableh, M., Alrowwad, A., Masa’deh.R,
| Jordan Journal of Business Administration
| 15(4), 489-516 | The University of Jordan | 2019 |
| | | Ra'ed Masa'deh, Dmaithan Abdelkarim Almajali, Ala'aldin Alrowwad, Bader Obeidat
| Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge & Management
| | | 2019 |
| | | Aqqad. Alrowwad, A., Almajali, D., Masa’deh, R., Obeidat, B.
| Proceedings of the 33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2019, 10-11 April, 2019, Granada, Spain
| | Scopus | 2019 |
| | | Ra'ed Masa'deh, Dmaithan Abdelkarim Almajali, Ala'aldin Alrowwad, Bader Obeidat
| Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge & Management
| 13 & 279-309 | Informing Science Institute | 2018/10 |
| | | Masa’deh, R.,Alrowwad,A., Alkhalafat,F.,Obeidat,B., Abualoush,S.
| Modern Applied Scienc
| 12 -1-26 | | 2018 |
| | | Faleh Salamah Al-Louzi, Ala'aldin Alrowwad, Ra’ed Masa’deh | Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS) | 7 & 276-301 | | 2018 |
| | | Alrowwad, A., Obeidat,B., Al-Khateeb, A., Masa’deh, R.
| Modern Applied Science
| | Canadian Center of Science and Education
| 2018 |
| | | S. Khwaldeh, I. Al-Hadid, R. Masa'deh, A. Alrowwad
| Asian Social Science
| 13 & 156-169 | | 2017 |
| | | Eman Yassien&Raja'a Masa'deh, Monira Mufleh, Ala'aldin Alrowwad
| Journal of Management Research | 9 & 49-71 | | 2017 |
| | | G. Ammari, B. Alkurdi, M. Alshurideh, A. Alrowwad | International Journal of Marketing Studies | 9 & 113-133 | | 2017 |
| | | Aldmour, R., Hammdan, F., Dmour, H., Alrowwad, A., Khwaldeh, S.
| Asian Social Science
| 13 & 157-169 | | 2017 |
| | | Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS | Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS) | 6 & 14-28 | | 2017 |
| | | K. AL-Lozi, A. Alrowwad
| Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS) | 6 & 29-52 | | 2017 |
| | | H. Bisharat, B. Obeidat, A. Alrowwad, A. Tarhini, I. Mukattash
| International Journal of Business and Management
| 12& 50 | | 2016 |
| | | A. Alrowwad, B. Obeidat, A. Tarhini, N. Aqqad | International Business Research | 10 & 199-221 | Canadian Center of Science and Education | 2016 |
| | | T. Kattoua, M. Al-Lozi, A. Alrowwad | International Journal of Business Management & Economic Research | 7 & 754-762 | | 2016 |