|  | | Ahmad M. Obeidat | International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) | 18(1) p.1-20 | IGI Global | 2022 |
|  | | Ahmad M. Obeidat | Management research review | Vol. 44 No. 5, pp. 781-805. | Emerald Publishing Limited | 2021 |
|  | | Thneibat, M., Obeidat, A., Obeidat, Z., Dweeri, R. and Thneibat, M. | International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management | forthcoming | World Scientific | 2021 |
|  | | Maqableh, M., Obeidat, Z., Obeidat, A., Jaradat, M., Shah, M. H., Masa’deh, R. | Informatics | Vol. 8 No. 3, pp. 62. | MDPI | 2021 |
|  | | Maqableh, M., Obeidat, A., Obeidat, Z. | International Journal of Data and Network Science | Vol. 5, pp. 183-196. | Growing Science | 2021 |
|  | | Sweiss, N., Obeidat, Z., Al-Dweeri, R., Ahmad, A., Obeidat, A. M., Alshurideh, M. | Journal of Marketing communications | forthcoming | Taylor & Francis | 2021 |
|  | | Al-Zoubi, J., Dahiyat, S. E., Obeidat, A. M., Aboyasin, N. | International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management | forthcoming | Inderscience | 2020 |
|  | | Obeidat, A. M. | Modern Applied Science | 13(2): 216-227 | Canadian Center of Science and Education | 2019 |
|  | | Obeidat, Z. M., Xiao, S. H., Qasem, Z. A., Al Dweeri, R., and Obeidat, A. | Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services | 45: p. 239-255 | Elsevier | 2018 |
|  | | Obeidat, A.M., Obeidat, Z.M., and Obeidat, M.I. | International Journal of Business and Management | 11 (10): 162-171 | Canadian Center of Science and Education | 2016 |
|  | | Obeidat Z.M., Obeidat, M., Xiao, S.H., and Obeidat, A.M | International Journal of Business & Economics Research | 5(3): 29-37 | Science publishing group | 2016 |