| | Hana A.H. Zakaria, Mohammad A.R. Jalal and Amer S. Jabarin, | Pakistan Journal of Nutrition | 7 (4): 534-539 | | 2008 |
 | | Najib El Assi and Amer Jabarin | | 6 (3): 454-458 | | 2007 |
 | | T. Beneberu and Amer Jabarin | the Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences (JJAS) | Vol. 2 | | 2006 |
 | | Jabarin Amer and Said A. Damhoureyeh | Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences | Vol: 9 | | 2006 |
 | | | International Journal of Consumer Studies | 29(3) PP 232-238 | | 2005 |
 | | Mohamed Chebaane , Hazim El-Naser, Jim Fitch, Amal Hijazi and Amer Jabarin | Hydrogeology Journal, Springer-Verlag | Volume -12 | | 2004 |
| | | | Volume 30 Number 3 | | 2003 |
 | | Jabarin Amer, M. Sahawneh, L. Assaf. And S. Muaz | Working Paper Series 2039 published by Economic Research Form for the Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey | | | 2001 |
| | | Economic Research Form for the Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey. | | | 2000 |
 | | Chaherli N., L. Lachaal, B. Thabet, L. Mohfudhi and A. Jabarin | in Institutional Reform and Development in the MENA region, Edited by Imed Limam, The Arab Planning Institute and ERF | P: 215-241 | | 1999 |
| | | Journal of the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Center for the Islamic Countries (SESRTCIC) Ankara, Turkey | Volume 18 Number 4 | | 1997 |
 | | | | 51 203-214. | | 1996 |
| | | Mu’tah Journal for Research and Studies | Vol. 11 No.1 | | 1996 |
| | | Dirasat Journal, Agricultural Sciences | 22B-No.5 | | 1995 |
| | Jabarin Amer. and M.S. El-Habbab | Accepted for presentation at the Economic Research Forum in Istanbul | | | 1995 |
| | M. Ahmad, G.Bhalla, A.Ghezawi, K.Gray, and A. Jabarin | Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations | SSN: 0081-4539 | | 1995 |
 | | Jabarin A., and F. Epplin | Agricultural Economics, Amsterdam The Netherlands | 11 p 191-196. | | 1994 |
 | | El-Habbab, M.S., and A. Jabarin | | 19B-No.3 :229-242 | | 1992 |
 | | El-Habbab, M.S., and A. Jabarin | | 18B -No.4 :95-114 | | 1991 |
| | El-Habbab, M.S., and A. Jabarin | | 18B-No.3 :7-29 | | 1991 |
 | | Najib El Assi, Amer Jabarin and Hmoud Al-Debei | Journal of Agronomy 6 148-JA-DOI, Asian Network for Scientific Information | | | |