| | |
Workshop on Waste Treatment and Re-Use in Irrigation (Waste Water Soil, and Plant Analyses)
| | May 26-June 1990 | Participant |
Organized by Water and Research Center, University of Jordan, in Cooperation With UNDP. (Organizing Committee), - Series of Lectures and Field Demonstration).
| | |
An International conference to develop aregional project on “Combating Desertification through Sustainable Desert Development
| University,San Diago California,USA | Marh 10-12,1997 | Participant |
Organized by The Fred J.Hansen Institute for Wold Peace,San Diego State
| | |
Sixth International Conference on the Development of Dry lands, Desert Development:- Challenges Beyond the Year 2000,
| Cairo, Egypt | August,22-27,1999 | Participant |
Organized by the International Commission of Dry Land, and ICARDA
| | |
Sub-regional Training Course "Water Harvesting Concepts and Techniques
| | August 16-27, 1992 | Participant |
Organized by University of Jordan and ICARDA.
- Field Lectures and Demonstrations
| | |
The International Meeting on Agricultural Exploitation of Arid and Semi- Arid Land
| Palermo, Italy | 8-11/6/1988 | Participant | |
| | | | Aleppo, Syria | 8-11/1997 | Participant | Chairman of a session and panel discussion committee, Organized by ICARDA, ICRISAT |
| | |
Review paper. Rainfed Agriculture in the Arab World
| Egypt | 7-9/5/1998 | Participant |
Organized by the Academy of Science and Technology, Egypt, and ICARDA
| | |
Effect of Land Fragmentation of Agricultural Land on Water Harvesting Projects in Jordan.
| Amman, Jordan | 7/4/1997 | Participant |
Organized by The Jordanian Society for Combating of Desertification and Badia Development
| | |
Environmental Disasters and Desertification
| . Palermo, Italy | 6-9/89 | Participant | |
| | |
Presented at the Workshop on Dry land Biodiversity Conservation through Natural Resource Management
| Amman | 5-9 Feb.1995 | Participant |
Sponsored and organized by: UNEP,ACSAD,ICARDA, IPGRI
| | |
Workshop on Dry land Biodiversity Conservation Through Natural Resources Managemen
| Amman | 5-9 FEB. 1995 | Participant |
Organized and sponsored by UNEP,ACSAD, ICARDA, and IPGRI
| | |
International Seminar on :Regionalization of Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean and Near -east Countries
| Florence, Italy | 5-7/5/1997 | Participant |
Organized by International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies
| | |
The Second International Meeting on Classification and Management of Soils in the Arabic Countries,
| Sana'a,Yamen | 5-15/1/87 | Participant | |
| | |
Presented in the Second International Meeting on the management and Classification of Aridisols in San,a, North, Yamen
| Yamen | 5-15/1/1987 | Participant | |
| | | Workshop on the Integrated Natural Resource Management Research :-,A Framework for the CGIAR,
| Netherlands | 3-5/9/1999 | Participant | Organized by the The Center for International Forest Research: A CGIAR center |
| | |
Fourth International Soil Correlation Meeting (ISCOM),Characterization Classification, and Utilization of Aridisols
| Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California | 3-17/10/1987 | Participant | |
| | |
International Conference on Desertification and Sand Dune Fixation
| Palermo, Italy | 31/5- 3/6/1987 | Participant | |
| | |
The International Conference on the “ Past, Present and Future of the Middle East Desert”.
The International Conference on the “ Past, Present and Future of the Middle East Desert”.
| Yarmouk University,jordan | 30/7/1/8/96 | Participant |
Organized by the Faculty of Science-UNISC Chair for Desert Studies
| | |
Presented at the Seminar on the Requirement, Evaluation and Improvement of Efficiency and Management of Agricultural Research System in the Arab World.
| Lebanon. | 30/11-2/12/1998 | Participant |
Organized by the Arab Organization For Agricultural Development, League of Arab States
| | |
Seminar on the Requirement, Evaluation and Improvement of Efficiency and Management of Agricultural Research System in the Arab World
| Lebanon | 30/11-2/12/1998 | Participant |
Organized by: the Arab Organization For Agricultural Development, League of Arab States
| | |
The International Conference on the Past, Present and Future of the Middle East Desert
| jordan | 30 July-1 August 1996 | Participant |
Organized Faculty of Science-UNISCO. Chair for Desert Studies, Yarmouk University
| | |
Workshop on Ecoregional initiative for West Asia/North Africa (WANA) Regional Planning
| Allepo-Syria | 28-28 March, 1995 | Participant | |
| | |
A workshop for high ranking decision makers regarding the optimum strategy for using governmental land
| | 28/10/1997 | Participant | |
| | |
The Second Scientific Week. Land Resources Towards Better Uses
| jordan | 26-31, August, 1995 | Participant |
Organized by the Higher Council for Science and Technology
| | |
Environment Monitoring For the Arab World
| Amman | 26-29/10/1980 | Participant | |
| | |
Desertification in Jordan.
| | 25-28.11 1993 | Participant |
Organized by Ministry of Education and UNESCO
| | |
Management Development in the Agriculture Sector in Arab Countries
| , UK | 24-26/6/1997 | Participant |
Organized by University of Bradford
| | |
Workshop on Management of Gypsiferous Soils
| , ICARDA, Aleppo, Syrian | 23-27 November,1992, | Participant |
Organized by the Syrian Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform and ICARDA
| | |
The Sixth International Confernece on the Development of Dry land, Desert Development: Challenges Beyond the Year
| , Cairo, Egypt | 22-27/8/1999 | Lecturer |
Invited Speaker
Organized by the International Commission on Dry Land and ICARDA
| | |
Regional Symposium on the Use of Remote Sensing in Monitoring and Evaluation of Desertification in Badiat Al-Sham
| Royal Jordanian Geography Center, Amman | 22-25/87 | Participant | |
| | |
A workshop of selected experts from the region to formulate the strategy.
| Italy | 21-22.3.2000 | Participant | |
| | |
Co-author along with international experts for preparing A White Paper to be presented to the UNCCD Conference in Copenhagen, September, 2009 to serve as a guide for decision makers
| | 2009 | Participant | |
| | |
prepared for UNCD Scientific Conference, present to Climatic Changes Conference (COP15),
| Copenhagen | 2009 | Participant | |
| |
Awni Taimeh, and B. Hattar
Rainfed, Irrigated, and Marginal Dry land, ICARDA
| | 2009 | Participant | |
| | Awni Taimeh, and B. Hattar | Characteristics of Benchmark Research Agro-ecosystem in WANA: Rainfed, Irrigated, and Marginal Dry land, ICARDA
| | 2006 | Participant | |
| |
Mahjoory .R.S, S. Khresat and A. Taimeh
The ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings
| Salt Lake City ,Utah, USA | 2005 | Participant | |
| | | Jordan Workshop On Selection of Benchmark Sites For The Badia, Amman, Jordan, 19-23 October, 2003 Organized by NCARTT/ MOA and ICARDA
| | 2003 | Participant | |
| | | Seminar organized by AOAD on the sustainable utilization of agricultural resources in the Arab world, 14-16/ 2003, Jordan
| | 2003 | Participant | |
| |
Owies, T.Y and Awni. Taimeh
Proceedings of the UNC-CAS International Workshop held in Beging
| China | 2001 | Participant | |
| | Owies, T.Y and Awni. Taimeh | Proceedings of the UNC-CAS International Workshop held in Beging, China
| | 2001 | Participant | |
| | | Sixth International Conference on the Development of Dry lands, Desert Development:- Challenges Beyond the Year 2000, Organized by the International Commission of Dry Land, and ICARDA, August,22-27,1999, Cairo, Egypt
| | 1999 | Participant | |
| | | A study conducted for ISNAR. Netherlands.
| | 1999 | Participant | |
| | |
Seminar on requirements, evaluation and improvement of efficiency and management of Agricultural research in Arab World
| , Lebanon | 1998 | Participant |
Sponsored by AOAD,ISNAR, ICARDA,lebanon
| | | Seminar on requirements, evaluation and improvement of efficiency and management of Agricultural research in Arab World. Sponsored by AOAD,ISNAR, ICARDA, Lebanon
| | 1998 | Participant | |
| | | Organized by the Arab Organization For Agricultural Development, League of Arab States, 30/11-2/12/1998, Lebanon
| | 1998 | Participant | |
| | | First National Conference on Agriculture Organized by Agricultural Engineering Association, 16-17//1998 | | 1998 | Participant | |
| | | Organized by the Academy of Science and Technology, Egypt, and ICARDA,7-9/5/1998, Cairo, Egypt | | 1998 | Participant | |
| |
Awni Y. Taimeh and Sunaa, Sami.
| | jordan | 1997 | Participant | |
| |
Oweis.T, and Taimeh, Awni
Prepared for University of Jordan, JAZEP Project An EU funded Project
| jordan | 1997 | Participant | |
| |
Awni Y. Taimeh, Richard Dunam
Management Development in the Agricultural Sector in Arab Countries, University of Bradford,
| UK | 1997 | Participant | |
| | Oweis.T, and Taimeh, Awni | Prepared for University of Jordan, JAZEP Project An EU funded Project.
| | 1997 | Participant | |
| | | International Conference on Agricultural Growth, Sustainable Resource Management and Poverty Alleviation in the Low Rainfall Areas of West Asia and North Africa. Sponsored by German Foundation for International Development, Amman,2-6/9/1997 | | 1997 | Participant | |
| | Awni Y. Taimeh, Richard Dunam | Management Development in the Agricultural Sector in Arab Countries, University of Bradford,UK. | | 1997 | Participant | |
| | Awni Y. Taimeh and others | National Center for Agricultural Research and Transfer of Technology. A Bulletin 16 pages | | 1997 | Participant | |
| | | The International Conference on the Past, Present and Future of the Middle East Desert. Organized Faculty of Science-UNISCO. Chair for Desert Studies, Yarmouk University, 30 July-1 August 1996
| | 1996 | Participant | |
| | |
The second scientific Week
| jordan | 1995 | Participant |
Organized by the Higher Council for science and Technology
| |
J.,M. Peacock, S.Christian,J Isaac, A.Taimeh and J.Valkoun
Paper presented at the International Workshop: Combating Global Warming by Combating Land Degradation
| | 1995 | Participant |
Sponsored by United Nation as Environment Program
| | J.,M. Peacock, S.Christian,J Isaac, A.Taimeh and J.Valkoun | Paper presented at the International Workshop: Combating Global Warming by Combating Land Degradation, Sponsored by United Nation as Environment Program.
| | 1995 | Participant | |
| | | Organized by the Higher Council for science and Technology, 26-31/8/1995.
| | 1995 | Participant | |
| | | Presented at the Workshop on Dry land Biodiversity Conservation through Natural Resource Management, 5-9 Feb.1995, Amman. Sponsored and organized by: UNEP,ACSAD,ICARDA, IPGRI.
| | 1995 | Participant | |
| | |
International Workshop on Management of Gypsiferous soils
| ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria | 1992 | Participant | |
| | | International Workshop on Management of Gypsiferous soils ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria.
| | 1992 | Participant | |
| | |
Workshop on the Regional Range Land Management Project
| amman | 1987, 1988 | Participant | |
| | | Presented in the Second International Meeting on the management and Classification of Aridisols in San,a, North, Yamen | | 1987 | Participant | |
| | |
Workshop on the Classification and Evaluation of Soil
| Damascus | 1985 | Participant |
Series of Lectures and Field Training
| | | Proceeding of an IBSRAM Inaugural Workshop, 18-22 Feb. 1985, ICRISAT, India | | 1985 | Participant | |
| | |
Environmental Pollution and Problems in the Arab World
| | 1984 | Participant | |
| | |
International Symposium on Properties and Classification of Vertisols
| India | 1984 | Participant | |
| | |
First Symposium on Geology in Jordan
| Amman | 1983 | Participant | |
| | |
Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy
| Amman | 1983 | Participant | |
| | | | Amman | 1982 | Participant | |
| | |
Workshop on Soil Classification
| Amman | 1982 | Participant | |
| | |
Jordan Workshop On Selection of Benchmark Sites For The Badia
| amman,jordan | 19-23 October, 2003 | Participant |
Organized by NCARTT/ MOA and ICARDA
| | |
Workshop on Agro-ecological Characterization
| Allepo Syria Aleppo | 19-22, April,1994 | Participant | |
| | |
. Proceeding of an IBSRAM Inaugural Workshop
| ICRISAT, India | 18-22 Feb. 1985 | Participant | |
| | |
The First National Agricultural Conference in Jordan
| Amman | 16-17/6/1998 | Participant |
Organized by the Agricultural Engineer Association of Jordan
| | |
First National Conference on Agriculture Organized by Agricultural Engineering Association
| | 16-17//1998 | Participant | |
| | | Seminar organized by AOAD on the sustainable utilization of agricultural resources in the Arab World | Jordan | 14-16/ 2003 | Participant | |
| | | | ICARDA, ALEPPO | 12-13 /12 1995 | Participant |
Oranized by ICARDA to:
- Initiate a process and to develop procedure s for strengthening NARs- CGIAR relationships.
- Initiate an open priority setting exercise at the national and at the regional level
| | |
Symposium on Rainfed Field Crops and Farming Systems in Jordan and Neighboring Countries
| amman | 10-14/9/1988 | Participant | |
| | |
An International conference to develop aregional project on “Combating Desertification through Sustainable Desert Development
| San Diago California,USA | 10-12,1997 | Participant |
Organized by The Fred J.Hansen Institute for Wold Peace,San Diego State University
| | |
Regional Symposium on Remote Sensing Application in Hydrology and Natural Resources
| Amman, National Geography Center | . 22-26/10/1987 | Participant | |
| | |
International Conference on Agricultural Growth, Sustainable Resource Management and Poverty Alleviation in the Low Rainfall Areas of West Asia and North Africa.
| amman | ,2-6/9/1997 | Participant |
Sponsored by German Foundation for International Development
| | |
Workshop on Biodiversity and Natural Resources Conservation and Management for Sustainable Agricultural Production in the Near East
| Amman | ,15-16. June | Participant |
Organized By ICARDA, University representative, Presented Country report
| | |
Workshop on Advances in Agriculture through Plastic Houses Technology
| Amman- Jordan | , March 16-18-, 1987 | Participant | |
| | |
Meeting on the Subject of Desertification in the Arab World. Experts Meeting
| Damascus, Syria | , 3-5/5/86 | Participant | |
| | |
International Conference on Agricultural Growth, Sustainable Resource Management and Poverty Alleviation in the Low Rainfall Areas of West Asia and North Africa
| amman | , 2-6/9/1997 | Participant |
Sponsored by German Foundation for International Development
| | |
Integrating Biotechnology in Agriculture: Incentives, Constraints and Country Experiences
| , Moraco | , 21-25/4/1996 | Participant |
Organized by IBS/ISNAR and OECD
Representative of NCARTT
| | |
Rainfed Agriculture and the Establishment of Information Net work
| Amman, USDA | | Participant | |