| | | وقائع الندوة حول مكافحة الأعشاب في محاصيل الحبوب | وقائع الندوة حول مكافحة الأعشاب في محاصيل الحبوب | المنظمة العربية للتنمية الزراعية القاهرة | 7-9/4/1994 |
| | F. U. Afif, B. E. Abu –Irmaileh and R. A. Al-Noubani. 2009 | Jordan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences( JJPS) Volume | 2(1): 42-53. | | 2009. |
| |
Barakat Abu Irmaileh 2009
Arab Journal of Plant Protection, (special issue) 27:S4( symposium paper)
| 27: S4( E12),(A13) | 10th Arab Congress of Plant Protection, abstract. W6. Beirut, Lebanon. | 2009. |
| |
Barakat Abu Irmaileh 2009
Arab Journal of Plant Protection (special issue)27: W6 ( abstract)
| 27: W6(E107), ( A 108) | Symposium 4. 10th Arab Congress of Plant Protection, abstract. W6. Beirut, Lebanon. | 2009. |
| |
Barakat Abu Irmaileh 2008
Progress on farmer training in parasitic weed management Ricardo Labrada ( editor). 17-29.
| FAO- Rome. TC/D/10015Bi/03.08/500 | Progress on farmer training in parasitic weed management . FAO- Rome. TC/D/10015Bi/03.08/500 | 2008. |
| | Mathew M. Abang, Bassam Bayaa, Barakat Abu-Irmaileh, Ricardo Labrada, Amor Yahyaouia. 2007 | | 26: 1723-1732. | management in the Near East and North Africa. Crop Protection. | 2007. |
| | Barakat Abu Irmaileh and Azmi Abu Rayyan. 2007 | Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences- JJAS | 3(4): 429-438 | | 2007. |
| | R. A. Noubani, B. E. Abu Irmaileh, F. U. Afifi. 2006 | Jordan Medical Journal | 40(4):232-240 | | 2006. |
| | M. Syouf, B.E. Abu-Irmaileh, J. Valkoun and S. Bdour.2006 | Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution | (2006) 53: 1165–1172 | | 2006. |
| | بركات ابو رميلة | | | المنظمة العربية للتنمية الزراعية | 2006 |
| | Abu Rayyan A. M. and B. E. Abu Irmaileh | | | 13th EWRS Symposium. 19-23 June 2005. | 2005. |
| | Syouf, M., B. Abu Irmaileh, and J. Valkoun. 2005. | | | ( Korn. ex Assch. & Graebner.) Wchweinf. (Abstract). International conference on promoting community- driven conservation and sustainable use of dryland agrobiodiversity. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria, 18-21 April 2005. Editors of abstracts( A. Amri, A. Damania, A. Shehadeh, M. Noaman and S. Jana) | 2005. |
| | A.M. Abu-Rayyan B.E. Abu-Irmaileh . | Journal of vegetable crop production. | 10(1): 37-49. | | 2004. |
| | Barakat Abu-Irmaileh & Azmi Abu-Rayyan. | Hortscience | 39(6): 1456-1460. | | 2004. |
| | Barakat Abu Irmaileh. | | pages: 19-31. | Dahan, Rachid and Mohammed El- Mourid ( eds.). 2004. Integrate management of Orobanche in food legumes in the Near east and North Africa. Proceeding of the expert consultation on IPM for Orobanche in food legume systems in the Near East and North Africa, 7-9 April 2003, Rabat, Morocco. | 2004. |
| | عزمي أبو ريان و بركات أبو رميلة | مجلة وقاية النبات العربية. المجلد 22 | عدد 1 | | 2004 |
| | Barakat E. Abu-Irmaileh and Fatma U. Afifi . | Journal of Ethnopharmacology. | 89: 193-197 | | 2003. |
| | B.E. Abu-Irmaileh &F.U. Afifi . | Journal of Arab Gulf. June 2003.( Arabic) | 21(2):124-133. | | 2003. |
| | | FAO palnt production and protection paper# 120. Rome,- addendum 1 | pages 211- 222. | | 2003. |
| | بركات ابوميلة و فاطمة عفيفي | مجلة الخليج العربي | 21(2):124-133 | | 2003 |
| | بركات ابو رميلة و فاطمة عفيفي | | 21 (2): 124-133 | | 2003 |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. | Dirasat | 29(3):303-314. | | 2002. |
| | | | 29(3):303-314 | | 2002 |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E, |
7th Arab Congress of Plant Protection, Amman, Jordan.
| 22-26 October 2000:540 | | 2000. |
| | واقع التداوي بالنباتات الطبية في الأردن | دراسات, العلوم الطبية و الحياتية, المجلد 27 | العدد1 : 53-74. | | 2000 |
| | |
7th Arab Congress of Plant Protection, 22-26 October 2000, Amman, Jordan.
| Page 540 | | 2000 |
| | | المؤتمر العربي السابع لعلوم وقاية النبات | 22-26/10/2000 | الجمعية العربية لوقاية النبات | 2000 |
| | Abu Irmaileh , B. E. | Proceedings of the Fourth international Workshop on Orobanche. 23 –26 September, 1998, Albena, Bulgaria | Pages: 65-71. | K. Weggmann, L. J. Musselman, D. M. Joel. (eds). | 1998. |
| | بركات ابو رميلة و سلام الذهبي | دراسات. المجلد 25 | العدد 3, الصفحات:439-455 | | 1998 |
| | Abu Irmaileh , B. E. |
K. Weggmann, L. J. Musselman, D. M. Joel. (eds). Proceedings of the Fourth international Workshop on Orobanche. 23 –26 September, 1998, Albena, Bulgaria
| Pages : 425-430. | | 1998 |
| | بركات ابو رميلة و سلام الذهبي | | 25 : 439-455 | | 1998 |
| | بركات ابو رميلة وأحمد رداد المومني | دراسات | 24 (2) : 304-311 | | 1997 |
| |
بركات ابو رميلة وعبد الفتاح القاضي
| مجلة وقاية النبات العربية | 15(1): 24-30 . | | 1997 |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. and S.A. Thahabi. | | Pages:227-239. | proceedings of the Second International Conference on Soil Solarization and Integrated Management of Soilborne Pests: Aleppo-Syria. | 1997 |
| | | وقائع المؤتمر العربي السادس لعلوم وقاية النبات بيروت | وقائع المؤتمر العربي السادس لعلوم وقاية النبات بيروت 17-31/10/1997 | الجمعية العربية لوقاية النبات | 1997 |
| | |
Proceedings of the 2nd Int’l Weed Control Conference. Department of weed control and pesticide ecology- Flakkebjerg, DK-4200 Slagelse, Denmark. ISBN 87-984996-1-0
| Vol. 2: 629-638 | | 1996 |
| | Yasin, J.Z., S. Al-Thahabi, B.E. Abu-Irmaileh, M.C. Saxena and N.I. Haddad. | J. Pest Management | 41:60-65. | | 1995. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. |
the Near East. In: A.H. Pieterse, J.A.C. Verkleij and S.J. ter Borg. Biology and management of Orobanche. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Orobanche and related. Striga research. Nov. 8-12, 1993.
| 677-683. | The Netherlands. Royal Tropical Institute | 1994. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. | Journal of Arid Environments. | 28:155-162. | | 1994. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. | Weed Science. | 42:57-60. | | 1994. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. | Journal of Arid Environments. | 28: 155-162. | | 1994. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. | Dirasat. | Vol. 21B: 207-219. | | 1994. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. | Dirasat | 21 B(2): 289-302. | | 1994 |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. and A.R. Saghir, | FAO Plant Protection Bulletin.Paper # 30, 683/B. | Vol. 42(4): 191-200. | | 1994 |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. | Emirates Journal for Agricultural Sciences. | 5:13-37. | | 1993. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. |
FAO Report of the Workshop “Orobanche and Cuscuta parasitic weed management in the Near East”. Amman 23-30 Sept. 1993.
| pp. 8-23. | FAO, Plant Protection Service, AGPP, Rome 1994. | 1993. |
| | | كتاب ندوة طرق اكثار وتطعيم الاشجار المثمرة الملائمة للجفاف | مجلد الندوة | | 1993 |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. | Weed Technology. | 5:575-581. | | 1991. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. & J.H. Fucik. | Hortscience | 24(2): 311-312. | | 1989. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. | The 1987-1988’s research activity. Vol. 1: 123 (abst). | Vol. 1: 123 (abst). | University of Jordan. | 1988. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. & Al-Banna, L. | The 1987-1988’s research activity. | Vol. 1: 125(abst.). | University of Jordan. | 1988. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. & Alzir, T. | The 1987-1988’s research activity. | Vol. 1:126 (abst.). | University of Jordan. | 1988. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. | Dirasat. | 14:141-150. | | 1987. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. |
H.Chr. Weber and W. Forstreuter (eds.). Proceedingd of the Fourth International Symposium on Parasitic Flowering Plants. Marburg. Germany.
| pp:1-10. | | 1987. |
| | Safadi, F. & B.E. Abu-Irmaileh. | Dirasat | 14(5):89-97. | | 1987. |
| | El-Rihani, A., B. Al-Qudah, B. Abu-Irmaileh, M. Abusetta, M. Shahwan and W. Sartawi (eds) | | | Ministry of Agriculture- Forestry Dept. Jordan. | 1987. |
| | Abu-Irmialeh, B.E. & J.R. Qasem. | Dirasat | 13:147-171. | | 1986. |
| | بركات أبو رميلة وأكرم بقاعين | | | . الجامعة الاردنية - كلية الزراعة. | 1986 |
| | Qasem, J.R. & B.E. Abu-Irmaileh. | Weed Research | 25:47-72. | | 1985. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. | The Arabic Journal of Plant Protection | 2:95-99. | | 1984. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. |
C. Parker, L.J. Musselman, R.M. Polhill and A.K. Wilson (eds.).Proceedinss of the Third International Symposium on Parasitic Weeds, ICARDA-Aleppo, Syria.
| pp: 250-255. | Proceedinss of the Third International Symposium on Parasitic Weeds, ICARDA-Aleppo, Syria. | 1984. |
| | Dweik, N. & B.E. Abu-Irmaileh. | Dirasat | 11:57-64. | | 1984. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. | Dirasat | 9(1): 121-126. | | 1982. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh. B.E. | Dirasat | 9 (1): 65-70. | | 1982. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. | Dirasat | 9(1): 127-134. | | 1982. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. | Dirasat | 9(1): 79-89. | | 1982. |
| | Elayan, H.H., A.A. Salhab & B.E. Abu-Irmaileh. | Dirasat | 8:131-138. | | 1981. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. | Weed Science | 29:8-10. | | 1981. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E |
Peoceedings of the second Symposium on Parasitic WeedsL.J. Musselman, A.D. Worsham, and R.E. Eplee (eds.).
| pp: 278-284 | North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C | 1979 |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E | Plant Dis. Rptr | 63: 1025-1028. | | 1979 |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E., L.S. Jordan & J. Kumamoto | Weed Science | 27: 103-105. | | 1979 |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. & L.S. Jordan | Weed Science | 26:700-703 | | 1978 |
| | | وقائع الندوة العربية الاولى لمكافحة الأعشاب الضارة في بساتين الفاكهة ومزارع الخضر | وقائع الندوة | المنطوة العربية للتنمية الزراعية - عمان الأردن | 11-13/10/1992 |
| | B. E. ABU-IRMAILEH AND M. H. ABU-ZARGA | | 49 (1, 2 & 3) : 86-90 | | (2015) |
| | BARAKAT E. ABU-IRMAILEH, MAHA SYOUF AND SAWSAN AL-FAKHORI | | 49 (1, 2 & 3) : 79-85 | | (2015) |
| | Abu Irmaileh B. E. and A. M. Abu Rayyan | Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences- JJAS, | vol.2(2):158-166. | | 2006. |
| | Barakat E. Abu Irmaileh. |
proceedings of FAO Workshop on Orobanche management (TCP/INT/3004) Cairo, Egypt, 20-22 June 2006
| proceedings of FAO Workshop on Orobanche management (TCP/INT/3004) Cairo, Egypt, 20-22 June 2006 | | 2006. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E., Labrada R., |
FAO Plant Production and Protection Division – IPM – Weed Management.
| | | 2006. |
| | Abu- Rayyan, A. M. and B. E. Abu Irmaileh . | Journal of Arab Plant Protection | | | 2004. |
| | Afifi,B.U. and B. Abu-Irmaileh. | Journal of Ethnopharmacology | 72:101-110. | | 2000. |
| | Al-Mughrabi, K.I, I.K. Nazer, and B.E. Abu-Irmaileh, | Arab Journal for Plant Protection | 17(2):66-70. | | 1999 |
| | Al-Mughrabi, K.I, I.K. Nazer, and B.E. Abu-Irmaileh, |
6th Arab Congress of Plant Protection. 27-31 October, 1997. Beirut, Lebanon.
| | | 1997. |
| | Sing, M., M.C. Saxena, B.E. Abu-Irmaileh, S.A. Al-Thahabi and N.I. Haddad. | Weed Science | 44: 273-283. | | 1996. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. |
A.H. Pieterse, J.A.C. Verkleij and S.J. tre Borg. Biology and management of Orobanche. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Orobanche and related Striga research. Nov. 8-12, 1993
| 659-662. | The Netherlands. Royal Tropical Institute | 1994. |
| | Al-Thahahi, S.A., J.Z. Yasin. B.E. Abu-Irmaileh N.I. Haddad and M.C. Saxena. | J. Agronomy and crop science | 172: 333-341. | | 1994. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. | Weed Research. | 31:125-133. | | 1991. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. |
Devay, J.E., J.J. Stapleton and C.L. Elmore (eds). Soil Solarizartion, FAO Plant Protection and Production. Paper # 109.
| Pages: 155-166. | FAO Rome | 1991. |
| | Kasrawi, M.A. & B.E. Abu-Irmaileh. | Hortscience | 24(5):822-824. | | 1989. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. | Dirasat | 12:167-174. | | 1985. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. |
Proceedings of the FAO Expert consultation on improved weed management in the Near East, Nicosia, Cyprus,
| FAO paper # 80:119-127. | | 1985. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. | Dirasat | 11:21-24. | | 1984. |
| | Qasem, J.R. & B.E. Abu-Irmaileh. | Dirasat | 10:123-128 | | 1983. |
| | Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. & L.S. Jordan. | Dirasat | 9(1): 105-119. | | 1982. |
| | بركات أبو رميلة | | | وزارة الزراعة. المركز الوطني للبحوث الزراعية ونقل التكنولوجيا. نشرة رقم 7. | |
| | بركات أبو رميلة | | | وزارة الزراعة. المركز الوطني للبحوث الزراعية ونقل التكنولوجيا. نشرة رقم 16. | |