I am a Professor of Atomic and Molecular Physics (Accelerator-Based) at the University of Jordan (UJ), and a Principal Researcher at the University of Jordan Van de Graaff Accelerator (JUVAC) facility.
I received all my degrees of physics (B.Sc. in September 2002 and PhD in January 2010) from UJ with the highest distinction. I hold a PhD in Experimental Atomic Physics (Accelerator-Based). During my PhD research, under the supervision of Dr. Dia-Eddin Arafah and Dr. Rami M. Ali, I designed and built the Coincident Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (CRBS) apparatus at JUVAC facility. At that time, my PhD dissertation was nominated as the best dissertation in the scientific field.
During my PhD study, I worked at UJ's Department of Physics as a part-time lecturer (2002-2010). It was a great experience to learn and teach physics simultaneously at the same place.
I started my academic career as an Assistant Professor of Physics at King Abdulaziz University (Rabigh Branch) in Saudi Arabia in October 2010, and shortly after that served as Head of Physics for Rabigh-College of Sciences and Arts (Females Branch) for two academic years (2011-2013).
I joined UJ's School of Science as an Assistant Professor of Atomic and Molecular Physics in September 2013, where I got promoted to Associate and Full Professor as of June 2019 and June 2024, respectively. I have been very pleased to work at my home university. I am always looking very much forward to being positively involved in its success and progress in all fields.
Besides teaching and supervising undergraduate and postgraduate students, I am a Principal Researcher of ion-beam analysis (IBA) techniques at JUVAC facility. I have received several research funding grants from various international bodies such as ICTP (Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics), Trieste, Italy, IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), Vienna, Austria, and the Swedish Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, to carry out my research in Jordan and abroad.
Since 2015, I have been honored
to join Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste in Italy as a Research Fellow (funded by
ICTP), working there for a couple of months each year during summer semesters (2015-Present). I also worked at Elettra on a full time basis for three academic years: 2018-2019, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023. I belong to the Atomic and Molecular Physics Group of
Elettra's GasPhase Photoemission beamline, mainly interested in electron
spectroscopy and fragmentation mechanisms of small gas phase molecules using
synchrotron light.