| | Equations: linear, quadratic, cubic; functions: linear, polynomials, rational, exponential, logarithmic, multivariable functions; differentiation: derivative , rules of derivation, partial derivative, extrema of one variable functions, and two variable functions; integration: definite, rules of integration, by substitution, by parts, by partial fractions, improper integral, applications; matrices: algebra of matrices, element2ary operations, Echelon form and solution of system of linear equations, determinants and Cramer’s rule and solutions of system of linear equations, applications to economics.
| First Year | | | Functions: domain, operations on functions, graphs of functions; trigonometric functions; limits: meaning of a limit, computational techniques, limits at infinity, infinite limits ;continuity; limits and continuity of trigonometric functions; the derivative: techniques of differentiation, derivatives of trigonometric functions; the chain rule; implicit differentiation; differentials; Roll’s Theorem; the mean value theorem; the extended mean value theorem; L’Hopital’s rule; increasing and decreasing functions; concavity; maximum and minimum values of a function; graphs of functions including rational functions (asymptotes) and functions with vertical tangents (cusps); antiderivatives; the indefinite integral; the definite integral; the fundamental theorem of calculus ; the area under a curve; the area between two curves; transcendental functions: inverse functions, logarithmic and exponential functions; derivatives and integrals; limits (the indeterminate forms); hyperbolic functions and their inverses; inverse trigonometric functions; some techniques of integration. | First Year | | | Three dimensional space and vectors rectangular coordinates in 3-space; spheres, cylindrical surfaces; quadric surfaces; vectors: dot product, projections, cross product, parametric equations of lines. planes in 3-spaces; vector -valued functions: calculus of vector valued functions, change of parameters, arc length, unit tangent and normal vectors, curvature, functions of two or more variable: domain, limits, and continuity; partial derivatives; differentiability; total differentials; the chain rule; the gradient; directional derivatives; tangent planes; normal lines; maxima and minima of functions of two variables; Lagrange multipliers; multiple integrals: double integral, double integrals in polar coordinates; triple integrals; triple integrals in cylindrical and spherical coordinates; change of variables in multiple integrals; Jacobian . | Second Year | | | Numerical analysis; numerical methods in linear algebra; numerical methods for ordinary and partial differential equations.
| Fourth Year | | | Techniques of integration: integration by substitution; integration by parts, integrating powers of trigonometric functions, trigonometric substitutions, integrating rational functions, partial fractions, rationalization, miscellaneous substitution; improper integrals; application of definite integral: volumes, length of a plane curve, area of a surface of revolution polar coordinates and parametric equations: polar coordinates, graphs in polar coordinates , conics in polar coordinates, area in Polar coordinates; parametric equations; tangent lines and arc length in parametric curves and polar coordinates; infinite series: sequences, infinite series, convergence tests, absolute convergence, conditional convergence; alternating series; power series: Taylor and Maclurine series, differentiation and integration of power series: topics in analytic geometry : the parabola, the ellipse, the hyperbola; second degree equations: rotation of | First Year | | | Systems of linear equations; matrices and matrix operations; homogeneous and nonhomogeneous systems; Gaussian elimination; elementary matrices and a method for finding ; determinants; Euclidean vector spaces; linear transformations from to and their properties; general vector spaces; subspaces; basis; dimension; row space; column space; null space of a matrix; rank and nullity; inner product spaces; eigenvalues and diagonalization; linear transformations. | Second Year | | | Vector spaces; subspaces; quotient spaces; linear independence and bases; dual spaces; inner product spaces; orthonormal bases; linear transformations; eigenvalues, eigenvectors and determinants of linear transformations; matrix representation; change of basis and similarity; invariant subspaces; canonical forms of linear transformations; diagonal form; triangular form; nilpotent transformations; Jordan form; companion matrices; commutators; the trace functional and Jacobson’s lemma; normal transformations and the spectral theorem. | Fourth Year |