| | Muhyidean Altarawneh, Mohammad Qatawneh, Wesam Almobaideen | International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology | 12(1) pp. 42-52 | Published by INSIGHT - Indonesian Society for Knowledge and Human Development | 2022 |
| | W. Alkhanafseh, M.Y., Qatawneh, M., Almobaideen | International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications | 13(1) | | 2022 |
| | SARAH AL-MAAITAH, ABDULLAH QUZMAR, MOHAMMAD QATAWNEH | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | 100(5) | | 2022 |
| | ABDULLAH QUZMAR, SARAH ALMAAITAH, MOHAMMAD QATAWNEH | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | 100(5) | | 2022 |
| | Orieb AbuAlghanam, Mohammad Qatawneh, Wesam Almobaideen , Maha Saadehd | Journal of Information Security and Applications | 67 | ScienceDirect | 2022 |
| | Baker Alhasan, Mohammad Qatawneh, Wesam Almobaideen | 2021 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT) | 935-941 | IEEE | 2021 |
| | Sarah Al-Maaitah, Mohammad Qatawneh, Abdullah Quzmar | 2021 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT) | 200-205 | IEEE | 2021 |
| | Abdullah Quzmar, Mohammad Qatawneh, Sarah Al-Maaitah | 2021 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT) | 143-148 | IEEE | 2021 |
| | Sara El-Switi, Mohammad Qatawneh | 2021 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT) | 49-54 | IEEE | 2021 |
| | ADAM QURAN, MOHAMMAD QATAWNEH | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | 99(24) | | 2021 |
| | Ibrahim Sulieman Al Qatawneh, Wesam Almobaideen, Mohammad Qatawneh | Journal of Governance and Regulation | 11(1) | | 2021 |
| | Mohammad Qatawneh, Wesam Almobaideen, Orieb AbuAlghanam | International Journal of Computer Applications | 175(6) | | 2020 |
| | Ahmad Bany Doumi, Mohammad Qatawneh | International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA) | 11(1) | | 2019 |
| | Wesam Almobaideen, Mohammad Qatawneh, Orieb Abualghanam | 2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT) | | | 2019 |
| | 2. Reem Saadeh, Mohammad Qatawneh | International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) | 11(3) | | 2019 |
| | Mohammed Khanafseh, Mohammad Qatawneh, Wesam Almobaideen | (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications | 10(8) | | 2019 |
| | MOHAMMAD QATAWNEH, WESAM ALMOBAIDEEN, MOHAMMED KHANAFSEH, IBRAHIM AL QATAWNEH | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | 97(24) | | 2019 |
| | Mais Haj Qasem, Mohammad Qatawneh | International Journal of Computer Applications | 179(19) | | 2018 |
| | Amaal Shorman, Mohammad Qatawneh | International Journal of Computer Applications | 179 (25) | | 2018 |
| | Asassfeh Mahmoud Rajallah, Mohammad Qatawneh, Feras Mohamed AL-Azzeh, | International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) | 10(2) | | 2018 |
| | Areej Al-Shorman, Mohammad Qatawneh | | 180(73) | | 2018 |
| | Heba Harahsheh, Mohammad Qatawneh | International Journal of Computer Applications | 179(20) | | 2018 |
| | AL-Azzam Saad, Mohammad Qatawneh | | 12(4) | | 2018 |
| | Sanad AbuRass, Mohammad Qatawneh | | 179(48) | | 2018 |
| | Mohammed Y. Alkhanafseh, Mohammad Qatawneh, Hussein A. al Ofeishat | International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security | 15(6) | | 2017 |
| | Ola M Surakhi, Mohammad Qatawneh, A Hussein | International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications | 8(6) | | 2017 |
| | Sherin W. Hijazi, Mohammad Qatawneh | I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science | 12 | | 2017 |
| | Orieb AbuAlghanam, Mohammad Qatawneh, Ammar Huneiti Hussein A. al Ofeishat, Omar Adwan | International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications | 9(12) | | 2017 |
| | Mais Haj Qasem, Mohammad Qatawneh | Proceedings of the Computational Methods in Systems and Software | | | 2017 |
| | 9. Enas Rawashdeh, Mohammad Qatawneh, Hussein A. Al Ofeishat | International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) | 9(2) | | 2017 |
| | | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 90 | | 2016 |
| | Maha Saadeh, Azzam Sleit, Mohammed Qatawneh, Wesam Almobaideen | Cybersecurity and Cyberforensics Conference (CCC) | | | 2016 |
| | Maha Saadeh, Huda Saadeh, Mohammad Qatawneh | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 95 | | 2016 |
| | Mohammad Qatawneh, Ahmad Alamous, Ja'far Alqatawna | International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications. | 7(1) | | 2015 |
| | Qatawneh Mohammad, Ahmad Alamoush, Sawsan Basem, Maen M. Al Assaf, Mohammad Sh. Daoud | International Journal of Computer networks and communications. | 7(3) | | 2015 |
| | Qatawneh Mohammad, Hebatallah Khattab | International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking | 8(2) | | 2015 |
| | Maen M. Al Assaf, Ali Rodan, Mohammad Qatawneh, Mohamed Riduan Abid | Int. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences | 9 | | 2015 |
 | | Omar Adwan, Azzam Sleit, Mohammed Qatawneh, Ammar Huneiti, Tawfiq Khalil | Information: An International Interdisciplinary Journal
ISSN: 1343-4500 | Volume 16, Number 6(B) pp. 3997-4003 | International Information Institue -Japan | 2013 |
| | Wesam Almobaideen, Dimah Al-Khateeb, Azzam Sleit, Mohammad Qatawneh, Khadejeh Qadadeh, Rasha Al-Khdour, Hadeel Abu Hafeeza | J. of Communications, Network and System Sciences | 6(5) | | 2013 |
 | | Mohammad Qatawneh, Yacoub Massad, Mohammad Musaddaq, Tawfik Khalil, Azzam sleit | An International Interdisciplinary Journal | Accepted Vol.15 | International Information Institute. Tokyo-Japan. | 2012 |
 | | | The Journal of American Science | 7(12) 367-370 | MARSLAND PRESS, Science Pub. | 2011 |
 | | | International Journal of Communication, Network and System Sciences | 4(11) 227-231 | Scientific Research Publishing Inc. –USA. | 2011 |
 | | Hasan Al-Hasan, Mohammad Qatawneh, Azzam Sleit, Wesam Almobaideen | Journal of American Science | 7(8) 753-758 | MARSLAND PRESS, Science Pub. | 2011 |
 | | Mohammed Qatawneh, Azzam Sleit, Moh'd Belal Al- Zoubi, Ayman Fetyani and Saleh Al-Sharaeh | World Applied Sciences Journal | 12 (1) 106-113 | IDOSI-International Digital Organization for Scientific Information | 2011 |
 | | Azzam Sleit, Abdel latif Abu dalhoum, Mohammad Qatawneh, Maryam Al-Sharief, Rawa’a Al-Jabaly and Ola Karajeh | KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems | VOL. 5, NO. 1 211-227 | KSII-KOR SOC INTERNET INFORMATION – South Korea. | 2011 |
 | | Mohammad Qatawneh, Hamed Bdour, Shrouq Sabah, Rana Samhan, Azzam sleit, Ja'far Alqatawna, Wesam al-Mobaideen | An International Interdisciplinary Journal | 14(10) 3499-3514 | International Information Institute. Tokyo-Japan. | 2011 |
 | | Mohammad Qatawneh,Wesam Almobaiden,Azzam Sleit. | WSEAS Transactions on Computers | vo.9 issue 8 799-811 | World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society | 2010 |
 | | Qatawneh, Mohammad, Sleit,Azzam, Almobaideen, Wesam | American Journal of Applied Sciences. | 6(20): 214-218 | Science Publications-USA. | 2009 |
 | | Qatawneh, Mohammad, Bdour, Hamed, Wesam Almobaideen,Azzam Sleit, Amal Oudat, Wala'a Qutechat, Roba Al-soub | International Journal of Computer science and Network security. | 9(12): 268-274 | | 2009 |
 | | Amjad Hudaib, Khalid Kaabneh, Mohamad Qatawneh | WSEAS TRANSACTION on INFORMATION SCIENCE and APPLICATIONS | Vol. 6 Issue 2 147-158 | World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society. | 2009 |
 | | Azzam Sleit, Wesam Almobaideen, Mohammed Qatawneh, Ala’a Barakat, Heba Saadeh | Journal of Digital Information Management. | Vol. 7 No.1 15-20 | Digital Information Research Foundation - India | 2009 |
 | | Mohammad Qatawneh, Wesam Almobaideen, Azzam Sleit, Emad Qadura, Orayb Meqdady, Shatha Kamel Al-asir. | European Journal of Scientific Research. | 20(1):14-23 | Copyright FRDN Incorporated | 2008 |
 | | Qatawneh, Mohammad, Yahya, Aref | Abhath Al-Yarmouk Journal,pure Science and Engineering Series | 17(1): 8-16 | Al-Yarmouk University-Jordan | 2008 |
 | | Ahmad Sharieh, Mohammad Qatawneh, Wesam Almobaideen, Azzam sleit | European journal of Scientific Research | 22(2): 457-468 | Copyright FRDN Incorporated | 2008 |
 | | Fawaz A.Masoud,Mohammad Qatawneh , Wesam Almobaideen,Mohammad Alshraideh , Nabil abu Hashish, Shourouq AlAdaileh, | European Journal of Scientific Research | 27(1): 112-119 | Copyright FRDN Incorporated. | 2008 |
 | | Azzam Sliet, Wesam Almobaideen, Mohammad Qatawneh, Shatha Al-asir, Oraib Al-Megdadi | The Journal of American Science | 4(4) 32-43 | MARSLAND PRESS, Science Pub. –USA. | 2008 |
 | | Azzam Sliet, Wesam Almobaideen, Mohammad Qatawneh , | American Journal of Applied Sciences | 6(1) 78-88 | Science Publications-USA. | 2008 |
 | | Azzam Sleit, Wesam Almobaideen, M. Smadi, Qatawneh, Mohammad. | Proceedings of The IEEE First International Conference on The Applications of Digital Information and Web Technology. ICADIWT. | 281-288 | | 2008 |
 | | Almobaideen, Wesam, Qatawneh, Mohammad, Sleit, Azzam, Salah, Imad, Al-sharaeh, Saleh | Journal of Applied Sciences | 7(18):2666-2670 | Science Publications-USA. | 2007 |
 | | Qatawneh, Mohammad. | Journal of Computer Science. | 2(2): 124-126 | | 2006 |
 | | Qatawneh, Mohammad. | European Journal of Scientific Research | 10(2): 72-77 | Copyright FRDN Incorporated | 2005 |