| | | Consultant for the Arab Authority for Agriculture Investment and Development To prepare document on ”Arab Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology” during 2007-2008.
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Consultant to IFAD/GM to assist in the preparation of Project Brief and Project Concept documents for a proposal on Mainstreaming Sustainable Land Management Practices in Jordan (Karak, Tafela and Ma’am Governorates) to be submitted to GEF for funding. During (October to December 2006)
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Prepared a document for IFAD on Knowledge Management and Dissemination Strategy for the GEF project proposal on Mainstreaming Sustainable Land Management Practices in Jordan ( Karak, Tafela and Ma’am Governorates as part of the ARMP II). During July to September 2006.
| | | Prepare a document for ICARDA on Characteristics of Badia in Some WANA Countries with Emphasis On Jordan. (2003)
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Team leader for the development of a document on Medicinal and Herbal Plants Cultivation in Jordan. Implemented for NCARTT and WB during Jan-April 2002.
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Team leader for Completion Review Mission for the M&M regional project on: Development of crop livestock production in low rainfall areas of Mashreq and Maghreb. The project covered eight countries, namely, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria in the Mashreq and Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia in the Maghreb sub-region. Implemented for IFAD during April-June 2002.
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Team Leader for a Mid Term evaluation Mission for the regional project on: Conservation and sustainable use of dryland agro-biodiversity in Jordan, Lebanon, the Palestinian Authority and Syria. Implemented for GEF/UNDP during July-August 2002.
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Team leader for the Preparation of a document for ICARDA on Rehabilitation agricultural research system in Iraq, June-July, 2003.
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Team leader for a final evaluation mission for the regional project on: The Improvement of barley Production and Enhancement of its Utilization and Trade in the Middle East and North Africa (Phase II). The project covered five countries, namely, Algeria, Jordan, Morocco, Syria and Tunisia. Implemented for AOAD during July-September, 2003.
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Member of the higher committee for the preparation of the Jordan Agriculture Development Strategy (2002-2010).
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Advisor to the Higher Council For Science and Technology (HCST) in Jordan for the last two years to develop the Council’s science and technology strategy and action plan for the strategy period 2005-2010. The approach which was followed in the process is the planning by objective following the logical framework approach (LFA), problem analysis with stakeholder participation.
| | | Member in the board of the Badia Research and Development Center in the Higher Council for Science and Technology.
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Provided training workshop on the “logical framework approach” following the EU project cycle management manual.
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Facilitator to several workshops and discussion groups related to agriculture development.
| | | American Society of Agronomy, Sigma zi (the Scientific Research Society of North America).
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Jordan Society of Agricultural Engineers
| | | Regional Coordinator, ICARDA Nile Valley and Red Sea Regional Program (1997-2001)
| | | Regional Coordinator, ICARDA West Asia Regional Program (1989-1997) |
| | | Regional Coordinator, Mashreq Project (1995-1989) |
| | | Regional Coordinator, Mashreq/Maghreb Project (1995-1997) |
| | | Leader, Food Legume Improvement Project (1980-1989) |