| | Role of failure prevention in Mechanical design. Stress and deformation. Classical theories of failure. Notches and notch sensitivity. Fracture Mechanics: Rowan –Irwin relationship, Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), Elastic stress field approach, Energy balance approach, Elastic Plastic Fracture Mechanics (EPFM), J-Integral. Fatigue: Low cycle fating, High cycle fatigue, and remaining life. Creep and some mathematical; models. Wear. | Fifth Year and Graduate | | | Introduction, FEM general formulation, Two-force element (bar element), with applications to Design Analysis, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Multi-force element (beam element), with application structural analysis and eigenvalue problems, Plane elements (2 and 4 nodes), with application structural analysis and heat transfer, Isoparametric formulation, Application using the commercial software ANSYS | Fifth Year | | | Determining the gravitational acceleration, g; Simple and Compound Pendulum, Center of Percussion, Reversible Pendulum, Bifilar Suspension. Centrifugal Force. Simple Spring – Mass Damper System. Mass Moment of Inertia of a Single Rotor, The Modulus of Rigidity of Shaft Material. Torsional Oscillation of a Two – Rotors System. Undamped Vibration of a Beam, Un-damped Vibration Absorber. Static And Dynamic Balancing. Resonance response of a single degree of freedom system. Base excitation and vibration isolation. | Third Year | | |
1. Axial loading, Material properties obtained from tensile tests,
Stresses and strains due to axial loading, Thermal Stresses,
Elementary theory of torsion, Solid and hollow shafts and thin-walled tubes. Stresses in beams due to bending, shear and combined forces. Composite beams, Analysis of plane stress, Mohr’s Circle, Combined stresses, Thin-walled pressure vessels, Deflection of beams, Buckling of columns, Energy Methods. 2. Design of beams and shafts, buckling of columns, deflection of beams (discontinuity functions, moment-area method, and method of superposition), statically indeterminate beams, energy methods (strain energy, principle of virtual work, Castigliano’s theorem). Steady loading, static theories of failure. Variable loading, dynamic failure theories. Curved beams (deflection and stresses). | Third Year | | | 1. Meaning, phases, evaluation, considerations of design, stress analysis, deflection analysis, static strength and theories of failure, fatigue strength. Design of fasteners and connections; riveted joints, bolts and screws, force-deflection diagrams of bolted connections. Welded joints. Mechanical springs, helical, leaf, torsional spring shafts.
2. Rolling contact bearings, selection, mounting and enclosure. Lubrication and journal bearings. Clutches, coupling and brakes. Gearing : Geometry, kinematics gear trains and force analysis. Design of spur, helical, bevel and worm gears. Multi-speed gear boxes. Design and analysis of belts, ropes, chains, term project. Case studies and applications. | Fourth Year | | | General Principles, the basic quantities and idealizations of mechanics, Newton’s laws, systems of units.
Force Vectors, addition, resolving, product. Equilibrium of a Particle, concept of a particle free body diagram, equilibrium problems. Force System Resultants, moment in two and three dimensions. Equilibrium of a Rigid Body. Structural Analysis, forces in the members of a truss, forces acting on pin-connected members of frames and machines. Internal Forces, internal shear and moment throughout a member(SFD and (BMD). Friction, equilibrium of rigid bodies subjected to dry friction. Center of Gravity, Centroid, and Moments of Inertia.
| Second Year | | | Kinematics of particles; Rectilinear and curvilinear motion in various coordinate systems. Kinetics of particles; Newton’s second law, Central force motion, Work-energy equation, Principle of impulse and momentum, Impact, Conservation of energy and momentum, Application to a system of particles. Kinematics of rigid bodies; Relative velocity and acceleration, Instantaneous center, Analysis in terms of a parameter. Plane kinetics of rigid bodies with application of Newton’s second law, Energy and angular impulse impulse-angular momentum. | Second Year | | | The aims of the syllabus are to further the ability to communicate information by graphical means, using also CAD software packages.
1. Introduction to Technical drawing and its significance in industry. Description of Instruments used in technical drawing and their use. Drawing of basic geometric shapes. Line types and their application. Lettering and numbering. Dimensions and scaling. Orthographic projection method; Definition, significance and drawing applications. Isometric projection method; Definition, significance and drawing applications. Perspective projection method; Definition, significance and drawing application. Free hand sketching techniques. Basic descriptive geometry.
2. Introduction to computer drawing, Drawing aids, Geometrical construction, and the appropriate commands of text, editing, plotting, sections, layers, pictorial views, and dimensioning. 3D AutoCAD drawing
| First year | | | This course is a prerequisite to numerical analysis. It provides an introduction to fundamental computing principles and basic MATLAB programming concepts. It introduces techniques for problem solving and programming. Basic concepts covered include:
Introduction to the MATLAB environment, help system, data types and scalar variables, arithmetic and mathematical functions, displaying input and output data, …Arrays: vectors, and matrices, solve systems of linear equations and element-by-element operations. Basic programming: script files, control flow through conditional (if-end) statements, through loops (for-end and while-end). User defined functions. Graphics: 2-D, 3D curve plotting and fitting. Calculus and Mathematical basis: polynomials, Interpolation, differentiation and integration…Simulation: using Simulink toolbox to model, analyze and simulate dynamic systems.
| Third Year | | | Mathematical preliminaries, numerical errors, loss of significance and error propagation. Numerical solution of nonlinear algebraic equations. Numerical solutions of systems of linear and non-linear algebraic equations. Interpolation, approximation and curve fitting. Numerical differentiation and integration. Numerical solution of linear and nonlinear ordinary differential equations: Numerical solution of first, second and high order differential equations including initial value problems, boundary value problems and eigenvalue problems (characteristic value problem). Introduction to numerical solution of partial differential equation. | Third Year | | | Introduction: Mechanisms and machines, applications. Links, Joints, Degree of Freedom (Mobility). Vector loops & Position analysis: graphical and analytical. Velocity analysis: graphical and analytical. Acceleration analysis: graphical and analytical. Static & Dynamic force analysis of mechanisms. Cams: types of followers and motion programs. Gears’ geometric parameters and different types of gear trains. Introduction to balancing. | Third year | | | This laboratory serves mainly the measuring and/or determination of some material properties (Modulus of elasticity, Modulus of rigidity, Yield stress, Ultimate stress, Fracture stress).
Introduction, rules, safety issues, reports. Performing the following experiments; Tension Test, Torsion Test, Strain Gauge Experiment, Creep Test, Hardness Tests, Impact Tests, Fatigue Test, Photoelasticity, Non-Destructive Testing, Shear center, and Non symmetrical bending.
| Third year | | | Fundamentals of Vibration, Parts of Vibrating Systems, Degrees of Freedom, Analysis Procedure, concept of natural frequency, Harmonic Motion, …., Free Vibration of Single-Degree-of-Freedom Undamped and damped systems. Harmonically Excited Forced Vibration of Single-Degree-of-Freedom Undamped and damped systems. Vibration Under General Periodic Force, Fourier Series representation, … Introduction to Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Systems. | Third Year | | | Continuum Theory, Essential Mathematics,Tensor calculus, Kinematics of a continuum, Stress Principles, Fundamental Laws and Equations, Linear elastic solids, Linear Viscoelasticity, Newtonian Fluid | Graduate Course | | | This course covers
Basics: the national energy balance (who produces what type of energy, where, and from which source, who consumes it, where, and for what purpose), energy related units, conversions and formulas;
Sustainability: economic, social, ecologic and political aspects, criteria and indicators of the concept of sustainable energy supply, global and European-Arab strategies of energy supply, trade, and security;
Policies: role of state, role of market, role of private sector, decentralization, standardization, policy options and mix, awareness building;
Regulations: laws, law enforcement, division of labor among organizations, feed-in- tariffs, economic and social functions of tariffs;
Organizations: functions and structure of public and private organizations in the energy sector on the national, regional and international level (e.g. IEA, IAEO)
Barriers: basic market barriers will be introduced related to transaction cost of EE implementation, sunk costs, split incentives hypothesis, etc.
Feasibility Study: Levelized Cost of Energy (Electricity), LOCE
Optimization: economics of energy demand, economics of energy efficiency, economics of energy conservation
| Graduate Course | | | This course aims at providing the student with concepts of engineering economic analysis and its role in engineering decision making. It is designed to offer the students the tools needed for rigorous presentation of the effect of the time value of money on engineering problem solving and the capacity to act with ethical and efficient professionalism. The tools introduced include present worth analysis, annual cash flow, rate of return, future worth analysis, and payback period. Additionally, the course also covers topics such as depreciation, after tax analysis, replacement analysis, uncertainty, inflation, deflation, and estimation of future events. | Fourth year |