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University of Jordan
This course provides conceptual understanding of the function of financial markets, their various types, institutions and instruments; explains how to read and understand the related published information in the financial mass media. In addition it discusses the efficiency of the financial markets as well as the various types of risk that a company dealing in financial markets faces.
fourth year
Jordan University
This course includes the following topics: Definition of operations Research and its importance, Decision Theory, Linear Programming, Simplex Method, Sensitivity Analysis, CPM and PERT.
Third Year 2008-2009
Jordan University
The module aims to give students an in-depth understanding at an advanced level of the complexities of managing supply chains. Emphasis is placed on critically evaluating the principal processes, which add vale, primarily in manufacturing, but also in service sectors. This course will address the nature and scope of supply chain management, the concept of purchasing and supply, the organization of the purchasing function, inter-organizational relations such as partnerships, e-supply chains and logistics
Third Year  2008-2009
Jordan University
The course is intended to develop an understanding of the way companies handle and manage their projects. In particular, the module will discuss the importance of deriving clear concepts of the project definition and project scope. Other topics which will be discussed are the importance of the project management team, planning and implementing the practical tools and techniques required for the project, managing finances and resources and quality control.
fourth year -2009

(Lecturer)  "How to Make an Effective Presentation: The Role of Body Language" Young Women's Christian Association. April 1st, 2003 Amman – Jordan
(Lecturer)  "Your Body Speaks: The Importance of non- verbal Communication" The University of Jordan in Cooperation with USAID" INJAZ" Program, May 11th, 2003 Amman – Jordan.
(Lecturer) "The Role of Body Language in Inter-personal Communication" Inner Wheel Club Amman – Jordan, December 2, 2003.
(Lecturer) "The Role of Body Language in Inter-personal Communication" Inner Wheel Club Jarash – Jordan, October 11, 2003.
(Lecturer)  "How to Make an Effective Presentation: The Role of Body Language" Young Women's Christian Association. June 3, 2004 Amman – Jordan
(Lecturer)  “Your Body Speaks louder than your Words". Young Women's Christian Association. Nov 14, 2005 Amman – Jordan.
(Lecturer) “ Enhance your Communication Skills”. Jordanian Orthodox Club. June 12, 2007. Amman – Jordan.