| | Yousef, M. Mesallam, T., Garadat, S., Almasaad, A., Alzhrani, F., Alsanosi, A, Hagr, A. | Otology & Neurotology | 42(1): 38-46. | | 2021 |  | | Almomani, F., AlMomani, M., Garadat, S., Alqudah, S., Kassab, M., Hamadneh, S., Rauterkaus, G., Gans, R. | BMC Pediatrics | 21(1): 71. | | 2021 |  | | Garadat, S., Alkharabsheh, A., Almasri, N., Hagr, A. | Journal of the American Academy of Audiology | 32 (8):547–554 | | 2021 |  | | Garadat, S.*, Colesa, D., Raphael, Y., Pfingst, B. | Hearing research | In press | | 2021 |  | | Albalawi, Y., Nidami, M., Almohawas, F., Hagr, A., Garadat, S. | American Journal of Audiology | 28(1): 62-68. | | 2019 |  | | Alzhrani, F., Alahmari, M., Al Jabr, I., Garadat, S., Hagr, A. | Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery | 71(Suppl 2):1266-1271. | | 2019 |  | | 13. Alzhrani, F., Mokhatrish, M., Al-Momani, M., Alsherhri, H., Hagr, A., Garadat, S. | | 37(1), 499-505 | | 2017 |  | | 14. Alrashidi, E., Almohawas, F. Hagr, A. Garadat, S.* | | 37(2): 161-165 | | 2017 |  | | Garadat, S., Abdul Baqui, K., Haj Tas, M. | International Journal of Audiology | 56(6), 424-430 | TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD | 2017 |  | | 12. Hagr, A., Garadat, S.*, Hassan S, Malki, K., Al Ohali, Y., Al Ghamdi, N., Al Nafjan, A., Al Masaad, A., Al Hamid, S. | Journal of the American Academy of Audiology | 27(5): 380-7 | | 2016 | | | Pfingst, B., Zhou, N., Colesa, D., Watts, M., Strahl, S., Garadat, S., Schvartz-Leyzac, K., Budenz, C., Raphael, Y., Zwolan, T. | | 322: 77-88 | | 2015 |  | | Hagr, A., Garadat, S., Al Mumani, M., Alsabellha, R., Abdulaziz, F. | International journal of Audiology | 54: 323–328 | | 2015 |  | | Alsabellha, R., Hagr, A., Al-Momani, M., Garadat, S. | | 35(4), 130-4 | | 2014 |  | | Garadat, S., Zwolan, T., Pfingst, B. | | 18(4), 247-60 | | 2013 |  | | Garadat, S., Zwolan, T., Pfingst, B. | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 131, 4030-4041 | Acoustical Society of America | 2012 |  | | Litovsky, R., Goupell, M., Godor, S., Grieco-Calub, T., Jones, G., Garadat, S., Agrawal, S., Kan, A. Todd, A., Hess, C., Misurelli, S. | Journal of the American Academy of Audiology | 23(6), 476-94 | American Academy of Audiology | 2012 |  | | Garadat, S., Pfingst, B. | Hearing Research | 275, 130-138 | Elsevier | 2011 |  | | Pfingst, B., Bowling, S., Colesa, D., Garadat, S., Raphael, Y., Shibata, S., Strahl, S., Su, G., Zhou, N. | Hearing Research | 281, 65-73. | Elsevier | 2011 |  | | Garadat, S., Litovsky, R., Zeng, F-G. | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 127(2), 977-89 | Acoustical society of America | 2010 |  | | Garadat, S., Litovsky, R., Yu, G., Zeng, F-G. | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 126, 2522-2535 | Acoustical society of America | 2009 |  | | Garadat, S., Litovsky, R. | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 121(2). 1047-1055 | Acoustical Society of America | 2007 |