September 2009 – September 2010
Support from European Union for Regulatory Reform and Privatisation in infrastructure
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh
2,500 د.ا.‏
September 2006- April 2008
Arab Science and Technology Foundation, UAE,
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Dr. Mohammad Al-kelani, Prof. Abdulla Al-Abadi
35,000 د.ا.‏
September 2002- December 2003.
Supported by Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman,
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Prof. Yosuf Zreiqat, Dr. Mohammad El-Kelani
2,000 د.ا.‏
Nov. 2005 – May 2006
Center for Consultation and Strategic Studies, Saudia Arabia
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh
2,300 د.ا.‏
May 2002 – September 2005
Deanship for Scientific research in the University of Jordan.
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh
4,750 د.ا.‏
June 2008 – September 2008
Supported by DFG and LSTM-Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Prof Jovant, Prof. Delgado
8,400 د.ا.‏
June 2007 – September 2007
Supported by DFG and the Universitiy of Stuttgart, Germany.
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Prof. Kraemer
8,400 د.ا.‏
June 2006 – September 2006
Supported by DFG and the Universitiy of Erlangen, Germany.
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Prof. Yovant, Prof. Durst
8,400 د.ا.‏
June 2005  - September 2005
Faculty for Factory (FFF) project, Outreach center for industrial Consultancy, University of Jordan
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh
3,500 د.ا.‏
June 2004 – September 2004
Supported by DFG and LSTM-Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Prof. Yovant, Prof. Durst
8,400 د.ا.‏
June 2003 – September 2003
Supported by DAAD and LSTM-Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Prof. Yovant, Prof. Durst
6,500 د.ا.‏
July 2009  - October 2009
Faculty for Factory (FFF) project, Outreach center for industrial consultancy, University of Jordan
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh
3,500 د.ا.‏
February 2005 – September 2005
Supported by DFG and the Fluid Mechanics Department at Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, Germany.
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Prof. Friedel
9,900 د.ا.‏
Feb. 2010 – Dec. 2011
Deanship for Scientific research in the University of Jordan.
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Dr. Zayed Hamarmeh
23,300 د.ا.‏
Cuurent – March 2011
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / Scientific Research Fund
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Rawabdeh, Dr. Ahmed Sakhrieh, Dr. Ahmed Al-Ghandour, Dr. Hani Abu-Qdies
566,000 د.ا.‏
Current – March 2011
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / Scientific Research Fund
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Prof. Mohammad Hamdan
230,400 د.ا.‏
Curent – Dec. 2010
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / Scientific Research Fund
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Rawabdeh, Dr. Ahmed Sakhrieh, Dr. Mohammad Al-A'dous, Dr. Ahmed Mhedat
150,000 د.ا.‏

Submitted for fund

Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Dr. Ahmed Sakhrieh, Prof. Mohammad Hamdan, Dr. Omar Badran
50,000 د.ا.‏
August 2005 – 2007
Supported by DAAD and the Institute for Microtechnology, TU-Braunschweig, Germany.
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Prof. Buettgenbuch
April 2004
a fund from German government
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh
20,000 د.ا.‏
Ministry of Higher
Education and Scientific
Research / Scientific
Research Fund
566,000 د.ا.‏
2006 – Current
Deanship for Scientific research in the University of Jordan.
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Prof. Mohammad Hamdan, Dr. Ali Al-Shawabkeh, Dr. Yousuf Mobarak
11,500 د.ا.‏