| | LATE ISLAMIC PHILOSOPHY (2303924) (3 cr):
This Course deals with Islamic philosophy after Avicenna and Averros as appears in the philosophy of Mirdamad, Sadr ad-din Shirazi, Mulla hadi Sabswari and said al-Nouri, their Metaphysics i.e the originality of essence and existence, their theory of physics and knowledge.
| Many Years |
| | AL-GHAZALI AND IBN-RUSHD (2303913) (3 cr):
A Comparative study between Al-Ghazali in “The Incoherence of Philosophers” and Ibn-Rushd’ in “The Incoherence of Incoherence”; their views and the relation to neo-Platonism and Gnocism; metaphysics of being; God and the universe; the problem of the world-oldness, the cause-effect relationship; the impact of Al-Ghazali and Ibn-Rushd on later philosophers (Muslims & Europeans).
| Many Years |
| | ISLAMIC PHILOSOPHY (2303712) (3 Cr):
Discussion of the theories of Islamic thinkers on specific topics of physics, such as: body and soul, movement and space and other topics in metaphysics such as creation, the necessary being and the contingent.
| Many Years |
| | KANT AND HEGEL (2303713 ) (3 Cr):
A comparative study of Kant’s and Hegel’s philosophies concerning knowledge and being; Hegel’s science of logic and his attempt to surpass Kant’s "Critique of Pure Reason"; selected texts from the "Critique" and the "Phenomenology of Mind".
| Many Years |
A study of the main trends in Islamic thought: Salafism-movement, Al-Gehadi trend, the enlightenment reform trend, a study in the sources and beliefs of these systems and their impacts on the contemporary Islamic societies.
| Many Years |
| | Princenton University, USA | 1992/1993 |
| | ISLAMIC PHILOSOPHY (2303324) (3 cr):
Prerequisite: None
The development of intellectuality in Islamic thought; translation of Greek thought into Arabic (its move and effect); Muslim philosophers in the East and their main theories: al-Kindi, Al-Farabi, Al-Razi, Ibn Sina; Muslim philosophers in the west: Inbn-Baja, Ibn-Tofiel, Ibn-Rushd. | Many Years |
| | MEDIAEVAL PHILOSOPHY (2303327) (3 cr):
Prerequisite: None
St. Augustine, St. Anselm, St. Aquinas, Albert the Great; discussion of their issues which may include knowledge and the existence of world, knowledge of God and proofs for its existence, the problem of universals. | Many Years |
Prerequisite: (2303328)
The French Engightenment: The scepticisn of Bayle, Montesquien and his study of law, Voltaire and deism, Condillacy and human mind, Helvetius On Man. The Encyclopaedia: Diderot and d’Alembert. Materialism: la Mettrie, d’Holbach. Political Philosophy: Roussean and the Social Contract. The German Enlightenment Christian thomasius, Christian Wolf. Deism: Reimarus, Mendelssoton, lessing, educational theory. The Rise of the philosophy of History: Vico, Herder. | Many Years |
| | Eastern Philosophy (2303121) (3 cr):
Prerequisite: None
The development of religious thought in ancient Egypt, ancient Iraq and Syria, and its impact on Neo-Platonism ancient Persian thought: Zoroastrianism, Manoism, Mazdaism; Indian thought; Chinese thought.
| Many Years |
The nature and structure of action; cause and reason, purpose and function; kinds of action: action by nature and by necessity, action by coersion and by will; reason and action; conditions of moral action; freedom and responsibility; action and value; norms of moral action. | Many Years |
| | PLATO AND ARISTOTLE (2303711) (3 Cr.):
A comparative study of Plato’s and Aristotle’s theories of being and knowledge; an analysis of selected texts from Plato’s dialogues: Theatetus, Parmenides, Republic, Sophist….. and from Aristotle’s Metaphysics. | Many Years |
| | Al- Balqa' Applied University, Jordan | Many Years |
| | GREEK PHILOSOPHY (2303122) (3 cr):
Prerequisite: None
Pre-Socratic Greek philosophy: Ionian philosophy, Eleatic philosophy, Pythagorean philosophy; Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. | Many Years |
| | METAPHYSICS (2303457) (3 cr):
The Course deals with the essential metaphysical problems and questions posed by ancient, modern and contemporary philosophies; discussion of issues such as Aristotle’s Being qua Being, Leibniz’ principle of sufficient reason, Heidegger’s analysis of Being, the role of metaphysics in philosophical thought and the Islamic views about some metaphysical problems. | Many Years |
| | ISLAMIC THEOLOGY (2303223) (3 cr):
Prerequisite: None
The emergence of Islamic theology; its origins, sources and purposes; views of Islamic theologists: Mu’tazilates, Asharya, Mutaridis; Ikwan Al Safa; phenomenalism and God’s Attributes, ancient atomic theory; cause and effect; fatalism.
| Many Years |
| | ST. THOMAS AQUINUS (2303920) (3 cr):
Theology and philosophy ; the Moslem impacts; the impact of STS on his philosophy; his theory of nature; proofs of God’s existence; attributes and the relation with the self; his theory of creation; problem of evil; his theory of knowledge and the possibility of metaphysical knowledge; his theory of man, ethics, society and state. | Many Years |
| | PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION (2303716) (3 cr):
Religion: its nature and significance; a critical analysis of the problem of divinity; theological and natural religion: critical analysis of the relationship between religion and morality; the problem of evil; sources of religions knowledge; the philosophical evaluation of the revelation’s words: nature of belief and faith; the meaning of human existence: human soul and its fate; the Divine-human relation: man’s freedom and the human’s hope for eternity. | Many Years |
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AL-FARABI AND HIS SCHOOL (2303919) (3 cr):
Sources of his philosophy; his theory of being; metaphysics of emanation; nature and man; theory of knowledge; his theory of politics, society and morality; Al-Farabi School: his impact on Ibn-Sina, Sadr ad-din Shirazi, Ibn-Baja, Ibn-Tofail, Ibn-Rushd, Ibn-al-Sayed Al-Batleosee; his impact on the Christian European philosophy. | Many Years |
| | MODERN PHILOSOPHY (2303328) (3 cr):
Prerequisite: None
Rationalist philosophy: Descartes, Spinoza, Leipniz; empirisist philosophy: Locke, Berkeley, Hume; German idealism: Kant, Hegel. | Many Years |