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Hamadneh, I., Rosli, A.M., Zainal, Z., Yahya, A.K., Jusoh, M.M.
20th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2007)
Nagoya, Japan2007Participant
04th -7th November
Hamadneh, I. Ahmad, A. M., Zainal, Z., Ali., Suib, N.R.M. and Yahya, S. Y.
International Conference on Advancement of Materials and Naontechnology 2007 (ICAMN 2007)
Langkawi Island, Malaysia2007Participant
29th May-1st June.
Liang, T. S., Zainal, Z., Tan, W.T., Hamadneh, I.
23rd Regional Conference of Solid State Science & Technology(RCSSST2007)
27-29th November.
Suib, N.R.M., Yahya, S. Y, Hamadneh, I.
23rd Regional Conference of Solid State Science & Technology(RCSSST2007)
27-29th November.
Rosli, A.M., Jusoh, M.M., Hamadneh, I.
23rd Regional Conference of Solid State Science & Technology(RCSSST2007)
27-29th November.
Hamadneh, I., Rosli, A.M., Abd-shukor R., Suib, N.R.M., Yahya, S. Y.
7th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS07)
Brussels, Belgium2007Participant
16th -20th October
Jusoh, M.M., Yaya, S.Y., Hamadneh, I.
23rd Regional Conference of Solid State Science & Technology(RCSSST2007)
27-29th November.
Yahya, A.K.H., Abdullah, W.F., Hamadneh, I. & Jumali, M.H.
19th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2006)
Nagoya, Japan2006Participant
30th October-1st November.
Hamadneh, I. Agil, A., Yahya, A.K. & Halim, S.A.
19th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2006)
Nagoya, Japan2006Participant
30th October-1st November.
Marsom, E.S., Yahya, A.K., Hamid, N.A., Awang, Z & Hamadneh, I.
The Second International Conference on Solid State Science and Technology 2006 (ICSSST2006)
Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia2006Participant
04th-06th September
Hamadneh, I., Hui, L.T. & Abd-Shukor, R.
The Second International Conference on Solid State Science and Technology 2006 (ICSSST2006)
Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia2006Participant
04th-06th September
Hamadneh, I. & Halim, S.A.
 The 19th Malaysian Analytical Chemistry Symposium SKAM19 2nd Malaysian Conference on Catalysis (MyCat2)
Melaka, Malaysia2006Participant
21st -24th August.
Hamadneh, I., Yahya, N. & Halim, S.A.
 Proceedings of JICEC05, Jordan International Chemical Engineering Conference V
12-14 September, pp. 106 - 118
Hui, L.T., Abd-Shukor, R. & Hamadneh, I.
 International Meeting on Frontiers of Physics
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2005Participant
25-29 July.
Yahya, A. K., Ishak, A. Hamadneh, I. & Abd-Shukor, R.
ICFM, International Conference on Functional Materials and Devices
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2005Participant
6-8 June.
Salama, H.A., Halim, S.A., Hamadneh, I., Yahya, N. & Zaidan, A. W.
Proceedings of JICEC05, Jordan International Chemical Engineering Conference V
12-14 September, pp. 106 - 118
Abd-shukor R., Yaya, S.Y., Jumali, M.H., Hamadneh, I., & Halim, S.A.,
7th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity
11-15 September
Zainal, Z., Hui, Lee.K., Hussein, M.Z., Abdullah, A.H. & Hamadneh, I.
 Proceedings of ATCi2005, Conference on Advanced Materials
Hamadneh, I. & Halim, S.A.
 STTT’04, Superconductivity Theory and Tapes Technology Workshop
28–30 April.
Zainal, Z., Hui, Lee.K., Hussein, M.Z., Abdullah, A.H. & Hamadneh, I.
 Proceeding of the Regional conference for young Chemists2004 at Universiti Sains
Malaysia, Penang2004Participant
13th-14th April
Hamadneh, I. Halim, S.A., Irmawati, R. Lee, C.K. & Hassan, Z.A.
 Fourth International Conference on Inorganic Materials
Antwerp, Belgium,2004Participant
19-21 September.
Irmawati, R., Muhamad,E.N., Hamadneh, I., Abdullah, A.H., Taufiq-Yap, Y.H. & Abdul Hamid S.B.
 Fourth International Conference on Inorganic Materials
Antwerp, Belgium,2004Participant
19-21 September.
Yahya, A.K., Hamid, N.A., Abd-Shukor, R. & Imad, H.
 2nd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technology (ICMAT2003)
7-12 December
Yahya, A.K., Abdullah, W.F., Jumali, M.H., Imad, H. & Abd-Shukor, R.
 2nd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technology (ICMAT2003)
7-12 December
Haydari, M., Moksin, M.M., Yunus, W.M.M., Grozescu, I.V., Hamadneh, I. & Halim, S.A.
 Proceeding of 7th International Conference on Optics(ROMOPTO2003)
08-11 September.
Hamadneh, I. Agial, A. & Halim, S.A.
Update on Microscopy &Microanalysis
Hamadneh, I.,. Halim, S.A., Lee, C.K. & Hassan, Z.A.
 Malaysian Science and Technology
19-21 September
Dihom, M. M., Halim, S.A., Chen, S. K., Hamadneh, I., . Gebrel, Z., Mat Yunus, W. M. & Zaidan, A. W
 Malaysian Science and Technology
19-21 September
Gebrel, Z., Halim, S. A., Chik, A., Kabashi, K.K., Zainudin, H., Talib, Z.A., Hamadneh, I.,. Ahmed, I. & Dihom, M. M.
Malaysian Science and Technology
19-21 September
Gebrel, Z., Halim, S. A., Chik, A., Hamadneh, I., Lim, K.P., & Daud, W.M.,
Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Sains,Teknologi& sains social
27-28 May
Chik, A., Halim, S.A., Sharmiwati, M. S., Gebrel, Z., Lim, K.P., Hamadneh, I.,. Kabashi, K.K., Azman, M. T., Mat Yunus, W. M.& Moksin, M.M.
 Malaysian Science and Technology
19-21 September
Halim, S.A., Hamadneh, I., Fazila, I.A., Faridah, M.A., Shukur, R. A. and Sidek, H.A.A.
 Malaysian Science and Technology
19-21 September
Hamadneh, I.,. Halim, S.A., Lee, C.K. & Hassan, Z.A.
Seminar Update on Microscopy & Microanalysis
7-8 May
Chik, A., Halim, S.A., Lim, K.P., Hamadneh, I., Gebrel, Z. &  Dihom, M. M.
Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Sains,Teknologi& sains social
27-28 May
Hamadneh, I.,. Halim, S.A., Lee, C.K. & Hassan, Z.A. W.Daud M. Yusoff, Abdullah Chik, H.Azhan and Z.A. Hassan
 Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Sains,Teknologi& sains social
27-28 May
Halim, S.A., Tien, C.Y., Hamadneh, I.,. Tarmizi, A.K.M., Azhan, H., M. D. Mustapha, Sidek, H.A.A., Daud, W.M.,. & Suradi, J.
Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Sains, Teknologi & sains social
27-28 May
Halim, S.A.,Tien,C.Y., Hamadneh, I.,. Lee, C.K., Mustafa, M.D., Sidek, H.A.A. & Suradi, J.
Malaysian Science and Technology Congress
8-10 October
Hamadneh, I., Abdullah, I., S.A., Halim. & Abd-Shukor, R.
 International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technology (ICMAT2001)
1-6 July
Hamadneh, I., Halim, S.A., Mohamed, S.B., Azhan, H., Lee, C.K. & Hassan, Z.A.
Sixth Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences
27-29 February.
Azhan, H., Halim, S.A., Mohamed, S.B., Malik, A. I., Hamadneh, I.,  Kaida, K. & Sidek, H.A.A.
 Persidangan Serantau Sains Keadaan Pepejal ke-16
Crown Princess Hotel, Penang1999Participant
28-30 November
Hamadneh, I., Abd-Shukor, R.. & Abdullah, I.
 Graduate Colloquium
17 December.