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This graduate program is intended to stimulate active learning and the student’s ability to take responsibility for their personal and professional development. Although each student possesses a unique knowledge and experience, personal expectations, aims, and a personal learning style, this course is designed to provide the graduate students with specialized knowledge and skills in emergency and disaster nursing care. In addition to strengthen the students’ capability of independent and clinical judgment, the course will also provide them with the opportunity to enhance their ability to independently solve problems and follow the development of advanced knowledge within the field of emergency care and disaster planning.
Throughout the course, the nursing process will be utilized as a framework for solving problems and providing emergency nursing care.
second year
This course is sequel to the Introduction to Adult Health Nursing course. It introduces students to the conditions that affect the functional health patterns of an adult patient. It focuses on the bio-psycho-social responses of adults to actual and high risk conditions that affect their functional health patterns. The nursing process will be used as a framework to formulate nursing diagnoses and identify nursing interventions directed towards promoting, maintaining and restoring the health of adults and their families
second year
The course focuses on the physiological changes that occur due to internal and external stresses. It introduces the student to the pathological alterations that produce diseases and alterations that occur as a result of the disease processes. It also focuses on the body’s ability to compensate for those changes and cope with both physiological and environmental stresses
second year
This course is designed to provide the beginning student with the basic knowledge and positive attitudes related to the individual's physiological, psychological, and social needs according to the functional health patterns. Students will be able to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate nursing strategies in order to meet client's needs using nursing process as a framework.
First year
This course, a sequel to Adult Nursing I, introduces students to the specific and complex conditions that affect the functional health patterns of an adult patient. Emphasis will be placed on the impact of these conditions on an individual's functioning. The approach to the content is by way of presenting conditions related to meeting the basic needs of the patient and those arising from specific health problems. The nursing process provides a framework for selected independent, interdependent and dependent nursing interventions including health promotion and lifestyle changes.
Third year
This course is designed to facilitate the transition of the health profession students to beginning health care practitioners. It is designed to provide the student with the basic knowledge and positive attitudes necessary for providing holistic care for clients and their families. This course also introduces students to communication and interpersonal relations skill to prepare them to become effective member of a collaborative health care team. Critical thinking and decision making will be also addressed guides for a safe, competent and skillful professional practice. Socialization into the role of the health professional is introduced with emphasis on responsibilities as a direct care provider teacher-learner, and collaborator.
First year
This course is designed to provide the student with the knowledge and skills while providing care for critically ill patients. It will focus on the bio-psycho-social responses of adults with acute illness and enable the students to care for adult patients in special units. Students will have advanced knowledge and skills in treatment modalities, and advanced nursing roles when providing care to critically ill patients. The nursing process will be used as a framework to formulate nursing diagnosis and identify nursing interventions which promote, maintain and restore the health of adults and their families.
Third year
A University requirement course that introduces students to the basic principles of first Aids and first Aid care for Trauma and selected  medical emergencies. CPR and choking training
Arabic and English
First year
This course focuses on theoretical and empirical foundations of common symptoms as a basis for nursing practice. Each symptom is approached from bio-behavioral and socio-cultural theoretical approaches emphasizing the state of the science with regard to definitions, theoretical models, assessment/measurement, and clinical management strategies. Symptoms such as fatigue, pain, anxiety, adaptation, and cognitive changes will be examined as responses to illness/disability and/or its treatment across the life span.
يهدف هذا المساق الى تزويد الطالب بالمعلومات والمهارات الاساسية لتعزيز مفهوم الصحة الشاملة والوقاية من الامراض المزمنة حيث انه يزود الطالب بمعلومات علمية حديثة عن العادات الصحية الايجابية في المجتمع لممارستها في حياة الفرد والاسرة والمجتمع والعادات الصحية السلبية للوقاية منها ومكافحتها، ويولي هذا المساق أهمية للمواضيع الصحية ذات الصلة والتي تهم الشباب من طلبة الجامعة مثل: التدخين، السمنة، السرطان، السكري، الصحة النفسية، تنظيم الاسرة، تغيرات المراهقة، الأمومة الآمنة، الاستعداد للزواج، والنوع الاجتماعي واضافة الى مواضيع اخرى تهتم بصحة الفرد والاسرة والمجتمع
University Requirement