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1- Provide a basic and thorough understanding of poultry nutrition.
2- Review of nutrient constituents of feedstuffs and their role in poultry nutrition
3- Acquaint students with various components of poultry diets, specifically non-feed ingredients.
4- Provide an overview of feedstuffs used in by the poultry industry in Jordan and learn how to formulate diets.
5- Review some of the contaminants and feed toxins.
6- Shed some light on feed processing and milling technology
Senior Level Course (Fourth Year)
1- Provide students with a comprehensive background with current information available on biology, production, housing, and management of broiler breeders.
2- Highlight the importance of the wide range of factors that influence breeder production performance.
3- Learn the importance of management in commercial operations and how to address practical problems in the field.
Senior Level Course (Fourth Year)
1- Provide a comprehensive understanding of the basic elements of an effective seminar.
2- Enhance students’ research skills of vis-Ă -vis ability to use various resources to find research material pertinent to their seminar topic.
3- Encourage students to prepare visual aids using programs such as Power Point for their seminar presentation.
4- Acquaint students with research in animal science, how to refereed journal articles, and critique and discuss research data and
Senior Level Course (Fourth Year)
Provide students with a general idea about poultry farm management taking into consideration various aspects that pertain to management such as housing, ventilation, lighting, farm biosecurity, nutrition, welfare, waste management, and record management.
Junior Level Course (Third Year)
Introduce students to the basics of poultry science in all its aspects covering subjects such as biology of the domestic fowl, breeding, incubation and hatchery, brooding and rearing, housing and equipment, nutrition and feeding, marketing of products, and poultry welfare
Sophomore Level Course (Second Year)
Introduction about farm animals, breeds of ruminants (cattle, sheep, goats) and poultry, products of farm animals, basic concepts in animal breeding, physiology of digestion and reproduction, importance of nutrients, husbandry of farm animals, livestock sector in Jordan.
Freshman and Sophomore Level Course (First Year)