| | Amani Al-Assaf ,Abeer Albalawneh,Lana Abu Nowar ,Rabab Kabariti ,Amgad Hjazin ,Safaa Aljaafreh ,Wafa’a Abu Hammour ,Mai Diab, Salsabeel Al- shishany and Nizar Haddad | Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
| 13, pages p. 605-618 | ASERs publishers
Vol 13 No 3 (2022): JEMT, Volume XIII, Issue 3(59), Summer 2022 | 2022 |
 | | Albalawneh A, Al-Assaf A, Sweity A,Hammour WA, Kloub K, Hjazin A,Kabariti R, Abu Nowar L, Tadros MJ,Aljaafreh S, Diab M, Alwidyan J,Albashbsheh G and Haddad N | Frontiers in Environmental Science | 10 (1-9) | | 2022 |
 | | Amani Al-Assaf ,Abeer Albalawneh,Mohammad Majdalawi,Lana Abu Nowar ,Rabab Kabariti ,Amgad Hjazin ,Safaa Aljaafreh ,Wafa’a Abu Hammour ,Mai Diab andNizar Haddad | Sustanability | 13(9) | MDPI | 2021 |
 | | 4. Luca Coscieme, Håkon da Silva Hyldmo, Álvaro Fernández-Llamazares, Ignacio Palomo, Tuyeni H. Mwampamba, Odirilwe Selomane, Nadia Sitas, Pedro Jaureguiberry, Yasuo Takahashi, Michelle Lim, Maria P. Barral, Juliana S. Farinaci, Julio Diaz-José, Sonali Ghosh, Joyce Ojino, Amani Alassaf, Bernard N. Baatuuwie, Lenke Balint, Zeenatul Basher, Fanny Boeraeve, Sugeng Budiharta, Ruishan Chen, Maylis Desrousseaux, Gregory Dowo, Catherine Febria, Houda Ghazi, Zuzana V. Harmáčková, Rodolfo Jaffe, Mphatso M. Kalemba, Cosmas K. Lambini, Felicia P.S. Lasmana, Assem A.A. Mohamed, Aidin Niamir, Patricio Pliscoff, Rahat Sabyrbekov, Uttam B. Shrestha, Aibek Samakov, Anna A. Sidorovich, Laura Thompson, Mireia Valle | Environmental Science and Policy | 104, Pages 36-42 | ELSEVIER | 2020 |
 | | Al-Assaf, A.; Tadros, M.J.; Al-Shishany, S.; Stewart, S.; Majdalawi, M.; Tabieh, M.; Othman, Y.A. | Sustainability | 12, 8327 | MDPI | 2020 |
 | | Amani Al-Assaf 1,* , Maher J. Tadros 2 , Salsabeel Al-Shishany 3, Stephanie Stewart, Mohammad Majdalawi 1, Mohammad Tabieh 1 and Yahia A. Othman | Sustainability | 12, 8327 | MDPI | 2020 |
 | | Maher J. Tadros 1 , Amani Al-Assaf 2 , Yahia A. Othman 3,* , Zeyad Makhamreh 4 and Hatem Taifour 5,6 | Sustainability | 12, 5887 | MDPI | 2020 |
 | | Mohammad Majdalawi1, Salah-Eddin Araj2, Saida Betiebit3, Amani Al-Assaf1, Tawfiq M Al Antary2,* | Fresenius Environmental Bulletin | 29(10):8979-8987 | Parlar Scientific Publications (p s p | 2020 |
 | | Maher J. Tadros, Naji K. Al-Mefleh, Yahia A. Othman, Amani Al-Assaf | Agricultural Water Management | 243 | Elsevier | 2020 |
 | | 4. Maher J. Tadros, Naji K. Al-Mefleh, Yahia A. Othman, Amani Al-Assaf, | Agricultural Water Management | Volume 243, 106464 | ELSEVIER | 2020 |
 | | Salsabeel Shishany, Amani A. Al-Assaf, Mohammad Majdalawib
,Mohammad Tabieh, and Maher Tadros | JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY | 1-19 | Taylor and Francis INC | 2020 |
 | | Kirsten Davies, Asha Rajvanshi, Youn Yeo-Chang, Jae Chun Choe, Andy Sungnok Choi, Rosie Cooney, Shalini Dhyani, Judith Fisher, Ambika Prasad Gautam, Kaoru Ichikawa, Hishmi Jamil Husain, Jyothis Sathyapalan, Mahdi Kolahi, Mirza Dikari Kusrini, Ather Masoodi, Yuko Ogawa Onishi, Soojin Park, Harpinder Sandhu, Chuluun Togtokh, Amani Al-Assaf, SoEun Ahn, Ma'en Ahmad Al Smadi, Ruba Al-Zu'bi, Leni D Camacho, Sunita Chaudhary, Aschara Chinniyompanich, Lani Cutuli, Daniel P Faith, Jade Gundes, Rosemary Hill, Muna Yacoub Hindiyeh, Johnson Jament, Eun-Kyung Jang, Beria Leimona, Emily Marie Lim, Ashutosh Kumar Mishra, Oraib Nawash, Ram Pandit, Mi Sun Park, Sohee Park, Zara Phang, Osamu Saito, Andy Sheppard, Randolph Thaman, Khaing Thandar Soe, Dayuan Xue, Pavankumar Yeggina, Kelsey Zalfelds | Book | 84-219 | Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) | 2018 |
 | | Amani A. Al-Assaf, Yolla Y. Al-Asmar, Bart D. Johnsen-Harris & Marwan M. Al-
Raggad | JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY | 35:7, 469–485 | | 2016 |
 | | J Magos Brehm, S Saifan, H Taifour, K Abulaila, A Al-Assaf, A El-Oqlah, F Al-Sheyab, R Bani-Hani, S Ghazanfar, N Haddad | Enhancing crop genepool use: Capturing wild relative and landrace diversity for crop improvement | 172 | CABI | 2016 |
| | Amani A. Al-Assaf, Yolla Y. Al-Asmar, Bart D. Johnsen-Harris & Marwan M. Al-Raggad | Journal of Sustainable Forestry | 35:7, 469-485 | Taylor & Francis Inc | 2016 |
 | | Amani Alassaf | International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology | 22:3, 242-250 | | 2015 |
 | | Amani A. Al-Assaf, Doukhi Alhunaiti, Jan Dick and Tayseer Al-Adwan.
, | | 45(2): 157-165 | | 2014 |
 | | Amani Al-Assaf, Oraib Nawash and Mohamad Omari | International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology | 21(4) : 314-321 | | 2014 |
 | | Oraib Nawash, Amani Al-Assaf, and Ahmad Oqlah | Ethnobotany Research & Applications | 12: 385-396 | University of Hawaii Press | 2014 |
 | | Khalid Al-Khalidi, Amani Alassaf, Mustafa Al-Shudiefat and Raed Al-Tabini | Agricultural and Food Economics | 1:8 | springer | 2013 |
 | | Amani Alassaf | | 33(3):217–231 | Institute of Landscape Ecology | 2013 |
 | | الحنيطي، دوخي ، والعساف، أماني | المجلة الأردنية في العلوم الزراعية | Vol 5, No 3 | | 2012 |
 | | Amani A. Al-Assaf | International Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment | 10 (1): 323-326 | Agriculture & Environment (JFAE) | 2012 |
 | | Mohammad I. Majdalawi, Mohammad Samir H. El-Habbab, Emad K. Al-Karablieh and Amani Alassaf. | African Journal of Agricultural Research | Vol. 7(14), pp. 2114-2123, | | 2012 |
 | | Amani Al-Assaf | African Journal of Agriculture research | Vol. 6(12), pp.2755-2760 | | 2011 |
| | Al-Assaf, Amani. Majdalawi, Mohamad | Paper published in the proceedings of: International Symposium DAAD Alumni Summer School 2009 "Farming and Rural Systems: Economics and Biodiversity in the Tropics | | University of Hohenheim, Germany. | 2009 |
| | Al-Assaf, Amani
Doppler, Warner | Farming and Rural Systems: Economics and Biodiversity in the Tropics. | | University of Hohenheim, Germany. | 2009 |
| | Al-Assaf,A. Salamn,A. Fisher,F. Al-karablieh,E. | Water International Journal | 32 (2): 244-253 | | 2007 |