Pediatric Respiratory Medicine Course description The course objectives for undergraduate students is to obtain knowledge and skills In : -To Perform a proper and complete History taking and Physical examination for children presenting with a respiratory problem . -To be familiar of clinical presentation of common pediatric respiratory problems : Asthma , Bronchiolitis ,Pneumonia , Cystic Fibrosis ,common URTI , Inflammatory Upper airway obstruction . -Obtain knwolege in understanding the pathology and etiology of common pediatric respiratory illnesses -To be familiar with common basic respiratory investigations : Chest Radiology ,Lung function testing ,Skin Prick test . -To be familiar in the management and treatment of common pediatric respiratory problems . Description of course : 1- Clinical part : student will join the respiratory team to have the chance to: - Interview patients -Perform physical examinations -Discuss management of the most common pulmonary disorders. - Participate in inpatient rounds and consults on patient admitted at Jordan University Hospital . -Attend outpatient clinics -Observe lung function lab reports and be familiar with interpretation of results and its relevance to clinical practice and children care . -Observe Skin Prick testing performed in the clinic and its interpretation . -Maintain emphasis on general pediatric issues at the same time : growth, immunization, risk of smoking or exposure to tobacco smoke, and infection control, patient education, safety and planning of care. 2- The lectures/Seminars part : The Division of pediatric respiratory medicine present the following lectures and presentation for students during the course : -History and Physical examination for the respiratory system -Approach to cough in children -Bronchial Asthma -Pneumonia -Acute viral bronchiolitis -Cystic Fibrosis -Upper respiratory tract infections -Approach to stridor in children -Chest X ray interpretation session . All resources including (lectures , clinical case discussion ,chest X-ray interpretation ...etc) are available for students on line. at the E learning Portal for students .
course description as above in addition to : Hybrid teaching (on line and clinical ) has been introduced with students receiving both clinical training in the hospital (round,clinics) 3 days a week in addition to interactive on-line remote teaching provided by their teachers which includes discussion of clinical cases ,presentaion of images and videos related to cases ..