| | | Kholoud M. Alananbeh, Rana Alkfoof, Riyadh Muhaidat and Muhannad Massadeh | Journal of fungi | 10(1): 1-15 | MDPI | 2024 |
| | | Kholoud M. Alananbeh, Viviana Rivera, Ivette Acuña Bravo, Gary Secor and Neil C. Gudmestad | Journal of Fungi | 10 (3) | MDPI | 2024 |
| | | Kholoud M. Alananbeh
Yahia A. Othman
Monther M. Tahat
Hussen Al-Dakil
Anas Abu Yahya
Bilal Ayasrah
Thabit Al-Share
Sameh Alkhatatbeh
Rafat Al-Zoubi
Malik Alnaanah
Sufian Malkawy
and Muslim B. Alananbeh | Forests | 14 (5): 1-20 | MDPI | 2023 |
| | | Firas M. ABU EL SAMEN, Marwa NASRALLAH, Mahmoud A. ALFAQIH, Kholoud M. ALANANBEH | Phytopathologia Mediterranea | 62 (2): 255-268 | Firenze University Press | 2023 |
| | | Kholoud Alananbeh, Monther M Tahat, Haitham Al-Taweel | Plant Disease | https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-06-20-1219-PDN | | 2021 |
| | | Kholoud M. Alananbeh, Mohammad Al-Qasim, Aladin Gharaibeh, and Huda A. Al-Hiary | Plant Disease | https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-04-19-0860-PDN | | 2019 |
|  | | Kholoud Alananbeh & Firas Hayajneh | Journal of Agricultural & Food Information | 0: 1-35 | Taylor & Francis | 2018 |
|  | | Firas Hayajneh and Kholoud Alananbeh
| Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment | 16 (2):56-59; DOI: 10.1234/4.2018.5497. | WFL Publisher
Science and Technology | 2018 |
|  | | Osama W Al Arabiat, Salah-Edden A Araj, Kholoud M. Alananbeh, Tawfiq M. Al-Antary
| Fresenius Environmental Bulletin | 27 (5a): 3746-3751 | | 2018 |
|  | | Osama W Al Arabiat, Salah-Edden A Araj, Kholoud M. Alananbeh, Tawfiq M. Al-Antary
| Fresenius Environmental Bulletin | 27 (5a): 3706-3712. | | 2018 |
| | | Kholoud M. Alananbeh
Nahla A. BouQellah
Mashael R. Al Harbi
Salama A. Ouf
| Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences | 11 (5): 499-510 | Hashemite University | 2018 |
|  | | Dietary risk factors of obesity among preparatory year females students at Taibah University, Saudi Arabia | Journal of Taibah University for Science | 11: 408–421 | ScienceDirect | 2017 |
|  | | K. M. ALANANBEH, W. J. Al-REFAEE1 AND Z. A. QODAH | Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 79(4):559-567 | | 2017 |
|  | | Kholoud Mohammad Alananbeh, Salama Abu-Elyazeed Ouf, Khyreyah Jubran Al-Fifi | Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences | 13 (2): 367-380 | The University of Jordan | 2017 |
|  | | Kholoud M. Alananbeh, Zakaria Al-Qudah, Amira El-Adly, Wadha J. Al Refaee | Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | DOI 10.1007/s13369-016-2133-3 | Springer | 2016 |
|  | | Kholoud M. Alananbeh, Neil C. Gudmestad | Journal of General Plant Pathology | 10.1007/s10327-016-0662-y, pp 1-13 | Springer Japan | 2016 |
| | | Low-stringency single specific primer- PCR as a tool for molecular characterization of sand fly species (Diptera: Psychodidae) populations collected from Al-Madinah and Asir regions, Saudi Arabia | Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology | 2015: 1-21 | | 2016 |
|  | | Kholoud M. Alananbeh, Nahla Boquellah, Nadia Al Kaff,
Majid Al Ahmadi | Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sjbs.2015.08.003 | Elsevier | 2015 |
|  | | Mathew, F. M., Alananbeh, K. M., Jordahl, J. G., Meyer, S. M., Castlebury, L. A., Gulya, T. J., and Markell, S. G | Phytopathology | 105:990-997 | | 2015 |
|  | | Mathew, F. M., Castlebury, L. A., Alananbeh, K., Jordahl, J. G., Taylor, C. A., Meyer, S. M., Lamppa, R. S., Pasche, J. A., and Markell, S. G | Plant Health Progress | doi:10.1094/PHP-RV-14-0045 | | 2015 |
|  | | Zakaria Al-Qodaha, Mohammad Al-Shannag, Eman Assirey, Wasim Orfali, Khalid Bani-Melhem, Kholoud Alananbeh, Nahla Bouqellah | Biochemical Engineering Journal | 97: 40–49 | | 2015 |
|  | | Alananbeh, K.M., Bouqellah, N.A., Al Kaff, N.S | Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences | 21: 616–625 | Elsevier | 2014 |
|  | | Al-Qodah, Z., Al-Shannag, M., Bani-Melhem, M., Assirey, E., Alananbeh, K., Bouqellah, N | Desalination and Water Treatment | 1-10, DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2014.954148. | | 2014 |
|  | | Mohammad Al-Shannag, Zakaria Al-Qodah , Kholoud Alananbeh, Nahla Bouqellah, Eman Assirey, Khalid Bani-Melhem | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal | 13(12): 3153-3160 | | 2014 |
|  | | Alananbeh, K. M., Tsror (Lahkim), L., and Gudmestad, N. C
| American Journal of Potato Research | 91: 75-87 | | 2014 |
|  | | Al-Qodah, Z, Daghistani, H., Alananbeh, K
| African Journal of Microbiology Research | 7(29): 3711-3719 | | 2013 |
|  | | Alananbeh, K. M., Pasche, J. S. and Gudmestad, N. C.
| Potato Research | 54:81-103 | | 2011 |
|  | | Al-Momany, A., and Ananbeh, K.
| Environmental Earth Sciences | Part 9, 1483-1490, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-95991-5_139. | | 2011 |
|  | | Ananbeh K. and Al-Momany, A. | Dirasat, Agricultural Sciences | 35(3): 133-138 | | 2008 |
|  | | Abdel-Wali, M., Bahdousheh, M., Al-Awamleh, A., Shaderma, A., Arabyat, S., Ananbeh, K., Ayassreh, M., Frehat, A., Romiah, N., Alawneh, Y., Abu-Nab, N., Gharaybeh, A., Qbielat, S. and Edwan, M. 2007. | Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) | 741:87-107 | | 2007 |