| | Dieter Uhl, Andre Jasper and Abdalla Abu Hamad | 7th European PalAeobotany-Palynology Conference.
| C z e c h r e p u b l i c, Prague | September 2OO6 | Participant | Volume: ISBN 80-7036-198-0 |
 | | J.Fischer, S. Voigt, Abdalla Abu Hamad, J.W. Schneider and F. Scholze | 86. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft | Schiffweiler-Reden, Germany | September 2015 | Participant | Volume: ZfB-Scriptum 4: 22–23 |
| | Abu Hamad, A.M.B., Jasper, A. & Uhl, D., | Annual meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, | Berlin. | September 2012 | Participant | |
 | | Dieter Uhl, Andrè Jasper, Abdallah M B Abu Hamad and M. Montenari | 1st WSEAS International Conference on ENVIRONMENTAL and GEOLOGICAL SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (EG'08) | Malta | September 2008 | Participant | |
 | | P. Blomenkemper, B. Bomfleur, H. Kerp and Abdalla Abu Hamad | Der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft Jahrestagung-88
| Münster, Germany | March 2017 | Participant | |
 | | Frank Scholze, Abdalla Abu Hamad and Jörg W. Schneider | Der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft Jahrestagung-88 | Münster, Germany | March 2017 | Participant | |
| | Kerp, H. & Abu Hamad
| Agora Palaeobotanica, Autun | France | January 2015 | Participant | |
 | | At Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow, during February | Current perspectives and emerging issues in Gondwana evolution, | India | February 2015 | Participant | |
| | Abdallah Abu Hamad | International conference of Jordanian Geologist Association and the 7th international symposium of Middle East Geology | Amman Jordan | April 2011. | Lecturer | |
| | A. Abu Hamad, P. Blomenkemper, H. Kerp and B. Bomfleur | | | | Participant | |
| | Issa Makhlouf
Abdalla Abu Hamad
Basem Mahmoud
| | | | Participant | |
| | Hendrik Klein 1 *, Gerard Gierliński 2, Jens N. Lallensack 3, Abdalla Abu Hamad 4,
Habes Al-Mashakbeh 5, Ikhlas Alhejoj 4, Marcin Konopka 6 & Marcin BłoŃski 7 | | | | Participant | |