| | Shadi Almasaedeh, Shadi Jawarneh,Ashraf Odeh and Abdullah Alhaj
| International Journal of Information Security and Privacy | 7(4),1-10 | IGI | October-December 2013 |
| | Nabeel I. Zanoon1, Abdullah A. Alhaj2, Khalid Alkharabsheh | IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI | 13 pp. 3920∼3929 | IAES | December 2024 |
 | | Abdullah Alhaj
| The Recent Patents on Computer science | 8(2) pp. 85-89(5) | Bentham Science - Canada | August 2015 |
| | Abdullah Ahmad Alhaj1, Adnan Alrabea2, Omar Jawabreh3 | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
| Vol. 36, No. 1, October 2024, pp. 1~1x | Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) | 2024 |
| | A. A. Alhaj1, N. I. Zanoon2, A. Alrabea3, H. I. Alnatsheh2, O. Jawabreh4,*, M. Abu-Faraj5 and Basel J. A. Ali | Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability | 12 No 2 405-414 | Natural sciences publishing | 2023 |
| | Abdullah Alhaj
, Mua’ad Abu-Faraj
and Basel J. A. Ali | Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences
| 17, No. 6, 1177-1187 ( | Natural Sciences Publishing Cor.
| 2023 |
| | Abdullah A. Alhaj | Accepted to be published later on
"Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences" | | MEDWELLJOURNALS | 2018 |
 | | Nabeel Zanoon Abdullah Alhaj Sufian Khawaldeh
| International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | V(12),Number 17(2017) pp.6970-6982 | Research India Publications | 2017 |
 | | Abdullah Alhaj, Shadi AlJawarneh
| International Journal of Cloud Application and Computing | Advanced Research on Cloud Computing Design and Applications.chp6 pp. 73-84 | IGI- USA | 2015 |
 | | | International Journal of Cloud Application and Computing | Accepted | | 2014 |
 | | Abdullah Alhaj, Shadi Aljawarneh, Shadi Masadeh and Evon Abu-Taieh | International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC)
| Volume 3, Issue 1, 34-43 | | 2013 |
 | | Shadi Aljawarneh, Abdullah Alhaj
| International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT) | Vol. 9, No. 3, 235-242 | Association of Arab Universities | 2012 |
 | | Evon Abu-Taieh, Minwer El-Maheed, Maha, El-Maheed, Alia Abu-Tayeh, Jeihan Abu Tayeh and Abdullah El-Haj
| Proceedings of 19th International Business-Information Management Association Conference | pages: 858-869 | Innovation Vision 2020: Sustainable growth, Entrepreneurs hip and Economic Development | 2012 |
 | | Shadi Aljawarneh, Maher Debabneh and Shadi Masadeh and Abdullah Alhaj
| Research Journal Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (RJASET) | 3(9): 948-952 | Maxwell Scientific Organization, UK | 2011 |
 | | Al-Haj, A.,Mellor, J. ; Awan, I.
| Proceedings of 23rd IEEE-AINA'09 (UK-Bradford), AINA'09 Proceedings & IEEE -Digital library | Pages: 117-121 | | 2009 |
 | | A. Alhaj, J. Mellor and I. Awan
| Proceedings of the eighth onformatics workshop (D. Riga, ed) | pp. 43-46 | | 2007 |
 | | A. Alhaj, J. Mellor and I. Awan
| | PP. 401-406 | | 2007 |
 | | Shadi AlJawarneh ,Reem Jaradat, Abdel Salam Maatuk,and Abdullah Alhaj
| IEEE –Computer Society | Accepted- To be published on Oct., 2016 | IEEE –ICEMIS2016 | October, 2016 |