| | Definition; DSS Framework; Modeling and model management; Modeling process; Characteristics and capabilities of DSS; Component of DSS; DSS Hardware and Software; Constructing a DSS; DSS development tools; Group DSS; Executive DSS; Hybrid DSS; Distributed DSS; case study. Weekly practice in the lab. | Third Year | | | Solving Problems using the computer: Variables, Algorithms and its representation, Data: types and definitions. Advanced applications using software packages such as: MS Word: templates, comparing documents, master, Table of contents, Index, inserting, mailing merge, macros, MS Excel: Charts, Functions, sorting and filtering, Solver, Macros, MS Access: Tables, relations, forms, queries, reports, import and export files and data, macros; introduction to the Web applications. Small Projects and applications. Weekly practice in the lab. | First Year | | | Information security basics, classical encryption and block ciphers, modern symmetric ciphers, confidentiality using symmetric ciphers, public-key cryptosystems and key management, message authentication and hash functions, digital signatures, IP and Web security, firewalls and trusted systems, software threats (Viruses, Worms). | 2011-2016 | | | This course explores key concepts and essential technologies of computer networks and broad range of topics in networking, including: General overview: Networks applications, Network classifications and topologies, Network layers, Channel performance measures, transmission media, Communication Network Protocols and architecture; Data link layer: framing, error detection and correction, CSMA/CD, LAN IEEE standards; Network layer: IP service model, IP Addressing, subnetting, Host configuration DHCP, ARP Protocol, ICMP protocol; Transport layer: UDP protocol, TCP protocol, TCP reliable transfer and sliding window, TCP flow and congestion control; Application layer: DNS protocol, NAT protocol, HTTP protocol, persistent and non-persistent HTTP connection.
| | | | Background: Binary numbering system: representing information in digital systems, binary codes; Boolean Algebra: logic operations, corresponding logic diagrams, logic gates, charactersittics of integrated circuites; simplification of Boolean expression; Algebraic simplification, Karnaugh Map (map mthod); Combinational Circuites & Sequential Circuits: Analysis, Design; Basic components of Digital Systems: Address, Code Converters, Decoders, Encoders, Flip-Flops.
| 2011-2015 | | | Information technology components, computer hardware: memory, CPU, machine cycle. Numbering systems: decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal, operations, data representation, coding. Communication and networks, multimedia, E-business, system software and applications, programming languages , Database, information systems: analysis and development, problem solving: algorithm, flowchart, pseudo code. Weekly practice. | 2011-2016 | | | Introduction, Hardware and Software Concepts, Processes and Threads, Synchronous Concurrent Execution, Deadlock and Indefinite Postponement, Processor Scheduling, Physical and Virtual Memory, Disk Performance Optimization, Performance and Processor Design, Multiprocessor Management, Distributed Systems.
Introduction, Hardware and Software Concepts, Processes and Threads, Synchronous Concurrent Execution, Deadlock and Indefinite Postponement, Processor Scheduling, Physical and Virtual Memory, Disk Performance Optimization, Performance and Processor Design, Multiprocessor Management, Distributed Systems.
Introduction, Hardware and Software Concepts, Processes and Threads, Synchronous Concurrent Execution, Deadlock and Indefinite Postponement, Processor Scheduling, Physical and Virtual Memory, Disk Performance Optimization, Performance and Processor Design, Multiprocessor Management, Distributed Systems.
| 2011-2016 | | | Software engineering processing methods; Software life cycle; Computer-based system engineering; Software project management; Requirements and specification: requirement engineering, requirement analysis, prototyping, formal and algebraic specification; Software design: architectural design, object-oriented, function oriented, real time and user interface design; Reliability; Maintenance; Portability; Documentation, Re-engineering and reverse engineering; Case study. Weekly practice in the lab. The course also expresses the role of UML for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting software system. | 2011-2015 | | | This course intends to provide the students a strategic managerial perspective regarding some related issues as the roles of information systems in the overall strategy and management of organizations; organization management; Information resources: Personnel, planning and control, technological trends, management implications, managing MIS departments; outflow of information; documents generation and distribution; team management; and important issues. | 2016 |