Academic Rank: Professor
Year Rank Obtained: 2009
Specialization: Auditing and Financial Accounting
Research Interests: Information Tech. and Audit Risk
Bachelor: University of Jordan, Jordan, 1988
Master: University of Jordan, Jordan, 1991
Ph.D.: Essex, England, 1998
Brief Bio: Dr. Ali Al-Thuneibat is a full professor in the Accounting Department at the Faculty of Business in the University of Jordan. He Got his PhD in Accounting and Financial Management (Auditing) from Essex University in the United Kingdom in 1998. He has published many research papers in accounting and auditing on issues of expectations gap, audit automation, auditors' responsibilities, operational auditing, auditor's opinion and disclosure. Presently he is interested in audit risk and TQM in the audit area. Dr. Al-Thuneibat participated in many committees within the Faculty of Business and many training programs inside and outside the university.