| | This course focuses on plant structure, classification, growth, reproduction and utilization of cultivated plants. Methods to illustrate these areas include, plant identification and nomenclature, plant propagation in general, vegetative and
reproductive growth, and development. Soil and water management, land preparation.The discussion includes information on photosynthesis, respiration and translocation,
and factors affecting plant growth and development including climatic influences on crop production .
| Second year |
| | Course Objectives:
1. To acquire students with nutritional value of vegetables.
2. To familiarize students with recent developments related to sustainable vegetables.
3. To provide adequate information on pre and post – harvest of vegetables.
4. To study vegetable crops cultivated in Jordan and elsewhere.
| Third year |
| | Course Objectives: 1. To present the scientific evidence that provides the theoretical framework upon which propagation is based. 2. To describe in detail procedures and techniques up-to-date propagation methods in important horticultural plants. 3. To provide students with the basic biological background which is necessary for a comprehensive understanding of propagation in all of its aspects. 4. To provide students with the environmental aspects of propagation. 5. To present the concept of variation within clones with emphasis on trueness-to-cultivar, trueness-to-type and freedom from pathogen. 6. To provide the student with understanding of propagation by tissue culture techniques. | Third year |
| | This course deals with: introduction, factors affect plant growth and productivity, means of protection and covering materials, environmental conditions control (ventilation, relative humidity, heating and cooling systems, illumination and carbon dioxide, etc.), management of seedling production in various growing media, irrigation and fertilization management, soilless cultivation management, using plant growth regulators, managements of weeds and pest control,
selected subjects in Green house management .
| Graduated Course |
| | | Fourth year |
| | أهداف المساق:
1-إظهار أهمية الحديقة المنزلية في إبراز المظهر الجمالي والحضاري للمنزل من حيث تكامل هندسة المنزل معماريا وهندسة تنسيق الحديقة، وما يضيفه ذلك من زيادة على قيمة المنزل ماديا ومعنويا.
2-بيان أقسام الحديقة المنزلية والاعتبارات التي يتم بناء عليها تقسيم الحديقة وأنواع النباتات التي تزرع في كل قسم من هذه الأقسام.
3- التعرف على العوامل البيئية وأثرها في نمو نباتات الحديقة المنزلية.
4- تزويد الطالب بالمعلومات الأساسية لإنشاء وزراعة المسطحات الخضراء ومتابعة صيانتها.
5- تعريف الطلاب بطرق الإكثار الجنسي واللاجنسي لنباتات الحديقة المنزلية والعوامل البيئية المؤثرة على نجاح هذه الطرق.
6- إعطاء الطلاب فكرة عن أهمية وتقسيم وزراعة نباتات الزينة والخضروات وأشجار الفاكهة.
7- تعريف الطلاب بالعمليات الزراعية المختلفة للعناية بالحديقة المنزلية من حيث الري ، التسميد ، الوقاية ، التقليم ، الخف والقطاف .
8- تزويد الطلاب بالمعلومات الأساسية اللازمة لرسم مخطط لتصميم الحديقة مع مراعاة الأساسيات في استخدام الألوان وتوزيع العناصر الإنشائية والفنية والتجميلية
| First year |
| | Course objectives:
1-To describe and analyze the objectives, principles and practice of organic farming systems in arid and semi arid regions
2-To describe the process of organic products certification and marketing.
3-Define and distinguish organic and conventional farming, including the international standards for organic farming, focusing on field and horticultural crops.
4- Describe the scientific principles upon which organic farming is based, including the interactions between environment and management practices.
5- Discuss the role of certain cropping systems in maintaining soil organic matter and in reducing the incidence and severity of disease and insect attack.
6-Identify the main ecological principles governing cropping systems and their application to rotation design and poly cultures (intercropping), perm culture, as well as weed, pest and disease control;
7-Discuss the factors influencing the adoption of organic farming and the conversion process.
8- Discuss the contribution of organic farming to food quality, environmental and social policy objectives and outline the policy measures which have a direct influence on the extent and adoption of organic farming.
| Second year |
| | This course covers different subjects related to seed production technology including importance of seeds, development of seed industry, principles of seed
production, cultural practices, rouging and isolation processes. Seed harvesting, handling and storing. In addition this course addresses factors affecting seed quality. Also, this course covers methods of seed production for most important horticultural and field crops grown in Jordan.
| Fourth year |
| | الخضراوات :
* التعرف على التقاوي.
* انتاج أشتال الخضراوات.
* ربص الحقول المكشوفة والبيوت البلاستيكية.
* تجهيز الحقل المكشوف والبيوت البلاستيكية للزراعة.
* زراعة الحقول المكشوفة والبيوت البلاستيكية.
* العمليات الزراعية بعد الزراعة (خف ، ترقيع ، ري ، تسميد ، عـزق ،
تقليم وتربية ، مقاومة آفات ، حصاد وتدريج وتعبئة).
* فك وتركيب وتغطية وصيانة البيوت البلاستيكية والانفاق.
* اقتصاديات الانتاج (مكشوف ومحمي).
| السنة الرابعة |
| | Protected agriculture: importance, structures ( Glass and plastic Houses, tunnels), and design, components, construction and maintenance of such structures. Growing economic crops under protective conditions with emphasis on recent techniques and scientific development. | 3rd year |