| | | الزراعة العضوية في الاردن في نقابة المهندسين الزراعيين | الاردن | السبت الموافق 13/1/2007 | Lecturer | |
| | | إدارة وتطوير المشاتل الذي نظمته دائرة الحدائق والمتنزهات في امانة عمان الكبرى | الاردن | الاحد الموافق 17/12/2006 | Lecturer | |
| | | Participating In The First ISHS International Symposium on Fresh Food Quality Standards – Better Food by Quality & Assurance. | Amman – Jordan | May, 7-11, 2006 | Participant | Abubaker, S., Kasrawi, M. |
| | Dr. Azmi AbuRayyan & Dr. Barakat AbuIrmaileh | Participating In 13th Symposium of European Weed Research Society | Bari – Italy | June, 19-23, 2005 | Lecturer | |
| | عزمي ابو ريان | التقانات الحيوية ودورها في تطوير الريف العربي | السودان | 7-9/12/2010 | Lecturer | |
| | عزمي ابوريان و نذير الحديدي | " المؤتمر العلمي الزراعي الاردني السادس | :في رحاب الجامعة الاردنية- عمان - الاردن | 7-11/5/2006 | Lecturer | |
| | | كلية الزراعة في الجامعة الاردنية | الاردن | 28/10/2008 | Participant | |
| | | كلية الزراعة – الجامعة الأردتية | محطة البحوث الزراعية في الغور | 25/3/2004 | Lecturer | |
| |
Azmi AbuRayyan, Barakat AbuIrmaileh
The Sixth Conference on Scientific Research in Jordan
| Al-Zaytoonah University of jordan Amman-Jordan | 23/11/2013 | Lecturer | |
| | | نظمته أمانة عمان الكبرى بالتعاون مع الجمعية الأردنية للزراعة العضوية | الاردن | 23/11/2007 | Lecturer | |
| | A. Amr and A. Abu-Rayyan.
| 5th International congress on Food Technology.
| Thessaloniki, Greece, | 2007 | Participant | |
| | عزمي ابوريان و نذير الحديدي
| المؤتمر العلمي الزراعي الأردني السادس " تحت شعار: "الزراعة الآمنة لصحة الإنسان والبيئة" الجهة المنظمة | عمان | 2006 | Lecturer | |
| | Najib El Assi and Azmi Abu-Rayyan | In The First ISHS International Symposium on Fresh Food Quality Standards – Better Food by Quality & Assurance. | Jordan | 2006 | Participant | |
| | Abubaker, S., Kasrawi, M., and Aburayan, A. | In The First ISHS International Symposium on Fresh Food Quality Standards – Better Food by Quality & Assurance. | Jordan | 2006 | Participant | |
| | | In the 5th Agricultural Scientific Conference – Towards Susstinable Agriculture in the Arab World. | Jordan | 2005 | Lecturer | |
| | A. M. Abu Rayyan & B. E. Abu Irmaileh. | In 13th Symposium of European Weed Research Society | Italy | 2005 | Lecturer | |
| | Dr. Azmi AbuRayyan & Dr. Brakat AbuIrmaileh | Presenting Field Day Agricultural Research Station of University of Jordan | Jordan Valley | 2004 | Lecturer | |
| | | Fourth Jordanian conference of the quality | Amman | 2003 | Participant | |
| | | Third national agricultural conference: Training and education of agriculture | Amman | 2002 | Participant | |
| | Pimpini F., Abu-Rayyan A. | Colture Protette mensile (7). | | 2001 | Participant | |
| | | Seventh Arab Conference of Plant Protection | amman | 2000 | Participant | |
| | | Second national agricultural conference: Agricultural sector and the new economic situations | Amman | 2000 | Participant | |
| | | Informatic means for weeds control: from theoretical to practical aspects | Padua | 1998 | Participant | |
| | Pimpini F., Abu-Rayyan A | ARBUSTI ORNAMENTALI ASPETTI ECOFISIOLOGICI “PROGETTO DI ARBORN” - CNR - ROMA | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | 1998 | Participant | |
| | | Presenting paper in the scientific day of Ornamental Shrubs | Rom | 1997 | Lecturer | |
| | | Conference of Gardens: History, Forms, and Colors | Torino | 1997 | Participant | |
| | | Employment of genetically modified organisms: Positive aspects and Problems, | padua | 1997 | Participant | |
| | | Biological Products: Competitive or integrated | padua | 1997 | Participant | |
| | Pezzarossa B., Ditolal L., Piccotino D., Marsi M., Gianquinto G., Abu-Rayyan A. | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | Consiglio Nazionzle delle Ricerche | 1997 | Participant | |
| | | International Workshop" Rocket: promoting better uses and safeguarding the genetic diversity of an old underutilized Mediterranean crop", | Padua | 1996 | Participant | |
| | Pezzarossa B., Ditolal L., Piccotino D., Gianquinto G., Abu-Rayyan A | Convegno"III GIORNATE SCIENTIFICHE S.O.I." Erice | Centro di Cultura Scientifica "Ettore Majorana | 1996 | Participant | |
| | | Participating in the Annual Scientific days of Regional Research Center "PO DI TRAMONTANA | | 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997 | Participant | |
| | | Third Congress of European Society for Agronomy | Abano | 1994 | Participant | |
| | | Conference of Agriculture and Environment
| Pisa | 1994 | Participant | |
| | | First regional symposium on horti-culture in Jordan and the neighbouring countries | Amman | 1989 | Participant | |
| | | Workshop | Amman-Jordan | 10/11/2013 | Participant | |