Birth date & Status : 25/1/1941 - Married
Nationality : Jordanian
Education : B.Sc., Physics/Geology :
Ein Shams University-Egypt (1964)
M .Sc ., Physics of Materials .
Bristol University- England (1970)
Ph , D ., Physics of Materials
Leeds University- England (1973)
Appointment : Physics Dept. University of Jordan , Amman.
Specialization : Physics of Materials (Condensed Matter)
Rank: Professor of Material Physics. (1987)
Duties : Teaching of undereducated and postgraduate
Physics courses. Supervision , and research on Materials
Physics ( metals, polymers comp , and rocks ).
Fellowships : UNESCO, CUMIRP, and ICTP fellowships .
Scientific Visits : Italy (CRN), England , France , U.S.A, ICTP (Trieste).
Administration : Head of Physics and Math , Dept.
Dean of Faculty of Science
Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (Ma'an-Jordan)