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 | | Nader Albsoul a, Badi Rawashdehb,∗, Ahmad Albsoul a, Mohammad Abdullaha, Simin Golestani b, Aasem Rawshdeha, Mona Mohammada, Mohammad Alzoubi a a Jordan University Hospital, Department of General Surgery, Amman, Jordan b University of Arizona Medical Center, Department of General Surgery, United States | International Journal of Surgery Case Reports | 11 : 40–43 | | 2015 |
 | | Nader M. Albsoul1, Ayman A. Mismar1, Firas W. Obeidat1, Mohammad R. Tarawneh1, Mohammad A. Adaileh1, Ahmad N. Albsoul1. 1Department of General Surgery/ Faculty of Medicine/the University of Jordan. (Amman- Jordan) Article Type: Original Article. Running title: Parotid tumors in Jordan | Revista Kasmera 10(2015). | 10/2015; 10 | Revista Kasmera | 2015 |
 | | Firas Obeidat • Hiba Shanti • Ayman Mismar • Nader Albsoul •Mohammad Al-Qudah
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| Obesity Surgery | 25(10) | | 2015 |
 | | Khaled R Al-Zaben • Ibraheem Y Qudaisat • Sami A Abu-Halaweh •Walid S Zuabi • Hashem M Al-Momani • Nader M Albsoul • Faisal A Khatib •
Faculty of Medicine, The University of Jordan
| Middle East journal of anaesthesiology | 22(4):393-8 | | 2014 |
 | | Nader M. Albsoul a,∗, Fatima O. obeidat b, Raed N. Altaher a, Shams A. Jubouri c, Azmy M. Hadidyc | International Journal Of Surgery Case Reports | 4: 229–231 | Elsevier | 2013 |
 | | NADER ALBSOUL1 , AYMAN MISMAR1 , MAHMOUD ALARDAH1 , TAREQ MAHAFZAH2 1 Department of General Surgery/ Faculty of Medicine/The University of Jordan. (Amman- Jordan)-2 Department of ENT/ Faculty of Medicine/The University of Jordan. (Amman- Jordan) | Acta Medica Mediterranea | 29: 77 | | 2013 |
 | | Ayman A Mismar · Gabriele Materazzi · Marco Biricotti · Nader M Albsoul · Nidal A Younes · Paolo Miccoli | Saudi medical journal | 34(8):801-5 | | 2013 |
 | | Mosa Kamil • Fram • Shawqi S Saleh • Fawwaz A Kazaleh • Firas Obiedat • Osama Samarah • Nadir M Al-Bsoul *• | american journal of scientific research | 89;109-115 | | 2013 |
 | | Ayman Mismar • Mahmoud Al-Ardah • Nader Albsoul *• Nidal Younes• | International Journal of Surgery Case Reports | ; 4(6):534-536 | | 2013 |
 | | Tareq Mahafza • Sana Batarseh • Nader Albsoul *• Ehab Massad •Ibraheem Qudaisat • Abd Elmon'em Al-Layla • | Saudi Journal of Anasthesia | 6(2):152-4 | | 2012 |
 | | Nader M. Albsoul *• Moaath M. Alsmady • Raed N. Altaher •
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 | | Albsoul, Nader*; BaniHani, Mohammed; Al-Muqbel, Kusai; AlWaqfi, Nizar; Al Manasra, Abdul Rahman; Hamdan, Farouq; Younes, Nidal
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 | | Nader Albsoul, Mujali Murshidi | Saudi Medical Journal | 30 (3); 441-442 | | 2009 |
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 | | Nader M Albsoul* • Fatima N Obeidat • Azmy M Hadidy • Mohammad N Alzoubi • Abtehag A Taib • Awni D Shahait • | Endocrine Pathology | | | 01/2013; |
 | | Mahmoud Abu Abeeleh • Moaath Al Smady • Haitham Qasem • Raed Ennab • Nader Al Bsoul* •
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