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Emad K. Al-Karablieh, Amer Z. Salman and Mohammad A. Tabieh
SWUP-MEDFinal Conference. Sustainable water use for securing food production in the Mediterranean region under changing climate. Agadir, Morocco, 11-15 March 2013
Morocco  2013Lecturer
Amer Z. Salman , Emad K. Al-Karablieh , Abdallah S. Al-Zoubi, and Mohammad Tabieh.
SWUP-MEDFinal Conference. Sustainable water use for securing food production in the Mediterranean region under changing climate. Agadir, Morocco, 11-15 March 2013
Morocco  2013Lecturer
Arwa Hamaideh, Emad K. Al-Karablieh, Amer Salman and Faten O. Al–Najjar
The Sixth IWA Specialist Conference on Efficient Use and Management of Water. (29 March- 2 April 2011)
Dead Sea, Jordan  2011Participant
IWA, USAID, Ministry of Water & Irrigation, Jordan
Wolff, H-P., A. Subah, J. Guttman, A. Tamimi, J, Bensabat, , A. Jarrar, A. Salman, and E. Karablieh
International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management. Management of Water in a Changing World: Lessons Learnt and Innovative Perspectives. 12-13 October 2011
Dresden, Germany   2011Lecturer
Al-Omar, A., A. Salman , and E. Al-Karablieh
1st Water and Environment International Conference, WATEIC-2011, October 26 - 29, 2011
Marrakech- Morocco  2011Lecturer
Emad K. Al-Karablieh, Amer Z. Salman, Abbas Al-Omari, Heniz-Peter Wolff, Tamer Al-Assa’d, Ali Subah
1st Water and Environment International Conference 26-29 October, 2011, Marrakech, Morocco
Marrakech, Morocco  2011Lecturer
Tamer A. Al-Assa'd, Emad K. Al-Karablieh, Amer Z. Salman, Heniz-Peter Wolff
1st Water and Environment International Conference 26-29 October, 2011, Marrakech, Morocco
Marrakech, Morocco  2011Lecturer
Amer Salman, Emad Al-Karablieh , Abbas Al-Omar, Iyad Hussein & Tamer Al-Assad
1st Water and Environment International Conference 26-29 October, 2011, Marrakech, Morocco
Marrakech, Morocco  2011Lecturer
Amer Salman and Emad Al-Karablieh
15th Annual Jordanian Science Week, 2010. (10-12 May, 2010)
Jordan  2010Lecturer
The Higher Council for Science and Technology, (HCST)
Emad Al-Karablieh and Amer Salman
15th Annual Science Week, 2010. (10-12 May, 2010).
Jordan  2010Lecturer
The Higher Council for Science and Technology, (HCST)
Marc Haering, Emad Al-Karablieh, Amer Salman
International Conference on Food Security and Climate Changes in Dry Areas. (1-4 February 2010- Page 136)
Amman, Jordan  2010Lecturer
Marc Haering, Emad Al-Karablieh and Amer Salman
International Workshop. “Climate Change Impact on Water Resources: Risk, Assessment and Management in Arid and Semi- Arid Regions. (24th -26th November 2009- Page 24)).
Amman, Jordan  2009Lecturer
UNESCO’s programme for Water and Development Information for Arid Lands- A Global Network for Arid Lands (G-WADI)
Amer Salman, Emad Al-Karablieh, and Munjed Al-Sharif
International Workshop. Climate Change Impact on Water Resources: Risk, Assessment and Management in Arid and Semi- Arid Regions. (24th -26th November 2009)
Amman, Jordan  2009Lecturer
UNESCO’s programme for Water and Development Information for Arid Lands- A Global Network for Arid Lands (G-WADI)
Stéphanie Aulong, Madjid Bouzit Nathalie Dorfliger, Fadi Comair, Emad Al-Karablieh and Amer Salman
13th IWRA World Water Congress. (1–4 September 2008).
Montpellier, France  2008Participant
The International Water Resources Association (IRWA)
Heinz-Peter Wolff, Werner Doppler and Amer Salman
World Water Week
Stockholm, Sweden2006Participant
 Emad Al-Karablieh and Amer Salman
Integrated Water Resource Management and Challenges of the Sustainable Development
Morocco, Marrakech2006Participant
Amer Salman ; Emad Al-Karablieh 
International Conference: Integrated Water Resource Management and Challenges of the Sustainable Development
Marrakech 2006Participant
Ph. Ker Rault,  M. Bouzit; P. Jeffrey; A. Salman (2006), E. AL-Karablieh, .O. Attila ; S. Yüzereroğlu
Integrated Water Resource Management and Challenges of the Sustainable Development
Morocco, Marrakech2006Participant
 Emad Al-Karablieh, Amer Salman , and Abbas Al-Omari, Mohammad E. Osman
The 3rd International Conference on the "Water Resources in the Mediterranean Basin" WATMED 3.
 Emad Al-Karablieh, Amer Salman , and Abbas Al-Omari
The 3rd International Conference on the "Water Resources in the Mediterranean Basin" WATMED 3
Al-Omari, A, Courtois, N., Lanini, S., Al-Fares, W., Al-Charideh, A., Salman, A.,Al-Karablieh, E., Ekmekci, M., and Levant, T 
The 3rd International Conference on the "Water Resources in the Mediterranean Basin" WATMED 3
 Regner, H.J.; Salman, A.Z.; Wolff, H.P. Karablieh, E
In: Asch, F.; Becker, M. (ed.) Tropentag 2006: Prosperity & Poverty in a globalized world: Challenges for Agricultural Research
Amer Salman ; Emad Al-Karablieh 
International Conference: Integrated Water Resource Management and Challenges of the Sustainable Development. Marrakech
 Amer Salman
Regional Workshop on the Natural Resource Valuation and Assessing the Impact of Water Resource Management Research in Agriculture
Rabat, Morocco2005Participant
M.R. Hamdan and Amer Salman
International Conference Water: Values & Rights, Sponsored by: Palestine academy for science and Technology and Palestinian Water Authority
Ramallah, Palestine2005Participant
 M.R. Hamdan and Amer Salman
the International forum on Food Security under Water Scarcity in the Middle East: Problems and Solutions
COMO (Italy) 2004Participant
Heinz-Peter Wolff, Amer Salman,  Werner Doppler, Asem Nabulsi,  and Emad Al-Karablieh
The 14th World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden
Mohammad Shatanawi and Amer Salman
Water Valuation and Cost Recovery Mechanisms in the Developing Countries of the Mediterranean Region
Agadir in MOROCO 2002Lecturer
 Amer Salman, K. Raddad, M. Shatanawi, and H. Al-Qudah
Water Valuation and Cost Recovery Mechanisms in the Developing Countries of the Mediterranean Region
Agadir in MOROCO 2002Lecturer
Amer Salman
 A workshop titled Application of photovoltaic in irrigated agriculture, present and prospective
Amman Jordan2002Participant