| | | A member in different exam committees for many Master’s and PhD students |
| | | Training a Yemeni- Trainees through a course (“using the Microsoft’s Excel and Blp88 in project evaluation and farm resource planning”) held at the University of Jordan |
| | | Training of trainers in the formulation of agriculture and rural investment project with environmental consideration, The regional Center on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development For the Near East at (CARDNE |
| | | Participation in a workshop, financed by the USAID with cooperation of the Institute of Public Administration, with the title of “Introduction to conflict analysis and consensus-building processes” USAID. |
| | | Trainer for participants in the field of agricultural Policy analysis of water sector, Financed by FAO with cooperation of Ministry of Agriculture |
| | | Training participants in the field of mathematical programming in the field of water sector, Financed by FAO with cooperation of Ministry of Agriculture |
| | | Participation as trainer in the Advanced short course on Water Saving and Increasing Water Productivity: Challenges and Options” Faculty of Agriculture University of Jordan. Amman- Jordan, March 10-23, 2001. |
| | | A training program in the field of project evaluation (economic and financial feasibility study) use EXCEL software. Near East-North Africa Regional Agricultural Credit Association (NENARACA). |
| | | Lecturer in the field of The Environmental Valuation methodologies in a workshop titled Efficient Management of wastewater, it’s treatment and reuse in the Mediterranean Countries, held at Al_al-bayt University funded by the European Commission and German Federal Ministry for Economic cooperation and Development (BMZ) |
| | | Training for participants from the Royal Society for Conservation of Nature (RSCN) in the field of Statistics and applications |
| | | A member and sub-project leader of the socio-economic group in the Jordan Arid Zone Productivity Project, University of Jordan, Faculty of Agriculture |
| | | A member in the national committee of dams per request of Jordan Valley Authority – Ministry of Water and Irrigation |
| | | A member in the project of conservation and sustainable use of dry land Agro-Biodiversity in Jordan |
| | | A Member in the Development of Water Allocation Models in Jordan. A regional project in coordination between University of Jordan, Jordan University of Science and Technology &Hashemite University, USAID, MWI |
| | | A Member in the Badia Water Benchmark: Community – Based optimization of the Management of Scarce Water Resources in Agriculture in West Asia and North Africa, NCARTT and coordination with ICARDA |
| | GTZ | The Economic Analysis of Producing Selected Vegetables under Certification Scheme for Integrated Pest Management |
| | INSTRUPA /GTZ | Identification of Jordanian Male and Female Farmers’ Needs. |
| | FORWARD /USAID | Cost Tariff Model Study: Calculating the debt service on the whole irrigation system in the Jordan Valley. |
| | Harvard University and Delft Hydraulics in Netherlands | Harvard Middle East Water Project (Regional Project) development of the Agricultural Sub-model (AGSM), which allocate Water in an optimal way using different water qualities. |
| | Ministry of Water /Jordan Valley Authority | Financial and Economic Feasibility Study of Mujib and Southern Ghors Irrigated Project in Jordan. |
| | Ministry of Water /Jordan Valley Authority | Financial and Economic Feasibility Study of Waleh Dam Project |
| | Ministry of Water /Jordan Valley Authority | Financial and Economic Feasibility Study of Tannour Dam Project. |
| | Ministry of Water /Jordan Valley Authority | Updating of the Economic Feasibility Study of AL- Wehdah Dam Project in the Jordan |
| | Ministry of Water /Jordan Valley Authority | The Economic Feasibility of the Reuse of Treated Wastewater in Makrabah Area and in the Northern Jordan Valley. |
| | GTZ /Ministry of Agriculture | Advisory assistance of the ministry of agriculture in establishing Forecasting models Wheat Production In Jordan |
| | Ministry of Water /Jordan Valley Authority | Updating of the Economic Feasibility Study of AL- Wehdah Dam Project in the Jordan. |
| | FAO /Ministry of Agriculture | Capacity Building in Agricultural Policy and Project Planning, TCP/JOR/0066 |
| | World Bank with cooperation of Ministry of Water /JVA | Economic and Financial Assessment of the Jordan Rift Valley, Jordan Rift Valley Improvement Project, Phase A. |
| | FAO /Ministry of Agriculture | The Irrigation Sub-Sector in Jordan: problems, implications and possible solutions |
| | FAO /Department of Statistics | Assistance to the Agricultural Census and the on-going System of Agricultural Statistics, TCP/JOR/0065. |
| | World Bank with cooperation of Ministry of Water /JVA | Economic and Financial Assessment of the Jordan Rift Valley, Jordan Rift Valley Improvement Project, Phase B. |
| | FAO /Egypt | Water Pricing And Its Implication In The Irrigated Agriculture In Jordan |
| | Ministry of Water and Irrigation and US Agency of international Development | Member in the Development of Water Allocation Models in Jordan Regional project in coordination between University of Jordan, Jordan University of Science and Technology &Hashemite University |
| | Ministry of Agriculture | Participation of the evaluation of the final draft stage of the technical and economic feasibility study for the Agricultural Jordanian Project in Sudan. |
| | GTZ | The economics of photovoltaic pumping system in the irrigated agriculture in Jordan. |
| | FAO /Ministry of Agriculture | Agricultural Sector Assessment in Jordan over the period 1980-2000 |
| | Ministry of Agriculture | A member in the National Agricultural Strategic Plan for the Irrigated Agriculture in the Jordan Valley. |
| | GTZ | Using Seemingly Unrelated Yield and Area Equations to Predict Cereal Grain Outputs in Jordan |
| | Jordanian Consulting Engineer Company for the Ministry of Water and Irrigation | Participation in "Consulting services for technical and economic feasibility study and final design of the wastewater collection, treatment and effluent reuse for Jerash area" Amman- Jordan |
| | Ministry of Agriculture | Socio-economist in Study titled Socio-Economic study of Agricultural Resource Development Project in Yarmouk Basin”. The Regional Centre on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development for the Near East (CARDNE). |
| | Jordanian Consulting Engineer Company for the Ministry of Water and Irrigation | Participation in "Consulting services for technical and economic feasibility study and final design of the wastewater collection, treatment and effluent reuse for Sukhna area" Amman- Jordan. |
| | The Government of Jordan | Monitoring, Assessing and Quantifying Damage to Agricultural Resources due to Gulf Crisis |
| | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)-CANADA | Evaluation of a research grant of an assessment entitled "The Nile Basin initiative: towards sharing the essential" |
| | Ministry of Water /Jordan Valley Authority | Updating of the Economic Feasibility Study of AL- Wehdah Dam Project in the Jordan. |
| | University of Jordan, USAID, MWI | Establishment of software for water allocation Model in The Southern Ghors (Safi Ghor). |
| | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Participation in the Study "Cost of Influx of Palestinian Refugees into Jordan." (2004). Refugees’ Studies Unit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Jordan |
| | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | The Impact of Palestinian Refugees on Jordan’s Environmental Resources; Water Resources |
| | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Participation in the study "The Impact of Palestinian Refugees on Jordan’s Environmental Resources; Agriculture and Soils" |
| | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | The Impact of Palestinian Refugees on Jordan’s Environmental Resources; Natural Environment & Biodiversity Rangeland, Forest, Wetland and Wildlife study |
| | Government of Jordan | Monitoring, assessing and quantifying environmental damages to water, agricultural resources, terrestrial and marine ecosystems due to golf crisis in 1990. Section IV: Monitoring, Assessing and Quantifying Damage to Agricultural Resources. Claims for Environmental and Natural Resources Damages. Submitted to Government of Jordan, UNCC. |
| | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | The Impact of Palestinian Refugees on Jordan’s Environmental Resources; Land Mines |
| | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | The Impact of Palestinian Refugees on Jordan’s Environmental Resources; Air Quality |
| | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | The Impact of Palestinian Refugees on Jordan’s Environmental Resources; Cultural Heritage |
| | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | The Impact of Palestinian Refugees on Jordan’s Environmental Resources; Marine and Risk Assessment |
| | University of Jordan, USAID, MWI | Establishment of software for water allocation Model in The Jordan Valley |
| | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | The Impact of Palestinian Refugees on Jordan’s Environmental Resources; Solid and Hazardous Waste |
| | Ministry of Agriculture | Technical and Financial Feasibility Study of Horticultural Marketing Company in Jordan (2006). Prepared for Ministry of Agriculture. ECO Consult (Amman, Jordan). Kelly Harrison Associates (Virginia, USA) |