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A member in different exam committees for many Master’s and PhD students
 Training a Yemeni- Trainees through a course (“using the Microsoft’s Excel and Blp88 in project evaluation and farm resource planning”) held at the University of Jordan
Training of trainers in the formulation of agriculture and rural investment project with environmental consideration, The regional Center on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development For the Near East at (CARDNE
Participation in a workshop, financed by the USAID with cooperation of the Institute of Public Administration, with the title of “Introduction to conflict analysis and consensus-building processes” USAID.
Trainer for participants in the field of agricultural Policy analysis of water sector, Financed by FAO with cooperation of Ministry of Agriculture
Training participants in the field of mathematical programming in the field of water sector, Financed by FAO with cooperation of Ministry of Agriculture
Participation as trainer in the Advanced short course on Water Saving and Increasing Water Productivity: Challenges and Options” Faculty of Agriculture University of Jordan. Amman- Jordan, March 10-23, 2001.
A training program in the field of project evaluation (economic and financial feasibility study) use EXCEL software. Near East-North Africa Regional Agricultural Credit Association (NENARACA).
Lecturer in the field of The Environmental Valuation methodologies in a workshop titled Efficient Management of wastewater, it’s treatment and reuse in the Mediterranean Countries, held at Al_al-bayt University funded by the European Commission and German Federal Ministry for Economic cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Training for participants from the Royal Society for Conservation of Nature (RSCN) in the field of Statistics and applications
A member and sub-project leader of the socio-economic group in the Jordan Arid Zone Productivity Project, University of Jordan, Faculty of Agriculture
A member in the national committee of dams per request of Jordan Valley Authority – Ministry of Water and Irrigation
A member in the project of conservation and sustainable use of dry land Agro-Biodiversity in Jordan
 A Member in the Development of Water Allocation Models in Jordan. A regional project in coordination between University of Jordan, Jordan University of Science and Technology &Hashemite University, USAID, MWI
A Member in the Badia Water Benchmark: Community – Based optimization of the Management of Scarce Water Resources in Agriculture in West Asia and North Africa, NCARTT and coordination with ICARDA
The Economic Analysis of Producing Selected Vegetables under Certification Scheme for Integrated Pest Management
Identification of Jordanian Male and Female Farmers’ Needs.
Cost Tariff Model Study: Calculating the debt service on the whole irrigation system in the Jordan Valley.
Harvard University and Delft Hydraulics in Netherlands
Harvard Middle East Water Project (Regional Project) development of the Agricultural Sub-model (AGSM), which allocate Water in an optimal way using different water qualities.
Ministry of Water /Jordan Valley Authority
Financial and Economic Feasibility Study of Mujib and Southern Ghors Irrigated Project in Jordan.
Ministry of Water /Jordan Valley Authority
Financial and Economic Feasibility Study of Waleh Dam Project
Ministry of Water /Jordan Valley Authority
Financial and Economic Feasibility Study of Tannour Dam Project.
Ministry of Water /Jordan Valley Authority
Updating of the Economic Feasibility Study of AL- Wehdah Dam Project in the Jordan
Ministry of Water /Jordan Valley Authority
The Economic Feasibility of the Reuse of Treated Wastewater in Makrabah Area and in the Northern Jordan Valley.
GTZ /Ministry of Agriculture
Advisory assistance of the ministry of agriculture in establishing Forecasting models Wheat Production In Jordan
Ministry of Water /Jordan Valley Authority
Updating of the Economic Feasibility Study of AL- Wehdah Dam Project in the Jordan.
FAO /Ministry of Agriculture
Capacity Building in Agricultural Policy and Project Planning,  TCP/JOR/0066
World Bank with cooperation of Ministry of Water /JVA
Economic and Financial Assessment of the Jordan Rift Valley, Jordan Rift Valley Improvement Project, Phase A.
FAO /Ministry of Agriculture
The Irrigation Sub-Sector in Jordan: problems, implications and possible solutions
FAO /Department of Statistics
 Assistance to the Agricultural Census and the on-going System of Agricultural Statistics, TCP/JOR/0065.
World Bank with cooperation of Ministry of Water /JVA
Economic and Financial Assessment of the Jordan Rift Valley, Jordan Rift Valley Improvement Project, Phase B.
FAO /Egypt
Water Pricing And Its Implication In The Irrigated Agriculture In Jordan
Ministry of Water and Irrigation and US Agency of international Development
Member in the Development of Water Allocation Models in Jordan Regional project in coordination between University of Jordan, Jordan University of Science and Technology &Hashemite University
Ministry of Agriculture
Participation of the evaluation of the final draft stage of the technical and economic feasibility study for the Agricultural Jordanian Project in Sudan.
The economics of photovoltaic pumping system in the irrigated agriculture in Jordan.
FAO /Ministry of Agriculture
Agricultural Sector Assessment in Jordan over the period 1980-2000
Ministry of Agriculture
A member in the National Agricultural Strategic Plan for the Irrigated Agriculture in the Jordan Valley.
Using Seemingly Unrelated Yield and Area Equations to Predict Cereal Grain Outputs in Jordan
Jordanian Consulting Engineer Company for the Ministry of Water and Irrigation
Participation in "Consulting services for technical and economic feasibility study and final design of the wastewater collection, treatment and effluent reuse for Jerash area" Amman- Jordan
Ministry of Agriculture
Socio-economist in Study titled Socio-Economic study of Agricultural Resource Development Project in Yarmouk Basin”. The Regional Centre on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development for the Near East (CARDNE).
Jordanian Consulting Engineer Company for the Ministry of Water and Irrigation
Participation in "Consulting services for technical and economic feasibility study and final design of the wastewater collection, treatment and effluent reuse for Sukhna area" Amman- Jordan.
The Government of Jordan
Monitoring, Assessing and Quantifying Damage to Agricultural Resources due to Gulf Crisis
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)-CANADA
Evaluation of a research grant of  an assessment entitled "The Nile Basin initiative: towards sharing the essential"
Ministry of Water /Jordan Valley Authority
Updating of the Economic Feasibility Study of AL- Wehdah Dam Project in the Jordan.
University of Jordan, USAID, MWI
Establishment of software for water allocation Model in The Southern Ghors (Safi Ghor).
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Participation in the Study "Cost of Influx of Palestinian Refugees into Jordan."  (2004). Refugees’ Studies Unit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Jordan
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Impact of Palestinian Refugees on Jordan’s Environmental Resources; Water Resources
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Participation in the study "The Impact of Palestinian Refugees on Jordan’s Environmental Resources; Agriculture and Soils"
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Impact of Palestinian Refugees on Jordan’s Environmental Resources; Natural Environment & Biodiversity Rangeland, Forest, Wetland and Wildlife study
Government of Jordan
Monitoring, assessing and quantifying environmental damages to water, agricultural resources, terrestrial and marine ecosystems due to golf crisis in 1990. Section IV: Monitoring, Assessing and Quantifying Damage to Agricultural Resources. Claims for Environmental and Natural Resources Damages. Submitted to Government of Jordan, UNCC.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Impact of Palestinian Refugees on Jordan’s Environmental Resources; Land Mines
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Impact of Palestinian Refugees on Jordan’s Environmental Resources; Air Quality
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Impact of Palestinian Refugees on Jordan’s Environmental Resources; Cultural Heritage
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Impact of Palestinian Refugees on Jordan’s Environmental Resources; Marine and Risk Assessment
University of Jordan, USAID, MWI
Establishment of software for water allocation Model in The Jordan Valley
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Impact of Palestinian Refugees on Jordan’s Environmental Resources; Solid and Hazardous Waste
Ministry of Agriculture
Technical and Financial Feasibility Study of Horticultural Marketing Company in Jordan (2006). Prepared for Ministry of Agriculture. ECO Consult (Amman, Jordan). Kelly Harrison Associates (Virginia, USA)