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Dead Sea, Jordan, 21-24 Nov., 2005
since 1997 up-to-now
.     Referee for many international journals as: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Acta Mechanica, Thin-Walled Structures, Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Yarmouk Researches, Journal of An-Najah National University. 
 ·    Referee for many submitted papers for The International Earthquake Engineering Conference, Dead Sea, Jordan, 21-24 Nov., 2005.
·    Referee for research reports submitted to the Higher Council for Scientific Research- Jordan, 2009, and 2011.
·    Training Workshop for Seismostruct Software organized by UNDP at Royal Scientific Society-Jordan. Two weeks, 2013
·    Training workshop on using Sta4Cad software organized by UNDP at Royal Scientific Society-Jordan. Two weeks, 2014
·    Training workshop on retrofitting techniques for structures subjected to earthquake hazards organized by UNDP at RSS-Jordan for 1 month, 2014.
·    Training Workshop for Preparing of faculty Members, held by center of Human Resources at Jordan University from 30/4/2006-5/6/2006.
·    Participating and presenting a paper in the 9th Int. Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Greece, 2-5th Sep (2008).
·    Participating and presenting a paper in the 6th Int. Conference on Steel and Aluminum Structural Engineering, ICSAS’07, (2007).
·    Participating in 3 workshops about ABET Accreditation, which where held at Faculty of Engineering and Technology in the University of Jordan in 2006 and 2007.
·    Attending residential workshop on Academic Subject Review for Engineering programs, organized by UNDP, Tunisia, 11-14 June, 2007.
·    Attending two residential workshops on Academic Subject Review for Engineering programs, organized by UNDP, Sharm El-Shaikh, Egypt, 10-17 Nov., 2007.
·    Hosting an external peer reviewer of a higher education program at University of Jordan-Civil Engineering Department, including producing evidence-based Self-Evaluation report, March, 2008.
·    Working as a reviewer specialist and team member in the peer review of engineering programs at Helwan University, Egypt, 20-25 Feb., 2008.
v  In-situ bridge life prediction. Contributions in a project of a bridge rating of HEN-108-1561 SR 108 over the Maumee River, Report submitted to Ohio Dept of Transportation. Napoleon, Ohio”, 2000.
v  Multimechanism Viscoelastoplastic-Coupled-to-Damage Constitutive Model, report submitted to NASA-Glenn Research Center, Dec. 2001, grant No. NCC3-808-5.
v  Case Study: “Evaluation and strengthening of an existence multistory building for Almajd TV”, Amman 2005.
v  Report submitted to Faculty for Factory Program: “Development of Quality Control/Assurance Program towards Improving Ready Mix Concrete Product”. JORDANIAN READY MIXED CONCRETE COMPANY, ALMANASEER, 2005.
v  Report submitted to Faculty for Factory Program: “Implementation of the new technology of post tensioning concepts for the steel structures”. ALEATELAF METAL WORK CO., 2006.
v  Report, Self Evaluation Document for UNDP project on Enhancement of Quality Assurance and Industrial Planning in Arab Universities based on QAA, 2008.
·   Member of Central Tenders Committee at the University of Jordan- Jordan.
·   Member of Buildings and University Campus Committee at the University of Jordan- Jordan.
·   Chairman, ABET committee at the Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Jordan.
·   Member, ABET committee at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, The University of Jordan.
·   Member, UNDP project for enhancement of Quality Assurance and Institutional Planning at Arab Universities/ Faculty of Engineering and Technology, The University of Jordan.
·   Member of Exams Committee at Civil Engineering Department at the University of Jordan- Jordan.
·   Member of Programs Studying Plans Committee at Civil Engineering Department at the University of Jordan- Jordan.
·   Member of Many Examination Committees for Master Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations Defense.
·   Member of College Steering Committee. Several times.
·   Currently as principal contactor in modifying and enhancement of Jordanian Building Codes, including Reinforced Concrete Building Code and Seismic Resistant Building Code.
·   Member of The Higher Technical Committee at Ministry of Public Works and Housing-Jordan.
·   Member of many Technical Reviewing Committees for Jordanian Codes and Specifications/Ministry of Public Works and Housing Since 2005.
-          Participated in technical reviewing of Jordanian Normal and Reinforced Concrete              Code.
-          Contributed in technical reviewing of Jordanian Code for Earthquake Resistant Structures.
-          Participating in technical reviewing of Jordanian General Building Specifications.
·   Member of many Technical Committees at the Royal Scientific Society in Jordan 2008-2014.
-          Participated in technical reviewing of Jordanian Code for Water Tanks and Reservoirs.
-          Participated in technical preparing of Arab Code for Earthquake Resistant.
-          Participated in technical reviewing of Arab Building Code.
-          Prepared Technical Specification of Roads Safety  and Black Spots.
·   Participated as a member of Jordanian National Technical Committee/Technical Board in preparing of reinforced concrete building code of practice, Ministry of Public Works and Housing- Jordan, 2005-2008.
·   Contributed in reviewing the code of earthquake resistant structures, Ministry of Public Works and Housing- Jordan, 2004-2006.
·   Contributed in preparing the General Specifications for Civil Works, Ministry of Public Works and Housing- Jordan, 2010-2012.
·   Participating in technical reviewing for Jordanian Green Building Code, Jordan Engineers Association.
·   Member of Jordan Society for Renewable Energy (JSRE). Playing major roles in community services and studies, 2008-present. Participated in establishing and spreading community’s knowledge and recognizing of the importance of renewable energy sources and their efficiency in different life aspects. Also, participated in many related seminars and workshops concerning achievements of JSRE goals through finding of sustainable strategic plans for utilizing renewable energy sources in Jordan.
·   Performed and carried out a consultancy project on laboratory testing and using 3D panel system in building technology. Senior consultant for Ma’an Development Company, Amman-Jordan.
·   Performed and carried out a consultancy project on laboratory testing and using a fiber reinforced precast concrete system in building technology. Senior consultant for Modern Technology Construction Company, Amman-Jordan.
·   Performed and carried out a consultancy project on quality control and quality assurance of ready mixed concrete factory. Senior consultant for Al-Manaseer Ready Mixed Concrete Company, Amman-Jordan.
·   Certified Peer reviewer by UNDP and Quality Assurance Agency, QAA on Enhancement of Quality Assurance and Industrial Planning for engineering programs.
·   Certified Academic Subject Reviewer by QAA.
·   Secretary and Committee Member for The International Earthquake Engineering Conference (TINEE), Dead Sea, Jordan, 21-24 Nov., 2005.
·   Member of American Society for Civil Engineers, 1997-present.
·   Member of Jordan Association for Engineers, 1993- present.