| | s Conference (COP15). In Cobenhagen.,2009p |
A white paper( 83 pages) on Monitoring and Assessment of Sustainable Management, prpeared for UNCD Sceientic Confernece The white paper is prepared by several scientists around the world. Jordan univeristy was the only university from the Middle East and North Africa to participate in preparing the document which was presented to the Climate conference, COP15, at Cobenhagen, Dec.,2009, on behalf of the Scientifc committe of the United Nation Convention to Combat Desertification
| | Long experience in statistical analyses | |
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Multivariate Analyses, Principle Component, Factor Analyses, Cluster Analyses
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Excellent working experience with well known packages such as SAS and SPSS on PC and main frame computers
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Over 26 years of field experience in soil studies and resource evaluation
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" Technical reports for UOJ-EEC Project".
UOJ-EEC research project: Agricultural Production in the Semi-Arid and Areas Suffering From Desertification at Muwaqar).
Preparation of the technical reports for the projects for several years
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Resources Use in Jordan Valley: Environmental Impact
Committee formulated by the Government of Jordan to assess the environmental impact of current resource management in the Valley.
The assessment covered: water, land, climate, and land resources management
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" Center for Arid Land Studies, Proposal, 21 Pages
Presented during the regional meeting on the development of Badiah in Jordan, arranged by Ministry of Planning.
Aims to develop land and water resources in Jordan after identifying natural and anthropogenic pressures on the available resources with emphases on improving water use efficiencies by introducing modern water harvesting technology, and improvement of land resources with special attention to socio-economical structure prevailing in the area.
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Treated Sewage Effluent Re-Use in Irrigation for Greater Irbid".
Land evaluation specialist (Technical and Economical Feasibility Study),
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Vegetable Production Using Drip Irrigation in Southern Iraq".
Land evaluation specialist (Technical Feasibility)
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"Alfalfa Production in North-East Jordan Project"
Jordan Livestock Development Company (Soil Investigation)
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"Fruit Production in Jordan Valley and Shoubak Areas".
Land suitability studies at several locations
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"The Establishment of Palm Orchard at Quwera",
Soil Investigation, (Technical Study). -Aqaba Region Authority
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Water harvesting in Jordan: 1994
Potential and Prospect
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, Jordan Food Security in the Poverty Pocke
World Food Program, Special Study.2009
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Impact of Globalization on NARS of Jordan
conducted for ISNAR. Netherlands.1999
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Resource Mobilization for National Action Program Implementation, 2006
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Strategy for Badiah Development – Jordan. 2005
Discusses the technical approach to Badiah development
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A Review of the Current Nutritional Trends and Major Strategic Directions of the National Food and Nutrition Policy in Jordan, 2005
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Work plan for Agricultural Development Strategy, Jordan. 2002-2003
Headed a national team comprising several sub-committees to prepare an action plan fro the national strategy for Agricultural development in Jordan. 130 project documents covering all strategy sub-sectors were prepared, including investment plans. Total number of specialist who participated in the preparation was 170. The ten years plan of the Agricultural sector is based on the prepared action plan.
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Strategy of Poverty alleviation I Jordan 2002-2004
Member of national committee responsible for the implementation of the strategy.
Chairman of the technical committee responsible for finalizing the action plan monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the as well as coordinating the national activities among the various participating public and non-governmental institutions.
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Evaluation of soil map of Lybia 2004
Member of a team to evaluate the final soil map of Lybia produced by ACSAD upon the request of the Lybian Government
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Evaluation of Syrian Badia Project 2004
Member of a team to evaluate the Syrian Baida project, which covers about 350,000 hectares. The project deals with various aspect of Badia development in Syria w
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Land Resources in Jordan. Policies Towards Better Uses, Preservation and Development, 250 pages
Agricultural Policies in Jordan- Sponsored by FAO
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Green Belt for Combating Desertification in Jordan. 1988
Sponsored by Ministry of Planing. 33 pages
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Land Use Policies in Jordan
Prepared for Higher Council for Science and Technology in Jordan.
Land use policy in Jordan with emphases on technology dimension
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Water Use Policies in Jordan
Prepared for Higher Council for Science and Technology in Jordan.
Protection and policies for water use in Jordan in relation with other resources
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Detailed Soil Survey of Mudawara Area
Detailed soil investigation for the purpose of land development and management, 12,000 dunums.
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Soils of Muwaqar Area, 70 pages
Detailed soil survey investigation, for the purpose of land use planning and identification of active soil degradation.
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Near East Regional Range Land Development/UNDP. (1986-1990).
(Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia).
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Co-operation in the area of soil studies
Jordan - Egyptian on Scientific Co-operation
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Study of the 1990-1991 Crop Failure in Jordan Valley
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Soil Survey and Fertility Status of Abu Dba'a/ Disi, 1992
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Jordan Base line survey of the Central Jordan Valley and Zarqa Triangle, 1993
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Final Evaluation for the National Agricultural Development Project
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Institutional Development Support Project for Agricultural Policy Implementation 1994
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The National Agricultural Research Strategy
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Jordan Badia Research and Development Program, in Jordan1995-1998
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Integrated Development. of Jordan Valley:1995-1998
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Multilateral Group on Environment: 1996-1998
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Restructuring of Ministry of Agriculture, Jordan, 1997
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Social and Economical 1998-2001 Developmental Plan in Jordan .1997
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Forum Euro-Mediterranee des Instituti Economiques- FEMISE Network 1998
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The Formulation of an Agricultural Marketing and Service Company in the Jordan Valley and Other Irrigable Area. 1997
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Jordan Agricultural Exports Development Project. 1998
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Utilization of Waste Water In Jordan- A policy Paper
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National Strategy for the Rehabilitation of Range land in Jordan, 1999
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Quality Export of Horticulture Produce From Jordan, Development Project,1999.
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The Impact of Globalization on the NARS in Jordan. 1999
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World Water Vision for Food, Expert Consultation for MENA,1999
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Soil and Water Committee. A committee established by the Prime Minister to Provide advise to Minister of Water and Irrigation on issues facing water and land in Jordan
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Mayor of Amman Round Table,2008
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Integrated Agriculture Development Plan, 2009
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- Food security in rural areas in Jordan, 2009