| | Karima Tamsaouete and Baha Alzalg | Computation | 11(3), 50 | MDPI | 2023 |
| | Baha Alzalg and Hadjer Alioui | IEEE Access | 10, 3522-3547 | IEEE | 2022 |
| | Lewa' Alzaleq, Valipuram Manoranjan, and Baha Alzalg | Mathematics | 10(3), 414 | MDPI | 2022 |
| | Baha Alzalg, Mohammad Alabedalhadi | Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization | 1-29 | Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University | 2022 |
| | Baha Alzalg and Amira Achouak Oulha | Positivity | 26:86 | Springer | 2022 |
| | Baha Alzalg and Asma Gafour | Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications | 1-26 | Springer | 2022 |
 | | Baha Alzalg | Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization | 41(8), 901-928 | Taylor and Francis | 2020 |
 | | Baha Alzalg, Asma Gafour and Lewa Alzaleq | IEEE Access | 80, 4995-5008 | IEEE | 2020 |
 | | Baha Alzalg | Optimization Letters | 14, 729-746 | Springer | 2020 |
 | | Baha Alzalg | Computational Optimization and Applications | 72(2), 363-390 | Springer | 2019 |
 | | Baha Alzalg, Khaled Badarneh, and Ayat Ababneh | Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications | 181(1), 324-346 | Springer | 2019 |
 | | Baha Alzalg | Optimization: A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research | 67(12), 2291-2323 | Taylor and Francis | 2018 |
 | | Mohammad Alabed Alhadi and Baha Alzalg | Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences | 12(3), 1-6 | Natural Sciences Publishing | 2018 |
 | | Vedat Erturk, Gul Zaman, Baha Alzalg, Anwar Zeb, and Shaher Momani | Iranian Journal of Science and Technology (Transaction A) | 41(3), 569-575 | Springer | 2017 |
 | | Baha Alzalg | Operators and Matrices | 11(1), 1-21 | Ele-math | 2017 |
 | | Baha Alzalg and Mohammad Pirhaji | Optimization: A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research | 66(12), 2245-2274 | Taylor and Francis | 2017 |
 | | Baha Alzalg and Mohammad Pirhaji | Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization | 2(2), 65-85 | Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University | 2017 |
 | | Baha Alzalg | Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications | 169(1), 32-49 | Springer | 2016 |
 | | Anwar Zeb, Gul Zaman, Vedat Suat ERTURK, Baha Alzalg, Faisal Yousafzai, Madad Khan | PLOS ONE | 11(4): e0103617 | Public Library of Science | 2016 |
 | | Baha Alzalg, Francesca Maggiono and Sebastiano Vitali | Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences | 99(11), 1603-1778 | Pushpa Publishing House | 2016 |
 | | Baha Alzalg | Applied Mathematics and Computation | 256, 494–508 | Elsevier | 2015 |
 | | Baha Alzalg and K. A. Ariyawansa | Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications | 409, 973-995 | Elsevier | 2014 |
 | | Baha Alzalg | Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications | 163(1), 148–164 | Springer | 2014 |
 | | Baha Alzalg | Applied Mathematics and Computation | 249, 1–18 | Elsevier | 2014 |
 | | Baha Alzalg | Proc. 3rd Annual Int’l Conf. Operations Research & Statistics (ORS 2013) | 115–121 | Global Science and Technology Forum – GSTF Singapore | 2013 |
| | Baha Alzalg | Applied Mathematical Modeling | 36: 5122 – 5134 | Elsevier | 2012 |
| | Baha Alzalg, C. Anghel, W. Gan, Q. Huang, M. Rahman, A. Shum, and C. Wah Wu | Proc. 2012 IEEE Int’l Symposium on Circuits and Systems | 1636 – 1639 | IEEE | 2012 |
| | Baha Alzalg and K. A. Ariyawansa | Proc. Int’l Conf. Scientific Computing (CSC’11) | 315 – 321 | CSC’11 | 2011 |
| | Mohammad Jaradat and Baha Alzalg | International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics | 1: 42 – 45 | American Research Press | 2009 |
| | Mohammad Jaradat and Baha Alzalg | SUT Journal of Mathematics | 44(2): 257 – 263 | Science University of Tokyo | 2008 |
 | | Mohammad Jaradat and Baha Alzalg | SUT Journal of Mathematics | 43(1): 85 – 98 | Science University of Tokyo | 2007 |