| | Basel A. Mahafzah | Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT) | https://doi.org/10.5455/jjcit.71-1710499327 | Scientific Research Support Fund (SRSF) in Jordan | 2024 |
 | | Marwan Al-Tawil, Basel A. Mahafzah, Arar Al Tawil, and Ibrahim Aljarah | Symmetry | https://doi.org/10.3390/sym15030764 | MDPI, Basel - Switzerland | 2023 |
 | | Hebatullah Khattab, Basel A. Mahafzah, and Ahmad Sharieh | Neural Computing and Applications | https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-022-07262-w | Springer, Switzerland | 2022 |
 | | Basel A. Mahafzah, Aryaf A. Al-Adwan, and Rawan I. Zaghloul | Telecommunication Systems | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-022-00910-5 | Springer, Switzerland | 2022 |
 | | Inas Abuqaddom, Sami Serhan, and Basel A. Mahafzah | International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications | Vol. 13(5), pp. 1002-1009 | The Science and Information Organization, England and Wales | 2022 |
 | | Ala’a Al-Shaikh, Basel A. Mahafzah, and Mohammad Alshraideh | Soft Computing | https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-021-05948-2 | Springer, Germany | 2021 |
 | | Inas Abuqaddom, Basel A.Mahafzah, and Hossam Faris | Knowledge-Based Systems | Volume 230, 107391, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2021.107391 | Elsevier | 2021 |
 | | Aryaf Al-Adwan, Rawan Zaghloul, Basel A. Mahafzah, and Ahmad Sharieh | Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing | Vol. 141, pp. 61-73 | Elsevier, USA | 2020 |
 | | Basel A. Mahafzah, Riad Jabri, and Omayya Murad | Soft Computing | pp. 1-26 | Springer, Germany | 2020 |
 | | Aryaf Al-Adwan, Basel A. Mahafzah, and An’aam Aladwan | International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications | Vol. 11(10), pp. 373–379 | The Science and Information Organization, England and Wales | 2020 |
 | | Basel A. Mahafzah and Islam O. Al-Zoubi | Telecommunication Systems | Vol. 67(1), pp. 73-93 | Springer, New York, USA | 2018 |
 | | Aryaf Al-Adwan, Basel A. Mahafzah, and Ahmad Sharieh | Journal of Supercomputing | Vol. 74(1), pp. 1-36 | Springer, New York, USA | 2018 |
 | | Aryaf Al-Adwan, Ahmad Sharieh, and Basel A. Mahafzah | Applied Intelligence | doi.org/10.1007/s10489-018-1283-2 | Springer, New York, USA | 2018 |
 | | Mais Haj Qasem, Alaa Abu Sarhan, Raneem Qaddoura, and Basel A. Mahafzah | In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Applications of Information Technology in Developing Renewable Energy Processes and Systems (IT-DREPS 2017) | pp. 52-57 | University of Petra, Amman, Jordan | 2017 |
 | | Mohammed Alshraideh, Basel A. Mahafzah, Saleh Al-Sharaeh, and Ziad M. Hawamdeh | Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence | Vol. 27(4), pp. 471-482 | Taylor & Francis, United Kingdom | 2015 |
 | | Basel A. Mahafzah, Sami I. Serhan, and Ruby Y. Tahboub | In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems (SEPADS '15) | pp. 63-70 | World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, Athens, Greece | 2015 |
 | | Basel A. Mahafzah, Sami I. Serhan, and Ruby Y. Tahboub | International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation | Vol. 9, pp. 103-112 | North Atlantic University Union, Oregon, USA | 2015 |
 | | Sherenaz W. Al-Haj Baddar and Basel A. Mahafzah | Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing | Vol. 74(1), pp. 1744-1761 | | 2014 |
 | | | Journal of Information Science | Vol. 40(3), pp. 363-375 | | 2014 |
 | | Hassan Najadat, Yasser M. Jaffal, Basel A. Mahafzah, and Safwan S. Al-Omari | International Journal of Modelling and Simulation | Vol. 34(1), pp. 15-22 | ACTA Press, Canada | 2014 |
 | | Mohammad A. Alshraideh, Basel A. Mahafzah, Hamzeh S. Eyal Salman, and Imad Salah | Journal of Software Engineering and Applications | Vol. 6(2), pp. 65-73 | Scientific Research Publishing, Irvine CA, USA | 2013 |
 | | | Journal of Supercomputing | Vol. 66(1), pp. 339-363 | | 2013 |
 | | Amer F. Al-Badarneh, Abdullah S. Al-Alaj, and Basel A. Mahafzah | Journal of Information Science | Vol. 39(5), pp. 643-660 | | 2013 |
 | | Mohammad A. Alshraideh, Ezdehar Jawabreh, Basel A. Mahafzah, Heba M. Al Harahsheh | International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications | Vol. 4(7), pp. 8-20 | The Science and Information Organization, New York, USA | 2013 |
 | | Mohammad A. Alshraideh, Hashim J. Hasan, and Basel A. Mahafzah | i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering | Vol. 8(2), pp. 7-20 | i-Manager Publications, India | 2013 |
 | | Abdel Latif Abu Dalhoum, Basel A. Mahafzah, Aiman Ayyal Awwad, Ibrahim Aldhamari, Alfonso Ortega, and Manuel Alfonseca | | Vol. 19(4), pp. 28-36 | IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA | 2012 |
 | | Basel A. Mahafzah, Azzam Sleit, Nesreen A. Hamad, Elham F. Ahmad, and Tasneem M. Abu-Kabeer | | Vol. 94(5), pp. 411-432 | | 2012 |
 | | Basel A. Mahafzah, Mohammad Alshraideh, Tasneem M. Abu-Kabeer, Elham F. Ahmad, and Nesreen A. Hamad | Computers & Electrical Engineering | Vol. 38(2), pp. 330-345 | Pergamon-Elsevier, England | 2012 |
 | | | International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems | Vol. 26(1), pp. 61-82 | Taylor & Francis, United Kingdom | 2011 |
 | | Malak Abdullah, Emad Abuelrub, and Basel A. Mahafzah | International Arab Journal of Information Technology | Vol. 8(3), pp. 334-343 | Zarka Private University, Jordan | 2011 |
 | | Mohammad Alshraideh, Basel A. Mahafzah, and Saleh Al-Sharaeh | | Vol. 19(3), pp. 489-513 | | 2011 |
 | | | Book | First Edition | LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany
| 2011 |
 | | Basel A. Mahafzah and Bashira A. Jaradat | Journal of Supercomputing
| Vol. 52(3), pp. 224-252 | | 2010 |
 | | Mohammad Alshraideh, Leonardo Bottaci, and Basel A. Mahafzah | | Vol. 18(1), pp. 109-144 | | 2010 |
 | | Basel A. Mahafzah, Ruby Y. Tahboub, and Omar Y. Tahboub | | Vol. 13(1), pp. 87-110 | | 2010 |
 | | Basel A. Mahafzah, Amer F. Al-Badarneh, and Mohammed Z. Zakaria | Journal of Information Science | Vol. 35(3), pp. 358-376 | | 2009 |
 | | Basel A. Mahafzah and Bashira A. Jaradat | Journal of Supercomputing | Vol. 46(3), pp. 276-297 | | 2008 |
 | | Rehab Duwairi, Basel A. Mahafzah, and Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'02) | Vol. III, pp. 1053-1059 | | 2002 |
 | | Basel A. Mahafzah and Eyas El-Qawasmeh
| Proceedings of the Applied Telecommunication Symposium 2002 (ATS 02)
| pp. 77-82 | The Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS), USA
| 2002 |
 | | | The 2001 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT’ 2001)
| pp. 182-187 | | 2001 |
 | | Eyas El-Qawasmeh and Basel A. Mahafzah | Journal of Object Oriented Programming | Vol. 13(11), pp. 4-10 | 101communications, CA, USA | 2001 |
 | | Eyas El-Qawasmeh and Basel A. Mahafzah | 2000 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) | Paper 231 | The Association for Information Systems (AIS), USA | 2000 |
 | | Basel A. Mahafzah and William E. Cohen
| The 1999 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA 1999)
| Vol. 5, pp. 2398-2402 | | 1999 |
 | | | | Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, The University of Alabama in Huntsville | The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, Alabama, USA
| 1999 |
 | | William E. Cohen and Basel A. Mahafzah | Proceedings of the Thirty-First Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 1998) | Vol. 7, pp. 544-553 | IEEE Computer Society, USA | 1998 |