| | Department Of Turkish Language-Faculty of Philology | Ahmet Yesevi International Turkish-Kazakh University, 2005, 2006 |
| | Department Of Turkish Language-Faculty of Philology | Ahmet Yesevi International Turkish-Kazakh University, 2004-2007 |
| | Department Of Asian Languages - Faculty of Foreign Languages | Jordan University, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022 |
| | Faculty of Foreign Language | Jordan University, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022 |
| | Symposium on Commonalities between Arabs and Turks | Yunus Emre Institute and Jordan University, 2013 |
| | Turkish-English Section | Department of Asian Languages-Faculty of Foreign Languages-Jordan University, from 2012-2013 until 2018-2019, 2021-2022 |
| | I. International Research Symposium on the Turkish World | Nigde/TURKEY: 18-21 March 2014 |
| | Depatment of Asian Languages | Academic Day of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, 2011-2012; 2012-2013 |
| | Department of Asian Languages | Faculty Of Foreign Languages, 2011-2012, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 |
| | Proceedings Book of The International Symposium on Common Arabic and Turkish Values | Yunus Emre Enstitüsü, Ankara/TURKEY, 2014 |
| | International Symposium on Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Langeuage | 11-12 June, Warsaw/ POLAND, 2015 |
| | Department of Asian Languages | Summer semester 2014-2015, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2020-2021, 2021-2022 |
| | Conference: Jerusalem in Modern World Literature | Faculty of Foreign Languages/ University of Jordan, 2015-2017 |
| | “International Symposium on Social Sciences-I3S” | October, 4-6, 2018\ Nevsehir/TURKEY |
| | The Journal of Turkish Language and Literature Studies | 2018 |
| | The Journal of Turkish Language and Literature Studies | 2017 |
| | JILSES | Since 2015 |
| | Anemon | Since 2016 |
| | The 4th International Conference TUDAS | 2017 |
| | The Journal of Turkish Language and Literature Studies | Since 2017 |
| | Journal - Soylem | Since 2016 |
| | TURKLAD | October 2020 |
| | Russian Cultural Center | October 28, 2018 Russian Cultural Center, Amman / JORDAN |
| | "Salmaqti Suhbat" International Program in Kazakh, Russian, Turkish and English Languages | Information about Jordan, Education System of Jordan and the University of Jordan-December 10, 2020 - Kazakhstan |
| | Journal - Soylem | since 2020 |
| | Akademik Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi | since January 2020 |
| | Dirasat | April 2021 |
| | Sınırsız Eğitim ve Araştırma Derneği(SEAD) Limitless Education and Research Association (LERA) | June 17-50, 2021 |
| | Turkiyat Mecmuasi | 2020 |
| | International Scientific and Practical Conference “Independent Kazakhstan: Current Issues of Linguistics, Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Translation” | November 19, 2021
| | Turkiyat Mecmuasi | March 2022 |