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Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference
University of Salford, UKMay 2008Participant
Best poster prize at International Royal College of Nursing Conference (RCN)
Liverpool 8th -11th of April 2008Participant
3rd International Nursing and Health sciences conference. Entitled: ‘Innovation and Sustainability in Virtual Education Practice and Research
Virtual Saudi Arabia2021Participant
31st International Conference on Nursing Practice
Netherlands. Webinar2020 Participant
Global neurology and neuroscience Conference
Annual Congress on Mental Health
• Speaker at The Hashemite University Nursing Scientific day. 1st February
• Presenter at the 7th International Conference of the Royal Medical Services. Dead Sea-Jordan. 5-9 Nov
• Speaker at the 4th World Conference on Psychology, Counseling and Guidance, WCPCG. Istanbul-Turkey, 24-26 May, 2013.
• Speaker at 6th International Conference of the Royal Medical Services. Dead Sea-Jordan. 19-22 Nov
• Speaker at the 21st International Net working Education in Health care conference. The end of life care continuum: ethics and pragmatics for health professional education. The University of Cambridge, UK: 7-9/ September, (2010)
• Speaker at the Third Regional Congress of Cancer and Blood Disorders of Children. JSPO. Amman-Jordan, April 17th, (2010)
Best oral presentation at Postgraduate Research in Science and Medicine (North west UK) (PRISM 2008) conference which took place in Liverpool.
North west UK2008Participant
Long, T. Fenton, G. and AL-Gamal, E.
BlackPool Childrens' Trust. UK.
BlackPool, UK.2008Lecturer
Long T, Livesley  J, Devitt  P, Murphy M, Fallon D, Al Gamal E.
Trafford Children and Young People's Service (CYPS)
Best oral presentation at Postgraduate Research in Science and Medicine (PRISM 2007) conference which took place in Chester
North west UK2007Participant
AL Gamal, E., Sabbah, E.
Wrightington Hospital
UK 2006Lecturer
Al Gamal, E. et al.
International RCN Research conf.
Glasgow (UK)2006Lecturer