| | Osama M. Rababah and Fawaz .A. Masoud | | 2010(2010), P. 1-9 | Published by IBIMA Publishing, USA. | 2010. |
 | | 1. Fawaz Ahmad Masoud, Imad Khaled Salah, Obeidat Abdel-Salamt, Alaa Abu Khalil and Oqeili Saleh. | the Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, | 7, P.367-380 | | 2008 |
 | | 2. Fawaz A. M. Masoud, Qatawneh Mohammad, Wesam Almobaideen, Alshraideh Mohammad, Nabil Abu Hashish, Oraib Megdady, Shatha Al-Asir, and Shorouq AlAdaileh, | the European Journal of Scientific Research | | | 2008 |
 | | 3. Hani Mahmoud Mimi, Wesam Almobaideen, Fawaz Ahmad Masoud, and Emad Qaddoura, | the journal of Computer Communications, 30 (1931-1041), Indexed by Thomson ISI, Elsevier publication, | 30, P. 1931-1041 | | 2007 |
 | | 4. M. Al-Towaiq, Fawaz A. M. Masoud , A. B. Mnaouer, and K. DAY, | the International Journal of Modeling and Simulation | | | 2007 |
 | | 7. Fawaz A. M. Masoud, Said Abu Shaar, Ayman Murad and Ghassan Kanaan, | the International Journal of Computer Science, Science Publication, New York, USA | | | 2006 |
 | | 8. Said Abu Shaar, Fawaz A. M. Masoud, Ayman Murad, Riyad AL Shalabi and Ghassan Kanaan, | the International Journal of Computer Science, Science Publication, New York, USA | | | 2006 |
 | | 5. Al-Saleh M. F. and, Fawaz A. M. Masoud | the Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation | | | 2003 |
| | 9. A. B. Mnaouer, K. DAY, M. Al-Towaiq, F. A. Masoud | Journal for Scientific Research, Science and Technology | | | 2003 |
 | | 6. Al-Wohaibi M. A., Fawaz Ahmad Masoud, Edwards H. M, | the Journal of Global Information Management | Vol. 10, No. 4 | | 2002 |
 | | • Mustafa S. H. And Fawaz Ahmad Masoud, | the Journal of Systems and Software | | | 2001 |
 | | 10. A. Al-Ayyoub, Masoud F. A., | North-Holland | Vol. 55 | | 2000 |
| | 11. Mustafa S. H. And Masoud F. A., | the Journal of Basic Science and Engineering | Vol. 9, No. 1, | | 2000 |
| | 12. Masoud F. A., | the Journal of Science and Technology | | | 1999 |
| | 13. Masoud F. A., and Abdelrahman AL-Thuhli, | Journal of institute of mathematics and computer sciences, (computer science series) | 2 | | 1998 |
| | 14. Masoud F. A., and Shaikh M. U., | Journal of institute of mathematics and computer sciences, (computer science series), | 2 | | 1995 |
| | Shaikh M. U., Mustafa S. H., and Masoud F. A., | Journal of institute of mathematics and computer science (computer science series), | 2 | | 1995 |
| | 16. Masoud F. A., and Shaikh M. U., | Journal of institute of mathematics and computer sciences, (computer science series), | 2 | | 1995 |