| | Lubna Burohaima, Ghaleb Rabab'ah , Sanaa Benmessaoud | Babel | 1, 2409 | John Benjamins | 2025 |
| | Ghaleb Rabab’ah, Sharif Alghazo, Reem Al-Hajji and Samer Jarbou | Cogent Arts & Humanities | 11(1), 2350814 | Taylor and Francis | 2024 |
| | Ghaleb Rabab'ah , Sane Yagi , Sharif Alghazo , Rima Malkawi | Journal of Intercultural Communication | 24(2), 12-25 | ICR Publications ltd, United Kingdom | 2024 |
| | Wafa Alhammadi, Ghaleb Rabab'ah and Sharif Alghazo | KEMANUSIAAN: The Asian Journal of Humanities | 31(1), 149-176 | Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia | 2024 |
| | Ghaleb Rabab'ah, Mariam Cheikh, Mutasim Al-Deaibes | Open Cultural Studies | 8(1), 20240006 | De Gruyter | 2024 |
| | Ghaleb Rabab'ah, Asmaa Hussein and Samer Jarbou | International Journal for the Semiotics of Law | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11196-024-10158-8 | Springer | 2024 |
| | Samer Jarbou, Ghaleb Rabab'ah and Mohammed Abu Gubu | Journal of Pragmatics | 225, 48-62 | Elsevier | 2024 |
| | Ghaleb Rabab'ah, Sane Yagi and Sharif Alghazo | Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research | 12 (1): 107-129 | Urmia University, IRAN | 2024 |
| | Mariam Cheikh & Ghaleb Rabab'ah | Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University | 59(2), 34-54 | Southwest Jiaotong University | 2024 |
| | Wafa Alhammadi; Ghaleb Rabab'ah; Sharif Alghazo | KEMANUSIAAN | 31(1): 149–176 | Universiti Sains Malaysia | 2024 |
| | Aya Kred & Ghaleb Rabab'ah | Cogent Arts and Humanities | 11(1): 2366571 | Taylor & Francis | 2024 |
| | Ghaleb Rababah, Kaouther Nesba, Sharif Alghazo, Nimer Abusalim Mohammad Rayyan
| Frontiers in Communication | 9 : https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2024.1409580 | Frontiers | 2024 |
| | Amal Al-Khawaldeh & Ghaleb Rabab'ah | Jordan Journal of Modern Languages and Literature | 16(2): 337–360. | Yarmouk University | 2024 |
| | RIma Jamil Malkawi, Shehdeh Fareh, Ghaleb Rabab'ah | Humanities and Social Sciences Communications | 11, 1276 | Springer Nature | 2024 |
| | Lobna, Burohaima, Ghaleb Rabab'ah, Sanaa Benmessaoud | Babel | 00 | John Benjamins | 2024 |
| | Mohammad Ali Salah Bani Younes, Alaa' M. Smadi, Ali Farhan AbuSeileek, Ghaleb Rabab'ah | International Journal of Arabic-English Studies (IJAES) | 23(2) - 195-210 | Librairie du Liban Publishers | 2023 |
| | Rabab’ah, Ghaleb., Kessar, Sara. & Abusalim, Nimer | Journal of Psycholinguistic Research | 52 | Springer | 2023 |
| | Ghaleb Rabab'ah & Sewar Al-Qudah | Heliyon | 8(2) | Elsevier | 2022 |
| | Shahd Dibas; Ghaleb Rabab'ah, Ahmad Haider | International Journal for the Semiotics of Law | 35(5) 1-19 | SPRINGER NATURE | 2022 |
| | Ghaleb Rabab'ah, Rajai Al-Khanji, Muradi Bataineh | Kervan - International Journal of African and Asian Studies | 26/1: 227-251 | University of Rurin, Italy | 2022 |
| | NEH Ben Yaqoub, S Alghazo, ARM Altakhaineh, Ghaleb Rabab'ah | Kervan - International Journal of African and Asian Studies | 26/1 : 253-275 | University of Tulin, Italy | 2022 |
| | Ghaleb Rabab'ah And Rose Fowler Al-Hawamdeh | Joournal of Psycholinguistic Research | 49 | Springer | 2020 |
| | Noor El-Yasin & Ghaleb Rabab'ah | Babel: International Journal of Translation | 63(2) | John Benjamin
| 2019 |
| | Bayan Rababah; Ghaleb Rababah; Tasnim Naimi | Kemanusaan: The asian Journal of Humanities | 26(1) | Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia | 2019 |
| | Ghaleb Rababah; Nusiebah Alali | Journal of Politeness Research | Issue 1, 2020 | Degruyter | 2019 |
| | Noor Al-Yasin and Ghaleb Rababah | International Journal of Arabic-English Studies | 18(1) | | 2018 |
 | | Ghaleb Rabab'ah; Malak Khawaldeh | DIRASAT: Human and Social Sciences | 43 (2) | Deanship of Scientific Research, The University of Jordan | 2016 |
 | | Ghaleb Rabab'ah; Bayan Rabab'ah; Nour Suleiman | Teaching English with Technology | 2 | IATEFL | 2016 |
 | | Ghaleb Rabab'ah; Noor Al-Yasin | Dirasat: Human & Social Sciences | 2016 | Deanship of Scientific Research, The University of Jordan | 2016 |
 | | Ghaleb Rabab'ah, Ali AbuSeileek, Francisco Proenza, Saif Al-Rababah, Omar Fraihat | Chapter 2 in
Public Access ICT across Cultures
Diversifying Participation in the Network Society.
Edited by Francisco J Proenza | Book Chapter --- pp. 11-34 | | 2015 |
 | | Ghaleb Rabab'ah | Journal of Psycholinguistic Research | 45 (3) | Springer | 2015 |
 | | Ghaleb Rabab'ah & Ronza Abu Rumman | Prague Journal of English Studies | Vol. 4, No. 1 | The Journal of Charles University, Czech Republic | 2015 |
 | | Rabab'ah, Ghaleb | International Journal of Innovation and Learning | 15 | Inderscience Publishers | 2014 |
 | | Ghaleb Rabab'ah, Ahmed Al-Marshadi | nternational Education Studies | 6 (7), p. 78 | Canadian Center of Science and Education | 2013 |
 | | Ghaleb Rabab'ah | English Language Teaching (ELT) | 6 (6), p. 123. | Canadian Center of Science and Education | 2013 |
 | | Ghaleb Rabab'ah & Ali AbuSeileek | Journal of Teaching English with Technology | 1, pp. 42-61 | IATEFL, POLAND | 2013 |
 | | Rabab'ah, Ghaleb | Journal of Education, Business & Society | Vol. 6, Issue 3/4 | Emerald | 2013 |
 | | Ghaleb Rabab'ah & Ali AbuSeileek | Research in Language | 10 (4), pp. 445-460 | De Gruyter | 2012 |
 | | Ghaleb Rabab'ah & Ali Al-Qarni | Journal of Pragmatics | 44 (6), pp. 730-743 | Elsevier | 2012 |
 | | Eman Safadi & Ghaleb Rabab'ah | International Journal of Language Studies
| Vol. 6 Issue 2, p1 | EBSCO | 2012 |
 | | | Babel: International Journal of Translation | , Vol. 54, Issue 1 | | 2008 |
 | | 2. Abu Seileek, A. & G. Rabab ah | The JALT-CALL Journal | 3 (12) | | 2007 |
| | 3. Bulut, D & Rabab ah, G. | JALT Call Journal | Vol. 3, pp. 49-73 | | 2007 |
 | | 4. Rabab ah, G. and D. Bulut | Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, Poland. | | | 2007 |
| | 6. Rabab ah, G. & M. Zughoul | Ages: Journal of Historical, Archaeological and Civilization | | | 2007 |
 | | Yasser Al-Tamimi and Ghaleb Rababah | Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics | 43/2 pp. 5-21 | Versita | 2007 |
 | | | . The Educational Journal, Kuwait University/Kuwait | Issue 74, Vol. 19, pp. 11 - 57. | | 2005 |
 | | | Journal of Language and Learning, United Kingdom | Vol. 3, No. 1, (pp. 180 – 197). | | 2005 |
 | | | Proceedings of the International Seminar on Languages and Translation: Realities and Aspirations, Imam Mohammed University, Riyadh, | | | 2005 |
| | Ghaleb Rababah | Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics (IJOAL) | 31 (2) | Bahri Publications | 2005 |
 | | Rabab ah, G. and P. Seedhouse | ARECLS Journal, University of Newcastle upon Tyne – UK | | University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK | 2004 |
| | | ITL: International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Belgium, | Vol. 145-146, (pp. 145-164). | | 2004 |