No. Paper title
(Issue, Vol, Year, Page) Authors Names Journal Name Indexed IN
1 The Effects of Information Technology on the Role of Emotions in Acquisition and Transmission of Moral Knowledge
Hasan Isawi, Ahmad Alahmad, Alia Alsaadi, Moh'D Samkari science Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Science and Technology Studies Vol. 13, No. 01; 2019
Evaluating the Visual Pollution in Urban 1Corridors - Case of Al-Madina Al-Munawara Corridor, Amman
Lamis k. Shaban, Sarinaz Suleiman, Dania Abdel-Aziz, Hasan Isawi Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology Published: August 15, 2018
Maxwell Scientific Publication Corp.
3 Nurturing Students Design Skill through Analogy and Metaphor Reasoning
Sarinaz S. Suleiman, Hasan Y. Isawi, Wael W. Al-Azhari, Lamis k. Shaban Journal of Engineering and Architecture 5(2), pp. 54-65
التشبيه والاستعارة في التصميم المعماري
حسن العيسوي، سريناز سليمان مجلة دراسات مجلد 44 عدد 2
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