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Pavement types and usage, pavement performance, stresses and strain in flexible pavement, stresses and strains in rigid pavement, Traffic loading and other design variables, Materials characterization, Flexible pavement design methods, Rigid pavement design methods, Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide, Nondestructive testing and overlay design, Superpave design method/ Pavement Management
4th year
Highway systems, highway evaluation, driver, pedestrian and vehicle characteristics, traffic characteristics, geometric alignment, roadside design, intersections and interchanges design, drainage and drainage structures, contracts and supervision, traffic accidents and safety, parking, pedestrian, speed, travel time and traffic volume studies, traffic signals and control devices.
3rd year
Measures of Central Tendency, Dispersion, Common Distributions. Probabilities, Central Limit Theorem, Classical Hypothesis Testing Techniques, Confidence Intervals, Two-Group and Paired Experiments, Equality of 2 variances, Two Group Experiments with Unequal Variances, The Analysis of Variance for CRD (or one way classification), Interval Estimation, Testing Homogeneity of Variance and Multiple Comparisons, Simple Linear Regression Analysis.
CBR machine automatic compactor, using for evaluate California bearing ratio. UTM apparatus, using for creep test, indirect tensile test, B.S fatigue, Beam fatigue. Centrifuge device, using for extraction of mix asphalt. Marshall Compactor apparatus, using for compaction of mix asphalt. Stability and flow apparatus. Fire and Flash point apparatus. Penetration of asphalt cements apparatus. Ductility of asphalt cements apparatus. Benkelman beam apparatus. British pendulum tester Softening point (ring and ball). Speed gun radar apparatus.
Characteristics of transportation supply and demand; measuring and estimating demand; social and environmental impacts; planning of transportation systems; characteristics of transportation modes; interaction between modes; mode interfaces; transportation technology; economics; public policy, implementation and management. Air transportation: Airport planning, aircraft characteristics, airport configuration, landing area, airport capacity, and terminal area planning. Rail transportation: Cross sections, horizontal and vertical alignments superelevation, trains speed, rail sections, joints and crossings. Water transportation: Harbor types, harbor components, and harbor site selection.
5th year
Major elements of feasibility studies. Principles of engineering Economy. Equivalence and compound interest formula. Single payment model. Uniform payment model. Gradient payment model. Exponential payment model. Decision criteria for single and multiple alternatives: present worth, annual worth, future worth, internal rate of return, benefit cost ratio and payback methods. Income-tax effect on decision making Management concepts, management cycle. Theories of management. Project scheduling techniques using Gantt and Precedence methods.
4th year
Introduction to Statistics, Types of Variables, Measures of Central Tendency, Dispersion, Common Distributions. Probabilities, Central Limit Theorem, Classical Hypothesis Testing Techniques, Confidence Intervals, Two-Group and Paired Experiments, Equality of 2 variances, , Interval Estimation, Simple Linear Regression Analysis.
2nd year
the theory and practice of highway geometric design, including design controls, horizontal and vertical alignments, intersections, interchanges, and cross sections. Driver ability, vehicle performance, and safety are considered. Advanced topics such as three-dimensional sight distance, intersection control, safety audits, value engineering, design flexibility, design consistency, and reliability analysis are discussed. Unconventional topics such as unconventional intersection design, Intelligent transportation systems and traffic calming are also discussed.
Course Introduction, History of Airport Engineering, Aircraft Technology in Airport Engineering, Aircraft Technology, Aircraft Performance Evaluation, Air Traffic Control Systems, Airport Master Planning, Forecasting in Airport Planning, Airport Configuration Design, Wind Rose Analysis/Site Selection, Geometric Design (Runways), Geometric Design (Taxiways/Aprons), Airport Demand Modeling, Airfield Capacity and Delay, Airport Terminal Configurations, Terminal Design, Environmental Factors, Noise Modeling, Pavement Design, Lighting and Marking, Air Cargo Terminals.
Introduction to Traffic Engineering and Emerging Issues and Trends: Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), Preserving Facility Function, Access Management, Congestion Management, Mobility and Congestion, Environmental Impacts. Traffic Stream Components and Characteristics: Microscopic Traffic Characteristics (time and distance headways, speed), Macroscopic Traffic Characteristics (flow, density, speed). Demand and Supply Analysis, Car-following model, Lane-changing model, Gap-acceptance model, Lane-choice model, Models of intersection controls. Traffic Flow Theory: Shock Wave Analysis, Queuing Analysis. Traffic Studies and Statistical Applications: Volume, Speed, Accident Studies. Capacity Concept and Level of Service for Freeways