| | Wedad ABU ADI, Mohammed HIYASSAT, Natalija LEPKOVA. | Journal of Civil Engineering and Management | ISSN 1392-3730 / eISSN 1822-3605 2021 Volume 27 Issue 4: 246–259 | Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University | 2021 |
| | GJ Sweis, A Hiari, M Thneibat, M Hiyassat, WS Abu-Khader, RJ Sweis | Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering | 15 (2) | Jordan University of Science and Technology | 2021 |
| | Ahmad M. Alkhateeb; Khaled Hesham Hyari; Mohammed A. Hiyassat
| Construction Innovation | volume 21, issue 4, 576-591 | © Emerald Publishing Limited
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| | Sweis, Ghaleb J;Hiari, Ahmad; Thneibat, Mujahed; Hiyassat, Mohammed; Abu-Khader, Waleed Sh; Sweis, Rateb. | Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering | volume 15, issue 2 | Jordan Universitty of Science and Technology | 2021 |
| | Aljebory, Karim M; Matarneh, Sandra; Hiyassat, Mohammed. | Al-Qalam Journal | Volume 3, Issue 5 | Institute of Islamic Studies | 2019 |
| | Hatamleh, Muhammad T; Hiyassat, Mohammed; Sweis, Ghaleb Jalil; and Sweis, Rateb Jalil | Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
| Vol. 25 No. 1, pp. 113-131. https://doi.org/10.1108/ECAM-10-2016-0232 | Emerald Publishing Limited | 2018 |
| | Khraisat, Alaa, Sweis, Rateb J;Saleh, Rawan; Suifan, Taghreed; Hiyassat, Mohammed; Sarea, Adel. | International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management | volume 22, number 3, pages 281--308. | Inderscience Publishers | 2017 |
| | Sweis, Ghaleb; Hiyassat, Mohammad; Al-Hroub, Fares F. | Construction Innovation | Vol. 16 No. 4, pp. 446-459. https://doi.org/10.1108/CI-04-2015-0024 | Emerald Group Publishing Limited | 2016 |
| | Omar, Bayan; Hiyassat, Mohammed; Sweis, Ghaleb J; Abdallah, Ayman B; Saleh, Rawan; Sweis, Rateb | Interdisciplinary Environmental Review | volume 17, number 3-4, pages 209--231 | Inderscience Publishers (IEL) | 2016 |
| | Hiyassat, Mohammed A; Hiyari, Montaser A; Sweis, Ghaleb. | International Journal of Construction Management | volume 16, number 2, pages 138--149 | Taylor & Francis | 2016 |
| | Sweis, G.J.: Sweis, R.: Abuhussein, R.R. and Hiyassat, M. and Suifan, T.S | Life Science Journal | volume 11, number 2s, pages 54--65 | Marsland Press / Zhengzhou University | 2014 |
 | | Rumman, Malek Abu; Hiyassat, Mohammad; Alsmadi, Bashar; Jamrah, Ahmad; Alqam, Maha. | Construction Innovation. | Vol 9, Number 3. | Emerald Group Publishing Limited | 2009 |
| | Abu Rumman, Malik; Hiyasat, Mohammed; Sweis, Ghaleb; Sweis, Rateb. | Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal | volume 20, number 6, pages 696--711. | | 2009 |
| | Mohammed A. Salem Hiyassat | “Dirasat, Engineering Sciences, | Volume30, No. 2, 2003 | The University of Jordan. | 2003 |
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 | | Hiyassat, M. A. S., and Rawajfeh, K. | The Engineering Economist. | Vol.46. No.3, 2001. | American Society for Engineering Education and Institute of Industrial Engineers. | 2001 |
 | | Mohammed A. Salem Hiyassat | Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers | Vol. 126 No. 4, August 2000. | American Society of Civil Engineers. | 2000 |
 | | | International Journal of Project Management. | Vol. 18, No. 4, 2000 | Elsevier Science Ltd and IPMA. | 2000 |
| | Hiyassat, M. A. S., and Talhoni, B., T. | Abhath Al-Yarmouk, Basic Sciences and Engineering Series. | Vol. 9, No. 2, pp 133 - 147. | | 2000 |
| | | Dirasat, Natural and Engineering Sciences. The University of Jordan. | Vol. 25 No. 2. 1998. | The University of Jordan. | 1998 |
| | Hiyassat, Mohammed A. and Tantawi, H | Al-Balka Journal of Research and Studies, Amman University | Vol. 2, No 2 | | 1994 |
| | Tantawi, H. and Hiyassat, Mohammed A. | Mu’tah Journal for Research Studies | Vol. 8 | | 1993 |
| | Hiyassat, Mohammed A. and Assad, A.H | Dirasat for Engineering And Technology Journal. | Vol.19B, No.4. | | 1992 |
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| | Hiyassat, Mohammed A; Alkasagi, Fatima; El-Mashaleh, Mohammad; Sweis, Ghaleb J. | International Journal of Construction | DOI: 10.1080/15623599.2020.1728605 | Taylor \& Francis | |