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Fundamentals of curriculum and syllabus design; types of syllabi and curricula; curriculum evaluation; social, political, economic, cognitive aspects of English curriculum; analysis of individual cases in English curricula; recent trends in English curricula; educational reform and the development of English curricula in Jordan.
Basic concepts of communicative approach to oral skills; specific features of spoken discourse; intonation and stress (segmental and suprasegmental features); paralinguistic features in oral communication; discourse markers and communication strategies; aspects of listening comprehension; specific methods related to the teaching of spoken skills (role-play and drama, discussions, debates) use of videos and multimedia; functions and notions in spoken English.
The nature of reading as an interactive process; the psychology of reading; types of reading (speed, critical, skimming and scanning); text analysis; typology of texts for the teaching of reading; strategies of reading; word-attack skills; authenticity of texts; purposes of reading; reading and genre; reading in content areas. Writing as a process versus product; Rhetorical aspects of writing (audience and purpose); writing strategies; modes of writing; creative writing; writing across curriculum, reading and writing connections.
Schools and theories of foreign second language learning; socio-psychological, and cultural aspects of language learning; first versus second language acquisition and learning; reasons and purposes for language classroom; stages in language teaching and learning.
This course is concerned with introducing basic concepts in evaluation; kinds of evaluation: formative, summative and diagnostic; test types; alternative types of testing: portfolios, project work sheets; psychometric tests: validity and reliability; test item analysis.
Issues in the learning and teaching of grammar; functional orientation in the teaching of grammar; grammar as a communicative resource to serve meaning, not set of rules; language systems in English; the role of grammar in coherent texts; analyzing texts by means of systemic-functional frameworks (such as Theme-Rheme Analysis and Contextual Configuration Framework).
This course deals with a number of issues that English language teachers and students face in the EFL classrooms ,such as: using the first language in teaching and the learning a second language; dealing with the multi-level classes with regard to achievement; the balance between language skills and language components; language as a skill or a school subject, consistency between theory and practice in language teaching and learning; teaching English to large classes; using the communicative approach, using technology & multimedia in language learning and teaching .
This course aims to introduce students to: Strategies of academic writing and its basic skills; types and genres of academic writing; dealing with problems encountered by graduate students in academic and professional writing.
التعريف بالمبادئ العامة في الإدارة الصفية وأهميتها وطبيعة المشكلات التي تواجه المعلم والمتعلقة في إدارته لسلوك الطلبة وللنشاطات التعليمية التعلمية. الأسباب العامة المسؤولة عن ظهور المشكلات الصفية وصعوبات الإدارة الصفية، وهذا يشمل: خصائص الطلبة، طبيعة بيئة التعلم المادية والنفسية، خصائص المعلم. اتجاهات معاصرة في الإدارة الصفية والنموذج الشامل في الضبط المدرسي.
بكالوريوس ثانية/ ثالثة
يبحث هذا المساق في مفهوم المنهاج المدرسي وتاريخ تطورة واهميتة، وكذلك الاسس العامه التي ينبغي مراعاتها عند تخطيطه (كالأساس الاجتماعي، المعرفي، النفسي والفلسفي). كما يبحث ايضا في بنية وتنظيم المنهاج المدرسي (الاهداف، المحتوى، الانشطه، الوسائل التعليميه،طرق التدريس والتقويم)، مع اشارات ملائمة لمناهج التعليم في المدارس الأردنية.
بكلوريوس -ثانية
يهدف هذا المساق إلى معرفة مفهوم المهارات الدراسية وأهميتها للتعلم وأساليب الدراسة الفعالة، مهارات الإصغاء والمشاركة وأخذ الملاحظات والاستيعاب القرائي والتمثيل البصري للمعلومات وكتابة التقارير. كما يهدف المساق إلى تزويد الطالب بمهارات تصميم وإجراء البحوث اللازمة للعملية التربوية بأنواعها المختلفة.
يكالوريوس ثانية
This course deals with training ESL student teachers in different teaching areas, such as planning for teaching, using instructional materials, classroom management, and evaluation. It also helps them to adapt themselves psychologically and socially as prospective teachers. Training takes the form of certain successive which include general observations of school and classrooms observations of English classes, partial teaching and whole period teaching in English. This training is guided and supervised by cooperative teachers, trainers and staff from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction
بكالوريوس -رابعة
تتناول هذه المادة مفهوم البحث الإجرائي وأهميته، وتطوره، وتطبيقاته، التوجهات الجارية في البحث الإجرائي، مراحل إجرائه، جمع البيانات وتحليلها، موضوعات الصدق والثبات والقابلية للتعميم في البحوث الإجرائية، الأخلاقيات في البحث الإجرائي، مصادر المعلومات في البحث الإجرائي، كتابة تقرير البحث الإجرائي.
دبوم مهني بعد البكالوريوس
English (101) is a three-credit hour university requirement course in English communication skills. This course is meant to be both remedial and preparatory. It is remedial in the sense that it represents a rapid review of those language functions and structures that are essential for successful communication in both speech and writing. On the other hand, it is preparatory in the sense that it is meant to prepare students to pursue specialized courses taught through the medium of English, and benefit from library resource in English. Throughout the course, the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing are emphasized, with the aim of influencing students’ communicative skills positively. Emphasis will also be placed on meta-linguistic communication, such as tone of voice, posture, facial expressions, gestures, persuasiveness, employment of factual or logical evidence, etc.
بكالوريوس ثانية
English (102) is a continuation of English (101) in the sense that it builds upon all the skills communicative developed in English (101),listening, speaking, reading and writing. It has an identical structure in terms of format and teaching methodology. The overall objective of the two courses is to enable students to communicate effectively in English both orally and in writing and to make effective use of library resources transmitted through the medium of English, and to be effective communicators.
بكالوريوس ثانية/ ثالثة
This is a non-credit course offered at the low intermediate level to develop the students’ ability in the four basic language skills, with special emphasis on reading and writing. The materials and activities included in the course are designed to improve the students' use of English for academic & communicative purpose.
This course is concerned with developing the students’ writing from the paragraph to the essay. It also aims at guiding students through logical steps necessary for creating a finished essay developed through description, exemplification, classification, comparison and contrast, definition, cause and effect and logical division
بكالوريوس ثانية/ ثالثة
English as a foreign language The course aims at training students to teach English as a second language. It explores the different methods and strategies that are used to teach English as a second language. It focuses on how to teach the four basic skills of language (reading, writing, speaking, and listening). Furthermore, the course aims at introducing students to the characteristics of a successful/unsuccessful class of English as a second language.
دبوم مهني بعد البكالوريوس
This course introduces students to the English syntactic structures in terms of functions (subject, direct object, indirect object, subject complement, etc.) and categories (NP, VP, Adj. PP etc.). It also highlights sentence types (simple, compound, complex)
بكالوريوس ثانية/ ثالثة
Training students to translate various types of texts from English into idiomatic Arabic. Students will be presented with different text types ranging from texts of a general nature to those which are more specialized. In addition to the effective techniques of translation, students will learn how to consider other important elements pertaining to structural relations and contextuality.
يكالوريوس ثانية/ثالثة
English Linguistics An introduction to Linguistic Science: Its aims, aspects and relation to other social disciplines. Furthermore, the course aims at acquainting the students with the nature of human language, its characteristics, functions and components. A fairly detailed study of language components will be presented within the overall framework of modern linguistic theories, in particular the Structural and the Generative Schools. Throughout the course, emphasis will be on the components of English
بكالوريوس ثانية